
美 [su]英 [suː]
  • v.起诉;控告;请求;提起(诉讼)要求判决
  • n.Susan;【女名】女子名
  • 网络夫妻感情破裂为由诉至;麂皮合唱团

第三人称单数:sues 现在分词:suing 过去式:sued

sue maker,sue utility



April 5, 2013 - CNN Student News with... ... scenario Scenario 方案,情节,剧本 sued 起诉 tournament 比赛,竞赛,锦标赛 ...


Milk shake 4 ... 4. Lawsuit 诉讼(尤指非刑事案件) 5. Sued 控告 6. Cholesterol 胆固醇 ...


去年8月,王女士以夫妻感情破裂为由诉至(Sued)法院,要求与邢民离婚。诉讼中,邢民提出自己欠款5万余(Thousand)元系夫 …


MTV音乐频道 MTV... ... 专辑名称: 梦醒时分 / After ... 歌手团体: 麂皮合唱团 / Sued ... 专辑名称: 血腥运动 / Blood ... ...

A week earlier it had been sued by Apple in a California federal court for violating a broad range of Apple's intellectual property rights. 一周前,苹果在加州联邦法院起诉三星,称其侵犯了自己一系列知识产权。
Once the commission aimed at the king, it had a responsibility, to the American public in whose name it sued, to win. 一旦起诉的是重量级对手,以美国民众的名义起诉的SEC就有责任获胜。
A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig. The man was found guilty and fined. 一个女人起诉一个男人诽谤。她指控这个男人骂她是头猪。男人被叛有罪并受到处罚,英语学习。
If the manager had not poured oil on troubled waters, the angry customer might have sued the salesgirl. 幸亏经理平息了这场纷争,否则那位愤怒的顾客可能会控告女售货员呢。
With weak evidence against the three, the men might have been acquitted and then sued the state for wrongful incarceration. 由于指控这三个被告的证据薄弱,他们可能会被判处无罪并且之后他们会控告州政府对他们错误的监禁。
The High Court was asked to intervene by a bank which had sued the airline for not meeting the terms of payment for its leased aircraft. 去年,在一家银行机构对该公司拖欠飞机租赁费的做法提出诉讼后,英国伦敦高等法院开始介入此事。
canadian man has sued a vancouver - area strip club , claiming he was injured by a " reckless " exotic dancer who kicked him in the head. 一名加拿大男子日前把一家温哥华市内的脱衣舞俱乐部告上了法庭。他声称被该俱乐部的一名“鲁莽的”脱衣舞女郎踢伤了头部。
The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last week sued the company in U. S. District Court in Manhattan on behalf of the women. 美国平等就业机会委员会(U.S.EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)上周代表上述三人,在曼哈顿地区法院向彭博资讯提起诉讼。
Global record labels have sued Baidu, trying to force the company to stop linking to unlicensed sites. 环球唱片已经起诉百度,试图强迫这家公司关闭对这些未经认证的网站的访问链接。
MBIA sued Credit Suisse, alleging the bank fraudulently sold securities backed by loans that did not meet underwriting standards. MBIA曾起诉瑞士信贷,指控其欺诈销售未达到承销标准的贷款支持证券。
The FASB wants to force firms to publish detailedinformation about what they might get sued for and how much it might cost them. 委员会想强制公司公开他们可能导致他们被诉的情况的详细信息以及由于诉讼所致的代价几何。
The Good Samaritan of Biblical lore was different than you and me: He was able to help without the fear of being sued. 《圣经》故事里好心的撒玛利亚人与你我的处境截然不同:他能够施人以援手,不用担心被起诉。
The decision was a partial victory for the Obama administration, which had sued to block several parts of the law. 奥巴马政府曾经试图通过法律诉讼叫停该法案部分条款,此次判决对其而言意味着部分胜利。
I'm going to get sued either way by fifty people, but I don't want to spend my life trying to mop up a total disaster on Wall Street. 无论干还是不干,我都会受到指责,但我不希望把自己的生命,花在为华尔街一场彻头彻尾的灾难收拾残局上。
Swiss court sided with the hedge funds, which had sued under a debt-collection law, but was overruled by an appeals court on a technicality. 对冲基金按照债务催收法提起诉讼,得到一家瑞士法庭支持,不过被上诉法庭以一个无关痛痒的细节为由驳回。
And while Paulson didn't get sued, because the SEC said he made no misrepresentations, he did make $1 billion on the deal. 虽然鲍尔森没有被控诉,因为SEC表示它没有误传,而且他还因这笔贸易狠赚10亿。
The fact that PayPal sued Google just hours after they announced the Google Wallet shows you just how much is at stake here. “宣布谷歌钱包数小时后,贝宝(Paypal)就起诉谷歌,这事实说明这儿的风险是多么大”。
An ordinary reader, who did not own a printing press, could copy books only with pen and ink, and few readers were sued for that. 普通读者没有印刷机,他们只能用笔墨拷贝作品,所以很少有读者因此而被控告。
The right of a state not to be sued and its protection from seizure of assets in the event of a . . . 指一个国家在贷款违约时免于被提起诉讼及资产免受被没收的权利。
In Germany, politician and privacy advocate Malte Spitz sued his carrier, Deutsche Telekom, to get all the information it had on him. 在德国,政治家兼隐私提倡者毛特•斯贝茨起诉德国电信获取了他的全部个人信息。
The city argued that it would be sued by black firefighters if it honoured the test results. 纽黑文市争辩说如果他们采信考试结果,他们将被黑人消防员们告上法庭。
Later, however, the old woman and her family sued him in court, which eventually ruled that Peng Yu should pay 40% of the medical costs. 然而,老妇和老妇的家人随后将他告上法庭,法院最后判决彭宇支付40%的医疗费用。
Revealing such information to the police could be bad for business; they might be sued for breach of confidentiality. 向警方透露这种信息会坏了生意,他们也许会因泄露机密而被起诉。
The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity, announcing that the fraud won't be sued as long as he gives the money back. 其中一个受害者的父亲异常宽容地说,只要这个片子把他家人的钱还回来,这个骗子就不会被告上法庭。
The 70-year-old professor sued the university for age discrimination, because his teaching contract had not been renewed. 这名70岁的老教授指控该大学年龄歧视,因为他的教书合约(聘书)未被续聘。
Jane had been living apart from her husband for 3 months before she sued for a divorce. 简和丈夫分居三个月后请求离婚。
Some legislators are talking about changing the legal limit to the amount of third-party damages the company can be sued for. 一些立法者正考虑改变公司要求第三方索赔的法定限制。
No doctors have been sued or charged with a crime because the insurance department is focusing on the company in its civil action. 由于保险部门在民事诉讼方面关注的主要是公司,所以到目前为止还没有医生受到犯罪的控告和起诉。
In 2006, a man stopped to help an elderly woman who had slipped--and was promptly sued for most of her medical are. 2006年,一个男子停下来帮助一名滑倒的老太太——结果却被起诉支付大部分医疗费。
Helen has finally sued her malingering husband for divorce, but I think she did it more in sorrow than in anger. 海伦终于与她那个托病开小差的丈夫打官司要求离婚,不过我觉得,她这样做更多的是悲哀而不是愤恨。