stressed out

美 [strest]英 [strest]
  • v.“stress”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络筋疲力尽;紧张的;有压力的

stressed outstressed out

stressed out


八年级英语上册语法复习 ... 15. get some rest 多休息 17. stressed out 筋疲力尽 18. I am tired 我累了 ...


初三英语短语归纳 - 豆丁网 ... soft music 轻音乐 , 柔和的音乐 2. stressed out 紧张的 3. have fun with sb 和…玩得很愉快 4. ...


新目标英语八年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... stress 加压力于;使紧张 stressed out 有压力的;紧张的 early 提早(地);提前( …


警惕办公室“二手压力”:哀怨情绪可传染-英语点津 ... depressant: 镇静剂 stressed out: 紧张的,感到有压力的 synchronise: 使 …


自己整理的一些TOEFL听力场景 - IBT考试专版... ... overtired 过度疲劳, stressed out 压力过大, exposure (暴露,揭露,曝 …


Office English 上班族常用口语 ... 10 Guarantee 保证 11 Stressed Out 压力很大 很忙 12 Commit 承诺 ...

No wonder people feel stressed out to make it huge before they're 30 and will jump at any opportunity that looks like this might be it. 所以难怪人们会感觉到要30岁前出人头地的压力,而且一有似乎不错的机会就立刻跳槽。
My company is talking layoffs, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stressed out about it. 我的公司里面在议论下岗,要说不我心情紧张那是在骗人。
But if you think there's a chance he might be stressed out, maybe you should talk to him about it. 但是,如果你认为他可能地压力过大,也许你应该找他谈谈。
LEO: If you've recently been stressed out, a time of healing is now at hand. Also, new sources of income could soon appear. 狮子座最近是不是感到压力重重?本周正是很好的释放时间。新的收入来源会出现啊。
And quite a few of them were even stressed out with the tests. 尤其是多如潮浪般的考试让他们压力超大。
As an adult, that sort of schedule would leave me stressed out, cranky and frantic. 我是个成年人,这样的时间表都会让我压力很大、脾气暴躁、紧张忙乱。
If you're really stressed out and depressed, the body seems to sense that's not a good time to get pregnant. 如果你真的有压力和抑郁、身体就会感觉到,觉得现在不是怀孕的好时机。
Father's Day brings this offering of a dubious milestone: Husbands are now just as stressed out as their harried wives. 这个父亲节献上的礼物,是一个颇受争议的里程碑式观点:丈夫如今和频受困扰的妻子一样饱受压力压力。
At this moment, there are innumerable stressed-out San Franciscans wondering why the bus never seems to run anywhere remotely on time. 一直到现在,无数被压力困扰的旧金山人都一直在疑惑,为什么公交车从来不会在时刻表预计的时间到达。
Me, too. I was a little stressed out about this new store, but now I'm feeling much more confident. 我也是。我本来对这间新店面还有点紧张,不过我现在有信心多了。
They are stressed out and have had a long day at work or maybe they have been chasing kids all day long. 在漫长一天的工作或者照管孩子之后,她们会感到很多压力。
It stands to reason, because focusing on yourself and your own needs all the time makes for a very stressed-out, selfish individual. 这是显而易见的,因为一直以自我为中心会让你变成一个过度紧张、自私的人。
What's the matter with your sister? She is stressed out. 你妹妹怎么啦?她很紧张
These tasks will keep bugging you and making you feel stressed out for no reason. 这些事情讲不停的纠缠你,让你没来由的感觉到有压力。
It must be stressed out that the advancement at the cost of environment will severely penalize human beings. 以环境为代价的发展将会使人类受到严惩。
Some people think presents aren't very important, or get stressed out trying to pick out gifts for their friends. 一些人认为礼物并不非常重要,或者为朋友挑选礼物时感到压力重重。
Some say that fathers should pull more of their weight at home and take some of the pressure off stressed-out working mothers. 有人说,父亲应该承担更多的家庭责任,为不堪重负的在职母亲减轻一些压力。
I've been completely stressed out , trying to win the contract. 为了得到这个合同,压力大得不得了,完全累死了。
So, needless to say, I occasionally have days where I'm stressed out of my mind. 那么,无需多言,我偶尔也感觉精神压力很大。
Going on the "To Do" List: Make a list of nice things I can preemptively do for B the next time he's stressed out. “需做”清单:列一个我可以优先为对方做的事情清单,下次就轮到他了。
In the same way we put children in "time out" when they show signs of being stressed out or overly tired, we could benefit just as much. 当孩子们紧张或是展露疲态的时候,我们就会让他们休息一下。同理,我们亦能从中获得裨益。
She telecommutes from her home and rarely works overtime or feels stressed out. 她在家里通过网络与其他成员交流,很少加班,也感受不到压力。
I was stressed out, and I risked being late for my interview, but I pressed play anyway and fast-forwarded it to the bit I wanted. 我那时真是天人交战,我在冒面试迟到的风险,可无论如何我还是按下了播放键,然后快进到我想要看到的画面。
You're probably chronically stressed out. There's nothing like a stress-filled week to seriously deplete all of your energy. 你可能长期紧张。没有什么能像压力重重的一周那样严重耗尽你的所有能量。
Stressed out by the idea of gift wrapping? Have no fear! Use this step-by-step guide to create a package you'll be proud to give! 一想着包礼物就会让你感到有压力?不要怕!使用下面一步一步的指导,做出一个将让你拿出去时感到自豪的礼品包装吧!
Or if I get too stressed out, I'll go to my room and scream into a pillow! It kind of helps. 倘若我变得那么激动,我去我的卧室并高声喊叫在一个枕头。也许帮,一点儿。
So Christmas Day itself is going to be a huge amount of work and while I'll probably enjoy it I know I'll get stressed out. 所以圣诞节本身就有很多事情忙,倘若我能够释放些压力,我也许会过得开心。
Half of Britain's stressed-out office workers say they have come close to punching a colleague, according to a survey. 根据一项调查,不堪压力的英国办公室职员中有半数说他们已经到了想动手打同事的地步。
How often Hardly ever As for Eating habits Of course The same as Keep in good health Stressed out At the moment Lie down ? 多久一次几乎不曾至于饮食习惯当然和…一样保持健康紧张的此时躺下?
holiday As he is so stressed out, what he really needs is a vacation. 他的压力太大了,需要度假放松一下了。