
美 [stretʃ]英 [stretʃ]
  • n.延伸;伸出;紧张;弹性
  • v.伸展;努力;扩张;拉直
  • adj.有弹力的
  • 网络一段路程;伸长;伸展运动

第三人称单数:stretches 现在分词:stretching 过去式:stretched

stretch point,stretch truth,stretch arm



这一系统可能涉及染色质伸展stretches)的标记,其可以通过组蛋白修饰或改变RNA聚合酶Ⅱ的延伸率来编码选择性剪接区 …


丽媛2010中石油职称英语... ... the United States of America = 美利坚合众国; stretches延伸; industrialize= 使工业化; ...


《Friends... ... unvoiced adj. 未出声的, 无声的 stretches v. 伸展, 伸长n.一段时间, 一段路程, 伸展 scampering v. 奔跳n.奔跑 ...


For examination flashcards | Quizlet ... gigantic 巨人的; 巨人似的 stretches 伸直; 伸出; 伸长 approximately 大概; 近乎 ...


For examination flashcards | Quizlet ... gigantic 巨人的; 巨人似的 stretches 伸直; 伸出; 伸长 approximately 大概; 近乎 ...


用心针对性锻炼 拥有完美曲线身材--健康... ... Dumbbells 哑铃 Stretches 伸展运动 Bench 长凳 ...


豚鼠行为 ... ... Stretches 腿部伸展 Comfort,relaxation 舒适,放松 ...

Saying this, he stretches out his arm with a sparkling object in his blue palm. "What in hell is that? " Lorne says in a careless manner. 他伸出了他的细胳膊,罗恩看见那黑色的手掌上有一个闪亮的小东西。“这算什么?”他说。
By mapping stretches of Neanderthal DNA to its human equivalent, the researchers were able to complete bits of the jigsaw. 通过绘制与人类相同的尼安德特人DNA图谱,他们便能够完成一定量的拼接工作。
It convinces me that Earth is still in her swaddling -clothes, and stretches forth baby fingers on every side. 它使我相信,大地还在襁褓之中,还在到处伸出它的婴孩的手指。
Jack said he saw an alien, but he sometimes stretches the truth. It probably was just a bear. 有时会言过其实,他说看见了外星人,可是也许只是一只熊。
In an effect known as "gravitational time dilation, " gravity causes time to drag, just as it stretches space. 爱因斯坦所提出的“重力时间膨胀”的效应,认为重力会拖慢时间的流逝,就像重力会延伸空间一样。
Leon walks forward but then notices Saddler with his wand of magic. Err plaga. He stretches his arm forward, trying to control Leon. 里昂朝前行,但是随即发现撒得勒在前头。撒得勒伸出他的手并试著再度控制里昂。
Your neck stretches up as you let out a gasp. Just in time you remember what you have to say, and you blurt it out. 你抬起头然后深呼吸你大声的喘气,这时你想起来你应该说什么了,然后脱口而出。
or else she stretches out on the bed with her funnies and expects me to run and get her a glass of cold milk whenever she' s thirsty. 要不就是四肢伸开地躺在床上,旁边尽是一些滑稽连环漫画。不论什么时候觉得口渴了,都等着我跑去给她端一杯冰牛奶。
A victim stretches out a hand to ask for help in Mianzhu of Sichuan Province on Tuesday. 本周二,四川绵竹的一名受害者伸出一只手寻求救助。
When an object squashes or stretches, it appears to be made of a pliable material, if it doesn't then it appears rigid. 当一个对象驮或延伸,似乎可以作出一个柔软材料,如果没有,然后似乎僵硬。
Located just a half hour's drive from Honolulu, Waimanalo stretches out lazily along the coast like a sleeping hound. 距檀香山处于仅仅半小时的车程,纳罗伸出懒洋洋地沿着像一个沉睡的猎犬的海岸。
Among the character-building exercises to which they subjected their daughter was having her hold ice cubes in her hands for long stretches. 他们对女儿进行了大量性格培养训练,其中包括让她长时间手握冰块。
Staring at herself for long stretches of time she was occasionally upset at the sight of her mother's features in her face. 久久地看着自己发呆,她不时也心烦意乱地看到自己脸上有母亲的影子。
They make a living working many hours a day, 7 days a week, often in the dark, without a break for long stretches of time. 他们谋生在每天多小时的工作,每周7天,经常是在黑暗中,没有略长一点时间的休息。
She then turns on her back and stretches the same leg as if she is preparing for a big burnout or a chilled yoga session. 接着她转过身,又伸展着同一条腿,就好像是在为做一套能让她精疲力尽的瑜伽做准备活动。
We needed it, for the last leg was the toughest of all: the Nullarbor Plain, which stretches across the south of the country. 我们需要这么做,因为我们最后一段路程是最艰难的,那就是绵延在澳大利亚南部的纳拉伯平原。
As we make our way out of the restaurant, I notice Stringer is still moving gingerly. He stretches out a hand and says, "Be nice. " 我俩一起步出餐馆时,我注意到斯金格走路还是那么小心翼翼,他伸出手对我说,“多保重。”
THERE is no clear answer to the question of how far east Europe stretches. But Romania and Bulgaria are European by any definition. 东欧向东延伸有多远的问题,没有明确答案.但是罗马尼亚和保加利亚不管怎么说都是欧洲的。
My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I'd spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. 我的思想会被故事或论据的转变吸引住,我已经花了好几个小时来阅读冗长的散文了。
Just before running, do one or two easy stretches just to signal to your body that you are ready to go. 跑前作一到两组简单的拉伸,让你身体知道你准备出发了。
But historical purists say all this fun stretches the truth of what life was really like which, in many cases, was hard, even brutal. 但历史纯粹主义者表示所有的这些乐趣延伸出真相是生活真的就是这样,在许多情况下非常困难,甚至十分残酷。
Its slender body turns into a cylinder as it stretches upward, with its bluish silver color blending into the sky. 它的身体修长,酷似一个蓝银色钢瓶,向上伸长,一直融入到天空去。
The best time of year to see them is during winter, when darkness in the upper latitudes stretches up to 24 hours. 一年中观测极光的最佳时间是在冬季,因为高纬度地区的每个黑夜最长会持续24小时。
A military alliance that stretches across the Atlantic will not always be able to unify around such a clear cause. 横跨大西洋的军事联盟并不总是在诸如此类的目标上形成统一认识。
The sea also means long stretches of jagged rock and gleaming white beaches to which millions of city people go on summer holidays. 海洋又意味着绵延不断的嵯峨岩石和阳光灿烂的白色海滩,每到夏天千百万人从城市来到这里渡假。
Through the voices of raindrops, I thought I saw a rough sea, Zhi Xie down the waterfall, the Great Wall stretches thousands of miles. 透过这雨滴的声音,我仿佛看见了波涛汹涌的大海,直泻而下的瀑布,绵延万里的长城。
Three gorges project has been a boon for large ship commerce. But it may sink a way of life that stretches back 4000 years. 三峡工程对于大船航运是一大福音,但却可能让一种4000年来的生活方式消失。
THERE is nothing more frustrating than turning on to a motorway and getting stuck in a traffic jam that stretches into the distance. 没有什么事比上了高速公路就被堵在绵延数里的车流中更让人挫败的了。
Like a spark between a cloud and a lightning conductor, the liquid stretches out to the collector. 就像云块与避雷针之间的一个火花,这股液体向着收集器扩展。
He stretches the sides of his mouth upwards, taking care not to show too many teeth; a smile, that's what they call it. 他嘴角往上翘,小心翼翼地不让牙齿露出,是一种微笑,他们是这样说的。