
美 [stɑp]英 [stɒp]
  • n.停止;阻止;车站;停留;停车;车站;飞机场;停留
  • v.停止;阻止;停下;防止;停止;停下来做某事 (to do something)
  • 网络塞音;停站;爆破音

过去式:stopped 过去式:stopt 现在分词:stopping 第三人称单数:stops

stop car,stop process,bus stop,stop war,come stop
dead stop,stop altogether


v. n.

不动not move

1.[i][t](使)停止,停下to no longer move; to make sb/sth no longer move

不继续not continue

2.[i][t](使)中断,停止to no longer continue to do sth; to make sb/sth no longer do sth


3.[i][t](使)结束,终止to end or finish; to make sth end or finish


4.[t]阻止;阻碍;阻拦;防止to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening

短时间for short time

5.暂停,暂时中断(以便做某事)to end an activity for a short time in order to do sth

不工作not function

6.[i][t](使)停止工作,停止运转to no longer work or function; to make sth no longer work or function


7.[i](informal)逗留,待,留下(做某事)to stay somewhere for a short time, especially at sb's house


8.[t]止付;停付;扣除to prevent money from being paid

堵塞洞孔close hole

9.[t]~ sth (up) (with sth)堵塞;塞住;阻塞to block, fill or close a hole, an opening, etc.


stop at nothing

不择手段to be willing to do anything to get what you want, even if it is dishonest or wrong

stop the clock

(在计时比赛或活动中)停表to stop measuring time in a game or an activity that has a time limit

stop short|stop sb short

(使)突然停住to suddenly stop, or make sb suddenly stop, doing sth

stop short of sth/of doing sth

差一点儿没做某事;险些做出某事to be unwilling to do sth because it may involve a risk, but to nearly do it


嗓音起始时间(VOT)是指发塞音(stops)时,口部气流释放与喉部声带振动时间的差距.VOT在语音知觉上是区辨有声塞音与无声塞 …


电梯专业英语词汇(五) ... stopping switch (减速)停车开关 stops 停站 storage 贮藏,仓储 ...


when the music stops的翻译????_百度知道 ... the music 这首歌 stops 停止 when 是当...的时候 ...


音标发音课件_百度文库 ... ? 6. Approximants 延续音: Manners of articulation ? 1. Stops 爆破音: ? 2. Fricatives 摩擦音: ...


... too adv. 也, 太过份 stops n. 停止, 车站, 逗留, 障碍, 风琴的音栓, 填塞 socks n. 短袜, 鞋内衬底, 轻软鞋, 一击, 零食 ...


智能交通专业英语词汇-交通灯行业英语... ... Stopping Sight Distance 停车视距 Stops 停靠站 Storage capacity 储存容量 ...



