
美 [ˈstʌmək]英 ['stʌmək]
  • n.胃;腹部
  • v.欣赏;欣然接受;喜欢和…相处;能吃
  • 网络肚子;胃部;胃口

复数:stomachs 现在分词:stomaching 过去式:stomached

empty stomach,upset stomach


n. v.

1.胃;腹部the organ inside the body where food goes when you swallow it; the front part of the body below the chest


have no stomach for sth

不想吃…;对…没有胃口to not want to eat sth

turn your stomach

让某人反感(或恶心、厌恶)to make you feel upset, sick or disgusted

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... snack n 小吃;快餐 stomach n ;肚子 fever n 发烧;狂热 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... snack n 小吃;快餐 stomach n 胃;肚子 fever n 发烧;狂热 △ ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... stocking n. 长统袜 stomach n. 胃,胃部 stomachache n. 胃疼 ...


八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... nose 鼻子 stomach 胃;肚子;腹部 tooth 牙齿 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... receptionist n. 招待员, 传达员 stomach n. 胃, 胃口, 胃部v.容忍 punch n. 冲压机, 冲床, 打孔机 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... stocking n. 长(统)袜 stomach n. 胃;肚子;食欲 stone n. 石,石头;宝石 ...


考研必背词汇_百度文库 ... weak 淡薄的 稀的 Stomach 承受 忍受 stimulate 导致 ...

Known as Huang Qin Tang, the mix of plant extracts, roots and fruit has been used for hundreds of years to treat stomach upsets and nausea. 由植物提取物、根和果实组成的黄芩汤在治疗胃部不适和恶心方面已经有数百年的历史。
While lying on the back in this drill, keep the surface of the water level with your chest, stomach, hips and thighs at all times. 本训练始终当以仰泳方式躺平时,让您的胸、腹部、臀部和大腿在水面上。
John's been complaining of severe stomach pains all day. You'd better send him to bed and call the doctor. 约翰整天叫胃痛得厉害。你最好让他上床休息,并去请位医生。
He took the contents of the ancient bee's stomach, suspended it in saline, and spread it on a growth medium. 他取走了这支古老蜜蜂的胃部,把它放入盐水中,并在上面涂抹一层培养介质。
Breaking up the biggest banks might not make them safer, and politicians seem not to have the stomach for the fight it would entail. 让最大的银行破产可能并不会使它们变得更安全,政治家似乎也没有欲望参与破产需要的斗争。
When you hear your own stomach rumbling with hunger, you'll feel as if a large snake were trying to gnaw its way out of your belly. 当你听到肠子饿得咕咕地叫时,好像有一条巨蛇要从你的腹内咬破了皮肉钻出来一般;
When he got to the horse, it was in the mud up to his stomach. Now it could move only its head. 当他赶到马身边的时候,泥已经验到了马肚上,现在它只剩下头部还能动弹。
Saw a child holding his hands, the hands of a beautiful woman holding a child, also with a stomach third. 只见他手里抱着一个小孩子,美丽女子手里牵着一个小孩子,肚子里还怀着第三个。
Maggie: [to Alex] I really like you, and I hate having sex on a full stomach, so can we just skip the main course and move next door? 玛姬:(对阿莱克斯说)我真的喜欢你,而且我很讨厌吃得饱饱的去做爱,我们能否跳过主菜然后直接去下一扇门呢?
My stomach was proof that I had failed, that it had failed me, that it was broken. 我的肚子证明我一败涂地,我的肚子辜负了我,形同破烂。
Please lie down on your back (stomach, right side, left side) on the bed. Let me examine you. 请躺在床上(俯卧,右侧卧,左侧卧)让我给您检查一下。
By the time she reached the bus stop for her homeward trip, her stomach was one big knot. 的时候,她达到了巴士站,她的回家之旅,她的胃是一个大结。
Then he took it step further, brought in another group of women with the exact same stomach distress, with the same vomiting. 然后他把实验往前推进了一步,召集另一拨同样有肠胃不适症状的女性,同样有恶心呕吐的症状。
Three, can directly effect the stomach, esophagus venous blood flow, easy to make up the stomach, esophagus varicosity and rupture bleeding. 可直接影响胃、食道静脉的血流,易惹起胃底、食道静脉曲张和决裂出血。
However, a second later, the soup seemed to have threaded its way down to his stomach and he belched loudly twice. 可是,待了一会儿,热汤像股线似的一直通到腹部,打了两个响嗝。
Something seems to be pressing on the upper right-hand side of my stomach. 好像有什么东西压在我胃部右上方。
She'd hardly begun when she heard someone running up the stairs. She was lying on her stomach, so she just pulled a towel over her rear. 她刚脱掉衣服就听到有人跑上楼。当时她趴着,只盖了条毛巾在背上。
The size of a woman 's stomach depend largely on her surroundings . 女性的胃口有多大,主要看她所处的环境而定。
by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, police said Monday. 本周一警方消息,日本一名警察因苦于连续两个月超时工作及周末加班,用刀刺伤了自己的肚子,以获得休假的机会。
She said she would make my stomach love her first, so I would not like to take dinners outside. 她说她要先让我的胃喜欢她,这样我就不爱在外面吃饭了。
The doctor has made it clear to you that there is nothing wrong with your stomach. (医生已经跟你说得很清楚了,你的胃没有什么问题。)该句的原始结构可理解为:
Vaguely heard the doctor shouted: "You can fight for her life to go around? " "Inside the stomach child? Her parents? " 隐隐约约听到医生在吼:“你们能为她的生命打保证吗?”“肚子里面的孩子呢?她的父母呢?”
Jack pushes her to the ground, sits on her stomach and begins punching her in the face. 杰克将安娜推倒在地上,坐在她的腹部开始击打她的脸。
Severe anxiety is often debilitating to performance, but having a few butterflies in your stomach works in your favor. 虽然严重的紧张会影响表现,但是要是有几只蝴蝶在胃里飞舞会帮上你的忙。
Sucre walks behind T-Bag as a new inmate, Annie the Trannie, saunters out of his cell wearing his shirt tied in a knot around his stomach. Sucre走在T-Bag的后面,有一个新犯人Trannie,又称Annie,游荡着走出他的牢房,身上装的衬衫在腹部打了一个结。
The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so. 容易消化的切片水果欲从胃部直行进入肠道,但是却办不到。
I lay down and Keith pulled the covers over us as I snuggled close and he wrapped his arm around me with his hand resting on my stomach. 我躺下,基斯拉过毯子把我俩盖好,我紧紧偎依他,他用胳膊搂着我,手放在我的肚子上。
When he returned to his seat, he said he had an upset stomach and pulled a blanket over himself. 当他回到坐位上时,声称自己的胃不舒服,并扯了块毛毯盖在身上。
Another woman in the group, however, seemed pretty clear on this point. "The pit of the stomach, " she said with certainty. 治疗中心的另一个女患者却对此十分确定,她信誓旦旦地说:“所谓的‘内在’是在肚子里”。
He said they had come to the city because his wife needed to go through a surgical operation for her stomach. 他说他们来北京是因为他的老婆要做一个胃部手术。