
美 [stɑp]英 [stɒp]
  • n.停止;阻止;车站;停留
  • v.停止;阻止;停下;防止
  • 网络停止播放;停车;停车站

过去式:stopped 过去式:stopt 现在分词:stopping 第三人称单数:stops

stop car,stop process,bus stop,stop war,come stop
dead stop,stop altogether


v. n.

不动not move

1.[i][t](使)停止,停下to no longer move; to make sb/sth no longer move

不继续not continue

2.[i][t](使)中断,停止to no longer continue to do sth; to make sb/sth no longer do sth


3.[i][t](使)结束,终止to end or finish; to make sth end or finish


4.[t]阻止;阻碍;阻拦;防止to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening

短时间for short time

5.暂停,暂时中断(以便做某事)to end an activity for a short time in order to do sth

不工作not function

6.[i][t](使)停止工作,停止运转to no longer work or function; to make sth no longer work or function


7.[i](informal)逗留,待,留下(做某事)to stay somewhere for a short time, especially at sb's house


8.[t]止付;停付;扣除to prevent money from being paid

堵塞洞孔close hole

9.[t]~ sth (up) (with sth)堵塞;塞住;阻塞to block, fill or close a hole, an opening, etc.


stop at nothing

不择手段to be willing to do anything to get what you want, even if it is dishonest or wrong

stop the clock

(在计时比赛或活动中)停表to stop measuring time in a game or an activity that has a time limit

stop short|stop sb short

(使)突然停住to suddenly stop, or make sb suddenly stop, doing sth

stop short of sth/of doing sth

差一点儿没做某事;险些做出某事to be unwilling to do sth because it may involve a risk, but to nearly do it


七年级英语单词表 ... never 决不;从不 stop 停止;终止 brown 棕色的;褐色的 ...


遏字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 堰〖 weir〗 阻止stop〗 断绝〖 cutoff〗 ...


VC++多媒体编程 - getyoureyes的日志 - 网易博客 ... MCI_STEP 使播放设备跳帧 MCI_STOP 停止播放 MCI_UNDO 取消操作 ...


原地停车(stop)两分钟就算parking.与车里有没有人无关.不冤. -honeynut(cereal); 2005.10.26 23:36 (#2575290)请填表去QUOT…


八年级上册英语单词 ... mile 英里 stop 车站 transportation 公共交通 ...


交通工具英语单词_百度文库 ... underground,tube,subway 地铁 stop 停车站 taxi rank,taxi stand 计程汽车车站, 出租汽车总站 ...


