
美 [stoʊk]英 [stəʊk]
  • n.斯托克;【物】沲
  • v.给…添加(燃料);煽动;激起;促使…的增加
  • 网络司炉;斯托克城;史笃城

第三人称单数:stokes 现在分词:stoking 过去式:stoked




1.~ sth (up) (with sth)给…添加(燃料)to add fuel to a fire, etc.

2.~ sth (up)煽动;激起to make people feel sth more strongly

3.~ sth (up)促使…的增加;刺激…的发展;加剧to make sth increase or develop more quickly


斯托克Stoke)共有两支联赛球队,另一队是斯托克城,两队的球场相距约5英里,在球迷支持、球队资产以至成就,韦尔 …


GRE 同义词总结大全 ... nonflammable adj. 不易燃的 | stoke v 添加燃料,司炉,吞食 flask n. 烧瓶,细颈瓶 | ...


斯托克城Stoke)球员希金博瑟姆(Danny Higginbotham)称球队一定能够在周六对阵女王公园巡游者(QPR)的比赛中取 …

运动粘度的单位是Stokes,即斯托克斯,简称斯或托.厘沲是Stoke)的百分之一,简写cSt。求助知友moshouzhengba4 |六 …


史笃城Stoke)《1890-1891年新特兰艾伦比亚(Sunderland Albion)《1889-1891年》 华素尔(Walsall Town Swifts)《188…


石油英语词汇(S7)--石油百科 ... STOIIP 储罐原始地质储量 stoke 烧火;加煤于 stokehold 锅炉舱;炉前 ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(S11) ... stoke hold 锅炉舱 stoke 生火 stoke 斯 ...


GRE 同义词总结大全 ... nonflammable adj. 不易燃的 | stoke v 添加燃料,司炉,吞食 flask n. 烧瓶,细颈瓶 | ...