...还是不明白它们间的关系,一个是dB为单位,一个是以stops)为单位,很想知道一个通常的换算关系,有没有大神出没 …

China is likely to be one of the first stops of Lagarde's international tour to drum support for her candidacy beyond Europe. 中国可能将成为拉加德为其候选人资格在欧洲外寻求支持的国际旅行的第一站。
It's killing off his nerves in his arms, legs and mouth - it stops him from being able to chew and talking properly. 这种毒素正在杀死他的手臂、腿部和嘴部的神经,那将会阻碍摩根正常的咀嚼和讲话。
Dan always stops off here for a few drinks on his way home. 丹在回家的路上总要来这儿停留片刻,喝上几杯。
Attention acts like a light, and imagination is like a chemical process that can only go on in the dark and stops with light. 注意力表现起来像光一样,想象则像只能在黑暗中进行的一种化学作用,一遇到光就停止。
But law is strictly defined by nationality : it stops at the border . Outside its home base , it has no validity at all . 但是法律完全是由国家自主制定的,在国家边界之内它发挥作用,在边界之外它则一点效力都没有。
Server timeouts are the amount of time allowed to elapse before Outlook stops trying to contact the mail server if it receives no response. 服务器超时是指Outlook在收不到响应时经过多长时间后才停止尝试与邮件服务器联系。
"For five months a year, the wind stops all tourism, " he said. 一年有五个月,旅游业的景气都被肆虐的强风吹熄。
Imagination is one of the manifestations that go without attention. The moment you turn your attention to it, imagination stops. 想像是许多不需注意力就进行的行为之一,当你的注意力转向它时,想像就停止。
The train stops for20 minutes at the next station, so we shall be able to stretch our legs and enjoy the good weather. 火车要在下一站停留20分钟,到时候我们可以下车活动一下腿脚,享受一下美好的天气。
When someone stops to pick it up . the pranker yanks it out of reach . 当有人停下来想捡它时,恶作剧的人就把它拉到够不着的地方。
The earth belongs to anyone who stops for a moment, gazes and goes on his way. 地球属于那些停留片刻,凝视它,然后继续赶路的人。
I sit at my Window that morning where the state love a passer-by stops to a time, nods to me or goes. 我今晨坐在窗前,全地球如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。
And if I turn it off. . . the moment that the air stops, you will see it stops. 如果我把气垫关掉。,气垫关了,它也会停下来。
Other highlights of the day included scheduled stops at the U. S. Embassy, the Apartheid Museum, and a day care center. 奥巴马夫人当天的其它行程重点,包括前往美国驻南非大使馆,种族隔离博物馆,以及一家托儿所。
I sit at my window this morning where the Word like a passer-by stops for a moment , nods to me and goes . 今天早晨,我坐在窗前,世界如一个过客,稍息片刻,向我点点头,边走了。
One man stops me to ask if I know of any early results. 一个男子拦住我问我是不是提前知道结果。
Until the U. S. stops toying around and gets serious our economy is likely to be going through the wringer for quite some time. 除非美国停止胡闹,严肃对待经济问题,这样的话倒是有可能在相当一段时间内恢复太平的。
And she stops and tries to dig a well in the sand with her toe. It is hard to see them clearly through the strong sun. 她停住了,随后试图在沙滩上用脚趾挖着水源,在强烈太阳光线的照射下很难看清楚。
Mr. Obama plans to follow up the official beginning of his re-election bid with a series of campaign stops across the country this month. 在正式启动连任选战之后,奥巴马打算这个月在全国各地巡回拉票。
A man is so addicted to gambling that he often comes home late. His wife never stops railing at him. 一个男人因嗜赌而经常回家很晚,为此他妻子从没停止过骂他。
As hard as the ore mined in his foreboding but beloved Asturias, he never stops attacking, tackling and hounding . 像他热爱的奥斯图里亚斯出产的矿石一样坚硬,他在场上从未停止进攻、铲球和追逐。
Once a member stops interacting openly with others, the group's influence is all that matters. 一旦成员停止公开与其他人相处融洽,小组的影响是所有那事态。
"When you have a campaign like this, you've got to pull out all the stops, " he said. “当你开始像这样的运动,你就开始搜索所有可能的场所,”他说。
Leave a big enough gap between you and the vehicle in front - big enough for you to stop safely if the vehicle suddenly slows down or stops. 应与前车保持足够行车距离,若前车突然慢驶或停下来时,本身的车辆也能安全停下。
My life like the reed with its stops, has its play of colours through the gaps in its hopes and gains. 我的生命好像多节的芦管,经过它希望和收获的缺口,便奏出彩色的音乐。
On his way out to lunch, Mr. Cunningham stops at Mr. Weaver's office. 康宁海先生出去吃午饭的时候,顺便到韦佛先生的事务所。
The jeep rattles up through the dark and stops with a bump next to a stall selling instant noodles, tea and bourbon biscuits. 吉普车在黑暗中颠簸着行驶,突然在一个卖泡面、茶水和夹心饼干的小摊边停了下来。
He tends to lose interest the moment his partner stops challenging him. 在你不再向他发起挑战的那一刻,他很可能就对你失去兴趣了。
Generosity to guest, and unite people, how much heart, how much days, and stops, how wide road. 大度能容人、团结人,心有多大,天有多大,心有多宽,路有多宽。
When an entity bean stops looking like a data object and starts looking like a helper class, you know you ve got a problem. 当实体bean看上去不再象数据对象而开始象助手类时,您知道您已经有问题了。