
美 [straɪv]英 [straɪv]
  • v.力求;斗争;反抗
  • 网络努力

过去式:strove 过去式:strived 过去分词:striven 现在分词:striving 第三人称单数:strives




周星驰“再话西游”(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... protagonist 主角,主人公 strives 努力,力争,力求 conquer 征服 ...


周星驰“再话西游”(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... protagonist 主角,主人公 strives 努力,力争,力求 conquer 征服 ...

And to that artistic family that strives for excellence, none of you have ever lost, and I am proud to share this with you, and I thank you. 对这个力求完美的艺术家庭来说,你们每一个人都没有失败,我也很骄傲的和你们分享我的看法,谢谢你们!
Much of that money goes on star players, as the team strives - with mixed results so far this season - to live up to its exalted reputation. 该俱乐部力求不辜负其盛名,把很多钱花在了球星身上——不过从本赛季到目前的情况看,结果喜忧参半。
Data federation strives to leave data in its original location and to create what can be thought of as a virtual database. 数据联合力图将数据放在其原始位置上,并创建虚拟数据库。
Given the age and interest of learners, game strategy strives to let the primary students play, learn and grow up in the games. 游戏对策结合了学习者的年龄特点和兴趣需求,力求让学生在游戏中玩、在游戏中学、在游戏中成长。
In the pursuit of the power which such a life of faith can give, there is often a faith that seeks and strives, but cannot grasp. 在追求「信心生活」的过程中,我们试著想得著那能力,却发现不是那麽容易掌握或得著。
It is the peace that your soul strives for that does not exist upon Earth, where happiness is often only a fleeting experience. 你们灵魂努力寻求的这种“和平”不存在于当前的地球,在这里“幸福”经常只是一个短暂的体验。
Cao Cao is still a warlord, but he's no longer as treacherous. He starts from scratch and strives to leave his mark on history. 曹操仍是诸侯,但他并非阴险狡诈,而是白手起家,力图名垂青史。
The light earth dream serves ascension as it strives to piece together all that has fallen a part over time. 光明地球梦想为提升服务,它努力将所有经时光流逝而坠成碎片的部分拼合在一起。
No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and made us waste away because of our sins. 并且无人求告你的名,无人奋力抓住你。原来你掩面不顾我们,使我们因罪孽消化。
" Totalitarianism strives not toward despotic rule over men but toward a system in which men are superfluous, " she said. 她说:“极权主义不是朝着对人的专制统治,而是向着一种制度奋斗,在这种制度中,人变得多余、过剩。”
The our company had been established the time although to be short, but manages strictly, to the quality strives for the survival. 我公司成立时间虽短,但管理严格,以质量求生存。
All of that becomes grist for the mill as Tom strives to understand the new life he's taken on. 故事的发展促使了汤姆的成长,也逐渐令他明白到自己在新生活将要承担的责任。
strives to understand each case' s specific details, As well As examine each case within a category of similar cases. 国际经济伦理试图理解每个案例的特定细节,并在类似的案例组的背景下分析每一个案例。
"This award must be shared by everyone who strives for justice and dignity, " he said. 他说:“这一奖项应该由每个致力于伸张正义和维护尊严的人共同获得。”
I'm inspired to be as good as I can be. You're never gonna be perfect, but I think everyone strives to be perfect. 我一直是做到我所能做到最好的,你永远不可能是完美的,但是,我想每个人都需要朝追求完美前进。
God is in the midst, and each drop strives to expand, to reflect Him on the largest scale possible. 上帝在那中间,每一个点点都在扩大,以便最大限度地反映它自身。
Law strives for the due right of every person and seeks for judicial and social justice. 法律为维护每个人的正当权利而战。
Yu catches up with the times and strives to surpass himself, and turns himself from a public scholar into a spokesman for urban culture. 余秋雨把握住了时代发展的脉搏,努力突破自己,从而使自己由大众学者转变为城市文化代言人。
The company strives to provide outstanding performance and value to leading computer manufacturers, resellers and end users. 公司致力于为世界一流的计算机制造商以及分销商、终端用户提供高附加值的音频产品。
Certainly must understand that treasures and strives for, do not stay behind again own life in more regrets! 一定要懂得珍惜和争取,不要让自己的人生中再留下更多的遗憾!
What does Iran have in mind as it strives to acquire enough highly enriched uranium to make a few nuclear weapons? 伊朗竭力获取足够的高浓缩铀来制造少量核武器,这个国家到底想干什么?
Data mining strives to turn a lot of misinformation (in the form of scattered data) into useful information by creating models and rules. 数据挖掘就是通过创建模型和规则来将大量的不可用信息(通常是分散的数据形式)变成有用的信息。
We sincerely welcome and appreciate each colleague who strives, grows and improves together with the company! 我们衷心的欢迎及感谢每位与公司一起奋斗,一起成长,一起进步的同事!
The educator strives to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society. 教育工作者奋力帮助每个学生认识他或它的潜能,每个学生都是社会的有价值的有作用的一分子。
Ms Roy strives not to speak for Palestinians, but to let their voices reverberate. 罗伊女士努力不为巴基斯坦人说话,但是要让他们的声音有反响。
The shark is very sensitive to the smell of blood, if he not does this strives for the time, perhaps you never can appear on this ship. 鲨鱼对血腥味很敏感,如果他不这样做来争取时间,恐怕你永远不会出现在这艘船上。
Pontus is committed to its team members' career development and strives to maintain a friendly working environment. 鹏达企业为所有员工体提供了一个自己发展的机会和良好的工作环境。
A person who strives for perfection tends to have a low threshold of pain. Things around bother them. 一个追求完美的人对痛苦的容忍度往往很低,周围的事物会让他们看不顺眼。
It also hampers India as it strives to convert its fast-growing economy and huge international prestige into the global power it deserves. 这也妨碍了印度努力将其快速发展的经济和巨大的国际威望转换成应有的全球强权。
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) is another new word-for-word translation that strives to be both literally accurate and readable. 霍尔曼基督教圣经(HCSB)是另一个新的字对字的译本,力求既字面准确和可读。