
美 [sʌm]英 [sʌm]
  • n.和;总和;金额;总数
  • v.总结;合计;总计(into, to)
  • abbr.(=surface-to-underwater missile)舰对水下导弹[飞弹]
  • 网络Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series; 算术题

复数:sums 过去式:summed 现在分词:summing

large sum,small sum,huge sum,enormous sum,tidy sum
spend sum,earn sum,save sum,lose sum,raise sum


n. v.

1.[c]~ (of sth)金额;款项an amount of money

2.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)和;总和;总数the number you get when you add two or more numbers together

3.[sing]the ~ of sth全部,一切(尤指数量不大)all of sth, especially when you think that it is not very much

4.[c]算术;(数字的)简单计算a simple problem that involves calculating numbers


be greater/more than the sum of its parts

个体相加不如集体的力量大to be better or more effective as a group than you would think just by looking at the individual members of the group

in sum

总之;总而言之used to introduce a short statement of the main points of a discussion, speech, etc.

Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series

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世界平均工资是多少?_BBC_新浪教育_新浪网 ... an average amount 平均数量 sums 总数 multiplied by 乘以 ...


ALV相关汇总 - elegant - 博客园 ... Exceptions 扩展 Sums 合计 Interaction 继承 ...


主题:总和(Sums)与级数(Series)、乘积(Products)、Stirling公式、渐近级数(Asymptotics) 主题:匹配(Matching)计数,鸽笼原 …


加勒比海盗2中英剧本+人... ... 吉布斯:“大海吗?”[ The sea?] 平特:“算术题?”[ Sums?] 杰克:“(不耐烦,插话)一个女人!”…

The company has had a very profitable year, but large sums have to be put aside to meet. 公司今年已取得很大效益,但大量资金不得不储备起来以供资本应付款项之需。
I wondered dully what on earth I ought to do about her bank books, for she had considerable sums of money in Seattle and in England. 对于她的存折,我茫然不知究竟该怎么办,因为她在西雅图和英格兰都有可观的存款。
The Federal Reserve would have to pump huge sums of money into the market to keep other banks afloat after Salomon failed to pay them. 在所罗门无力向其他银行进行支付后,美联储将不得不向市场注入巨额资金,以维持其他银行的运转。
A bond dealer need not appreciate Proust, but he must be able to do sums in his head. 一个债券经销商不需要感激蒲鲁斯特,但是他必须能够心算。
It is not the first time that wealthy people have been swindled out of huge sums of money, nor will it be the last. 这不是富人的首次被骗,也不会是最后一次。
To relieve the stress of making vast sums of money, he said, there is nothing like zipping around in a copter. 他谈到,为了释放赚大钱的压力,没有什么比乘直升机在天上翱翔更有效果了。
ROBINSON Pay off lump sums perhaps, and just get rid of it. OK Milton Friedman, if you are made dictator for one day, the next day. 或许应该一次性补偿,然后撤销这个机构。好吧,米尔顿·弗里德曼,如果有朝一日你做了独裁者,接下来……
The spiriting away of such sums is a huge blow in a land with an official GDP of just $12 billion a year. 相对于每年仅仅120亿美元的官方GDP来说,这样大宗数目金钱的流失将阿富汗经济推上破产的边缘。
International sport is no longer just a game. Enormous sums of money and previously unimaginable rewards are now on offer. 由于涉及巨额金钱及以往难以想像的奖金,国际体育活动已不单是游戏竞技。
His goal just sums up his season. Sometimes those chances can come a bit early for you. You are not quite up to speed. 他的进球就像他的赛季一样棒,但也许来的有点太早了,还没有弄明白怎么回事。
These she bought the medical supplies with the large sums of money given to her by many friends to help her in the Crimea. 她用朋友们给她的一笔笔钱购买医疗设备。
"He was trying to do everyone else's job" is how one former colleague sums up Sir Fred's career. "But he wasn't doing his own job. " “他试图做其他所有人的工作”,他以前的一位同事在总结弗雷德爵士的职业生涯时说道,“但他没有做自己的工作。”
There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for "protection" . 以前曾有一个时期。芝加哥的商店主人和企业老板都得向当地的歹徒缴纳一大笔钱以取得保护。
But the interesting bit was that the fast-moving prices have prompted her to do her sums again: she is moving her production back to Europe. 但是有趣的是,中国价格快速增长促使她重新清醒思考:她正在将生产线迁回欧洲。
Moreover this method turned out to be low invasive and safe, since it did not lead to tumour formation ", sums up Dr. Czupryn. " 而且这种方法显示是低侵袭性和安全,因为它不导致肿瘤形成。
It sums up the characteristics of the two typical methods and made a simple comparative. 总结两种方法的特点,并做简单对比。
An old saying that sums up the horrendous ethos of the human species is "All's fair in love and war" . 有句老话这样说“人类所有民族的精神史简而言之就一句话:在爱情与战争中可以不择手段,没有公平可言”。
This procedure sums up the collected trace and lists how often a given stored procedure was called and how much time passed for all calls. 该过程总结收集到的跟踪,并列出调用给定存储过程的频率,以及所有调用总共花费的时间。
Mr Brown seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft. 在讨论远高于我如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时,布朗似乎遇到了同样的不直率。
The sums involved are beginning to outstrip individual contributions from traditional donors, including multilateral development agencies. 中国在非洲的投资已经开始超过传统捐赠方的单独投入,其中包括多边开发机构。
This student's mathematics academic record is not good. And she sums up the result for her lacking mathematics brains. 该生数学学习成绩一直不好,并且她把成绩不好的原因归结为自己是女生没有数学头脑,因此有放弃学习数学的念头。
And the last part sums up the experience and lessons learned from the construction of political modernization since the foundation of PRC. 最后一部分总结了建国以来党领导我们进行政治现代化建设的经验与教训。
He and his "Xi Beiwang" in the Tibetans home nurturing feelings of a week, it spent huge sums of money back to Tian Jin. 他就在藏民家里跟西北王培养了一星期感情,花重金把它请回了天津。
It is always startling to see how relatively small differences in rates add up to very significant sums over a period of years. 让人吃惊的是,相对较小的速度差别,经过多年的积累,逐渐变为巨大的数字差异。
Great sums of money can be made by picking solid stocks beaten down in bear markets. 但是在熊市里,可以通过挑选受到重创的固定股票进行投资从而获得大额收益。
The Customer shall pay in full any sums due to the Bank under any of these indemnities on demand . 客户须按要求全数支付在此等弥偿项下欠本行的任何款项。
In the next few weeks, the Federal Reserve is expected to inject vast sums of money into the economy in another attempt to spur growth. 在接下来的几周内,预计美联储会向市场注入大量资金,来进一步刺激经济增长。
I remember you told me once that you were not good at Maths, but you always helped me with my sums and graphs. 我记得你曾经对我说你不擅长数学,但你总是帮我,我总结和图表。你总是所有的问题解释清楚。我不知道你们是怎么了。
IPF and Provident loan out smaller sums of money (the equivalent of a few hundred dollars, typically) at shorter durations and higher rates. 远景金融和国际个人金融(IPF)所提供的贷款,往往数额较小(放贷金额通常相当于几百美元),还贷时间较短,利率较高。
Although there is no limit to the amount of money you can bring into Britain, don't carry large sums of money with you. 虽然对你能带多少钱到英国没有限制,但是最好别带大量的现金。