It's going to be tough at Stoke but we will have to stand up and fight, stick together and if we get a win, that would be a superb result. 客战斯托克城的比赛不会轻松,但我们一定会振作精神,同心协力,全力以赴。如果能获胜,那将是非常棒的结果。
But foreign officials at the meeting raised doubts about Beijing's proposal, which could stoke contention over who pays and how much. 但是,外国官员在会议上提出了怀疑北京的提议,这可能引发了争论谁支付多少钱。
We are really disappointed to be out of the FA Cup, but we cannot talk too much about this because we have an important game against Stoke. 我们真的非常失望被淘汰出足总杯,但是我们不能谈论太多这场比赛的失利,因为我们还有与斯托克城重要的比赛。
However Stoke are good on set-pieces generally so I wouldn't instruct my players to kick it out for a corner rather than a throw-in. 然而,斯托克在定位球上通常也很优秀,所以我不会教导我的球员给他们一个角球而不是一个边线球。
China reaffirmed its current policy stance, giving no hint that it was ready to stoke domestic demand by letting the yuan rise. 中国则是重申目前的政策立场,丝毫没有暗示准备让人民币升值以刺激内需。
Kenny Dalglish insists he has no issue with Stoke City's style of football - insisting it is up to their opponents to deal with it. 肯尼达格利什坚持他对斯托克城踢球风格没有什么好争议的,他坚信,怎样踢球是他对手的事情。
They've got to improve. You know what you're going to get from Stoke. 你知道你将从斯托克哪里得到什么。
And the Londoner's post-match comments hardly screamed out 'class' or 'dignity'. "It was a triumph for Stoke's way of playing, " he said. 就连伦敦的赛后评论都少有的惊呼“等级”或者“尊严”。“这是斯托克城式的伟大胜利”他说。
Just as they tried to stoke a Shiite-Sunni civil war in Iraq, and failed, they are now trying to stoke a Hindu-Muslim civil war in India. 正如他们曾经企图在伊拉克境内煽动起什叶派和逊尼派之间的内战却失败了,现在他们又企图在印度煽动起印度教和穆斯林之间的内战。
You know you will be in for a very physical game when you come to Stoke but we battled well until they scored. 你知道你做客斯托克,你就知道一场绞肉机式的比赛,但是直到他们破门得分前,我们都非常出色。
But it would be likely to stoke resentment in the north, which would fear being cut out of the oil wealth. 但这很可能会招致苏丹北部的不满,他们担心石油财富被切断。
I don't think it was [one of our best performances] this season. Stoke City, Tottenham and Wigan were all excellent away performances. 我觉得这不是我们本赛季的最好表现,踢斯托克,热刺和维根都很好。
Stoke boss Pulis is ready to move for the Brazil international and offer him a fresh start at the Britannia Stadium. 斯托克城教练帕利斯着手于挖到这位巴西国脚,希望他能够在不列颠尼亚球场获得新生。
There has yet to have been a single draw between the two clubs since Stoke returned to the top, the last one came in a 1996 cup tie. 自斯托克升回英超之后,双方还没有出现过平局的比赛,最后一次是在1996年的杯赛中。
Liverpool haven't had a great time of it but apart from the defeat at Stoke they have picked up over the past month or so. 利物浦并没有处在最好的时期,但除了对阵斯托克城的失利之外,他们过去大概一个月的时间里已经有所好转。
The defender and his Stoke colleagues are adamant that a genuine attempt to win the ball proved mistimed rather than malicious. 肖克罗斯和他的队友们也坚持说这次犯规只是在错误的时间想争得球权,并没有什么恶意。
If a golfer's ball goes into one of these water hazard, he must add an extra stoke to his score as a penalty. 如果一位高尔夫球员所击之球落在水障碍中则须多加一杆以作处罚。
Managers spend their lives trying to defuse anger, though often manage to stoke it inadvertently. 管理者一辈子都在忙着压制怒火,但结果往往却一不留神火上浇油。
This week has been very bad but now we need to show it was just a mistake. We have to give 100 per cent against Stoke on Saturday. 这一周非常糟糕,但是现在我们要证明那只是一个错误,周六对斯托克城的比赛我们一定要付出100%的努力。
Now, as if to further stoke the fires, comes news that the country's high-speed ambitions extend beyond its borders. 现在,像要乘热打铁似的,传来了中国的高速野心已经向它的边界外扩展的消息。
Rafa Benitez spoke to radio journalists as part of the build-up to today's Barclays Premier League clash with Stoke City at Anfield. 拉法对电台记者发表了讲话,这也算是今天利物浦迎战斯托克城的比赛的一部分吧。
Benitez insists the fact Liverpool face Stoke at lunchtime on Saturday will have no bearing on his team selection against Reading. 贝尼特斯强调事实上周六利物浦面对斯托克城将不关他的球队对雷丁的首发。
We were a bit guilty of a lack of focus and concentration from that free-kick and Stoke know how to make the maximum from the minimum. 防守这个任意球时我们稍微有点注意力不集中,斯托克很善于从最小的机会里争取到最大的利益。
And with the FA Cup final against Stoke looming on Saturday, this could be a truly momentous week in the history of the club. 算上周六与斯托克城的足总杯决赛,这周将是俱乐部历史上一个伟大的时刻。
Now we have to work hard to get players back in the right physical and mental frame of mind for another tough test at Stoke. 做客斯托克城将是另外一场艰苦的比赛,我们需要努力让更多球员在身体和精神上都尽快康复。
Suarez made a dream start to his Liverpool career when he came off the bench to net a debut goal in Wednesday's 2-0 success over Stoke City. 苏亚雷斯在周四对阵斯托克城2-0取胜的比赛中,作为替补出场打进自己的首球,他的利物浦身涯中拥有了梦幻开局。
STOKE CITY today secured the signing of a second England international defender on a free transfer when Matthew Upson signed for the Club. 厄普森与斯托克城签约两年,成为继伍德盖特后斯托克城今夏第二名免费得到的球员。
We scored four against Stoke, did not concede, and won well. But they know that there is still plenty of room for improvement. 击败斯托克的比赛中我们攻入四球,我们没有任何让步最终获得了胜利。但我们都知道我们好有很大的改进空间。
But we've got to win more games and that's what we'll try to do - starting with Stoke next Wednesday. 我们得赢得更多的比赛,这也是我们将来要努力去做的事,就从下周三对阵斯托克城的比赛开始。
"We've been monitoring Salif for a while now and have had very good reports about the kid, " said Stoke boss Tony Pulis. “我们已经观察了迪奥一段时间,并且他给我们留下了很好的印象,”史笃城主教练说到。