
美 [sʌk]英 [sʌk]
  • v.吮吸;咂;啜;含在嘴里吸食
  • n.吸;吮;啜;咂
  • 网络吸吮;吸收;摇滚吸血鬼

第三人称单数:sucks 现在分词:sucking 过去式:sucked

suck blood


v. n.

1.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)吮吸;吸;咂;啜to take liquid, air, etc. into your mouth by using the muscles of your lips

2.[i][t]含在嘴里吸食to keep sth in your mouth and pull on it with your lips and tongue

3.[t]抽吸;抽取to take liquid, air, etc. out of sth

4.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.(以巨大的力量)吸,吸引,使卷入to pull sb/sth with great force in a particular direction

5.[i](表示厌恶)臭,恶心used to say that sth is very bad


suck it and see

试试看used to say that the only way to know if sth is suitable is to try it

suck it up

逆来顺受;忍气吞声to accept sth bad and deal with it well, controlling your emotions

新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... successive 接连的,连续的 suck ,吮 sudden 突然的,意外的 ...

新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... successive 接连的,连续的 suck 吸, sudden 突然的,意外的 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... second n. 秒 suck vt. 吮吸; 舔食 instead of 代替 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... such ad. 那么 suck vt. 吸吮 sudden a. 突然的 ...


大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... fairy n. 神仙,仙人 suck v. 吸,吸收 turn aside from 离开 ...


摇滚吸血鬼suck)的中文字幕收藏 分享 请发到 Ozzy 回答:2 人气:25 解决时间:2010-09-16 13:06 …


船舶专业英语词汇-≮外语学习≯-碧海潮声大学生网 ... subway shield 地铁盾构 suck v. 吸入 suction port 吸入口 ...


国际贸易>风电词汇中英文对照表 ... subsynchronous 次[再]同步 suck 吸, 吮, 吸取 summation 求和,总和,加法 ...

Suck the stink-worsening moisture out of canvas shoes by sprinkling a little salt inside them and then wiping it out. 在帆布鞋里放一点盐,然后接着把它们擦出来,可以吸掉鞋内潮湿臭气。
The durasteel had been treated so that it did not gleam. It seemed to suck in light rather than reflect it. 硬钢经过特别处理,没有金属光泽,看起来就像是镶嵌在阳光中,而不反射阳光。
The other is by capturing the snake who bit him, and forcing him to suck out his own poison. 另一种则是抓住咬他的蛇,然后迫使这条蛇吸出他自己的毒。
And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children suck? for I have born him a son in his old age. 又说,谁能预先对亚伯拉罕说撒拉要乳养婴孩呢,因为在他年老的时候,我给他生了一个儿子。
Hand-cranked contraptions suck grubby, leaded gasoline into large glass bulbs to measure how much has been taken. 他们用手摇装置汲取肮脏的含铅汽油到一个大玻璃泡中以测量取了多少汽油。
Can you please just suck it up and accept the fact that she is not in love with you anymore? 拜托你能不能振作起来接受她已经不爱你了的这个事实?
Mike said he was trying to suck him off. 迈克说他想吮他的鸟
She would be a bit like the tooth Fairy but would suck out your fat. 她应该和牙仙差不多大但是却可以把人的脂肪弄走。
To see such effects, physicists first have to suck out every possible quantum and leave a beam in its least-energetic "ground state. " 为了目睹这种效应,物理学家首先需要吸出每一个可能的量子,让光束处于能量最小的“基态”。
And here it shows how much water a fast jet can suck out of the sky! 在这里它表明多少水快速喷射可以吸出的天空!
We could try to suck the venom out. - You know I won't be able to stop. 我们可以试着把毒液吸出来-你知道我会停不下来
Bit dodgy, but it was like the first time you do anything^^^^and I still suck at it! 有点难以对付吧,但是就是你第一次做任何其他事一样~~而且我现在对这个还是很逊!
Users place a wad or pinch of the tobacco against their lip or cheek, then suck on it, a habit known as "dipping" . 吸食的人在嘴唇或面颊上放上一小块或一小撮,然后在上面舔吸,这种食用习惯被称作“浸食”。
How much time does social networking suck out of your life? 在你的生活中,社交网络吸走了多少时间?
I was dealing with this sort of problem when you were still a baby, so don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 你还在吃奶时我就处理这类问题了,所以用不着你来教训我。
I can try to suck in heat that you're trying to put in the environment. 我可以吸收,你想放进环境的热量很好。
Babies given a sugary solution to suck as they were about to be injected cried far less than those given water. 在注射过程中,吮吸含糖溶液的婴儿要比喝水的婴儿更少哭泣。
If that sounds like a prescription for one of the worst meetings you've ever had, suck it up and go anyway. 如果这听上去是你开过最糟糕会议的先兆,忍一忍,照样做。
Entrepreneurs can get too frickin' into their abilities, that they forget how much they really suck in various areas of business. 企业家会盲目相信自己的能力,以至于他们忘记自己实际上正埋在商业中不同的领域。
One of the essays in the "Working Efficiently" section is written by David, titled "Don't Suck at Email" , and talks about this. 其中“高效率工作”部分有一篇文章,是David写的,叫做“不要在邮件上吃亏”,谈到这一点。
Evan: Yeah, well, at least you got to suck on your dads dick. 埃文:耶,至少你吸的是你爸爸的那里。
If we were to raise the total tax rate on society as a whole, we'd run the risk that the government would suck money out of the economy. 如果说政府是打算提高全国的税率,那么,有可能经济领域里面流通的货币会进入政府的口袋。
I serve it up in a shot, so suck it down like a man. 我担任它的一杆,因此吸吮它像一个人。
They scuttled into the fields in hordes, ready to attack the insects attempting to suck the life out of the young rice and cotton plants. 它们成群结队地奔进田间,准备围剿那些试图吸取稻棉幼苗生命的虫子。
Her arms are just about the right length and she may be trying to move them even getting so far as to get her thumb into her mouth to suck. 她的手臂刚好长到合适的尺寸,她可能正试着移动它们呢,甚至会把大拇指放到嘴里去吮吸。
So far, American manufacturers have had to suck up most of the increase in the prices of their raw materials, with predictable consequences. 到目前为止,美国制造商不得不随其原材料价格的上涨提高价格,承受可以预见的后果。
If you get ripped off, don't spend all your time trying to get back at the guy, just suck it up and move on. 如果你被人出卖了,切莫将所有时间用在报复之上,忘掉它,继续前进吧。
Mosquitoes have six legs, a pair of wings, compound eyes, large antennae, and that problematic proboscis with which the females suck blood. 蚊子有六只脚,有一双翅膀,复眼,大型天线,而先天问题,其中以女性,吸血。
Justin Bieber! Did that really happend? Ok, he deserved that. That just shows how much you suck, b Bieber! 贾斯汀·比伯!那真的发生了?好!他活该!这就能说明你有多烂!比伯!
While it might suck to have to deal with your period once a month, it actually supplies you with a great excuse to get out of running laps! 每个月都要处理月经的问题,这或许令你不快,但这其实为你离开跑道提供了很好的借口。