停止键(stop)――使处于工作状态的部件立即停止运转。(2)操作步骤 接线:在开机前,首先将各线路接通。

And so far, not even the combined official powers of the Fed and Treasury have been able to stop the cascading disasters. 到目前为止,即便美联储和财政部的权力合为一体,也无力阻止层层叠叠的灾难发生。
I remember Cult turning his head a quarter hearing my cry for help but in the stress we all were in no one had the time to stop. 我记得邪教在谈到他的头四分之一听我的呼救声,但在强调我们都是在没有人的时候停止。
Then the old security lady yelled for me to stop. She told me my books were on the top of my car but one had already fallen off. 守停车场的大妈喊我停车,说我把书放在了车顶上,有一本已经掉了。
He said another demonstrator was arrested because she refused to stop taking photographs of the arrests. 他说,有一名示威者因拒绝停止拍摄捕人画面而被捕。
With both of us pulling, the seam of his pocket rips and he starts yelling at me to stop, but I won't. 我们两个人这么撕扯着,他的口袋被扯开了线。他开始向我大吼,让我住手。
Those going to the International Building please get ready to get off at the next stop. 到国际大厦的乘客在下一站下车,请做好准备。
"If the strapper stops, the factory has to stop, so we felt it was important to put in the best bit of equipment, " explains Gerard Wiper. “如果魁梧停止,工厂已经停止,因此,我们认为,重要的是把最好的设备位,解释说:”杰拉德雨刮。
If visitors come to your area it is a good thing to stop people, especially the children from asking for money, even in fun. 如果当地有外来游客,最好制止那些乞讨钱财的人,特别是小孩;就算是开玩笑也不行。
Stop looking at her, or I'll bite you tomorrow morning when you come out of the box, " he said angrily. " 不要看着她,否则明天早上你从盒子里面走出来的时候我就咬你。
The doctor told him nothing but to stop smoking . 医生除了让他戒烟,其他什么都没有说。
Angola was the third stop on an African trip that has already taken her to Kenya and South Africa. 安哥拉是希拉里非洲七国之行的第三站,她已经访问了肯尼亚和南非。
In order to please her, Pushkin had to stop writing, and run heavily into debt. The great writer finally died of a duel for her. 普希金为此丢下创作,弄得债台高筑,最后还为她决斗而死,使一颗文学巨星过早陨落。
The flight from Taipei to Nanjing only cost two hours if there had not been a stop in Hongkong. 从台北到南京,如果不停香港只要两小时航程。
So I decided to give you just a little test. To show you how it would feel to stop being blessed. 因此我决定给你一个小小的试验,让你知道没有祝福的日子是什麽感觉。
Once you reach this point, the only way to get more progress towards your goals is to stop doing work. 一旦你达到身体负荷的最大点时,获得目标的唯一的方法就是停止工作。
First of all, the company is slashing jobs in an effort to stop the hemhorraging it has been doing in terms of cash. 首先,花旗银行正在裁员试图停止自己流血。从现金的角度来看,这项措施一直有效。
Stop trying to please everyone. There will always be people who you don't get along with or that do not like you for some reason. 停止取悦每个人。总会有人和你相处不来,或由于某种原因不喜欢你。
oh, please. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. You know you can't afford it. 摆脱,不要跟别人攀比了,你知道你买不起的。
I want to stop the poaching as much as you do, but you've crossed over the line, and I can't go on like this. 我也和你一样希望阻止偷猎行为,但是你已经越界了,我不想这种情形再继续下去了。
Peter Thiel is paying them to drop out or at least to "stop out" of higher education temporarily to work on their interests. 彼得泰尔是付给他们辍学或至少是“停止了”高等教育工作暂时他们的利益。
Please follow above provisions conscientiously, . In case of any breach, security guards have rights to rectify and stop it. 以上规定希望观众自觉遵守,如有违反,安保人员有权制止纠正;
Trying to be nice, I gently tried to wake her up before my stop came. She wasn't sleeping. 为了做个好青年,我在我的车站到之前才轻轻地打算弄醒她。
Keep that in mind the next time you stop at Starbucks. Your cup of joe is actually taking more than $150 out of your retirement fund. 下次在星巴克前驻足的时候一定要想到:你杯里的咖啡事实上从你的退休基金里拿走了150块钱
We have to stop trying to out-Air Force the Air Force. 我们必须停止那种试图比空军更空军的尝试。
Dobley is often the last stop for displaced Somalis travelling to the sprawling refugee camps in Dadaab, Kenya. 这里经常是流离失所的索马里饥民,前往肯尼亚达达布散乱的难民营途中最后一站。
At each stop it is traditional for families to leave Santa mince pies and alcohol. Will having both of these treats make Santa feel sleeper? 根据传统,到每家时,大家都会给圣诞老人馅饼和美酒,吃完这些会使圣诞老人更容易睡觉吗?
I fear Jack has lost his head. He started giggling and now he doesn't seem to be able to stop. 我担心杰克是不是精神失常了。他开始咯咯笑,而且似乎停不下来。
Mr Gou apologised repeatedly, and said he had trouble sleeping but would not stop trying to solve the problem. 大约从深圳记者那得到消息,郭台铭一再道歉,并说他一直失眠但不会停止努力去解决此问题。
Maddie wants to see that we lower our debt and stop depending on countries like China for the things we need. 玛迪希望看到我们降低债务及停止依靠像中国这样的国家给予我们所需。
However I was still seen through . He picked up the clip on the ground, and yelled at me crazily : "Fucking ! STOP ! Give it back to me ! " 可是还是被他看穿了。他拎起丢在地上的夹子,冲着我气急败坏地喊:小兔崽子,你给我站住,把东西还给我!