
美 [sʌn]英 [sʌn]
  • n.太阳;阳光;日;日光
  • v.晒太阳
  • 网络凤凰城太阳;太阳队;凤凰城太阳队

复数:suns 过去式:sunned 现在分词:sunning

hot sun,warm sun,bright sun,afternoon sun,strong sun


n. v.

1.[sing]太阳;日the star that shines in the sky during the day and gives the earth heat and light

2.[sing][u]太阳的光和热;阳光;日光the light and heat from the sun


under the sun

(强调事物数量很大)天下,世上,全世界used to emphasize that you are talking about a very large number of things

with the sun

日出时;日落时when the sun rises or sets


这是继凤凰城太阳Suns)1997年11月14日以140-139险胜波特兰拓荒者(Trail Blazers)以来最漫长的比赛,打平NBA史上 …




奈许效力凤凰城太阳队Suns)时,于2005和2006年在狄安东尼麾下连续两季当选最有价值球员,而狄安东尼今年夏天担任伦 …


北京展映4月22日放映安排-2013bjiff ... 烈日灼人2:碉堡要塞 Burnt By The Sun 2:Citadel 四个太阳 4 Suns 法国、意大利 FRA…


12月14号带您走进摄影天堂 雪山之巅 【★ 尼泊尔】 ... 阳光 Suns 2012-10-25 13:33:55 阳光领队 clot 2012-11-22 12:09:50 ...


peter pan 幼儿话剧 音乐伴奏 - 搜搜问问 ... 太阳 sun 太阳们 suns 彼得·潘 Peter pan ...

I would definitely say try especially to protect those we are looking out for the children who are unaware of the suns damage. 所以当然我想说,试着用它来保护那些对太阳光伤害没有意识的孩子们。
Del Negro, assistant general manager of the Phoenix Suns, has never been a head coach. 作为菲尼克斯太阳队的总经理助理,德内格罗从来没有做过主教练。
It was the end of a surprising, exhilarating run for the Suns, who went from lottery team to Western Conference finalist in a year. 太阳队充满惊喜而又令人振奋的旅程结束了,本赛季他们从一支乐透区队伍开始直到杀入西区决赛。
In such a way, Suns had to keep most of their players to fight for the rebounds and could not be able to run the fast break. 这样一来,太阳就必须保持足够的球员在自己后场抢篮板,而无法发起快攻。
He gave orders to his ten sons to become ten suns and travel across the sky one at a time, each taking one day. 他下令他的十个儿子,成为一次十个太阳在天空中一及旅游,每次服用一天。
Chinese ancients with nine for the sun count, the beginning of September nine, two suns are mutually heavy, past call "heavy sun" . 中国古人以九为阳数,九月初九,两阳相重,故叫“重阳”。
You don't want to end up to a super nova, the core of any suns or planets because it will ruin your morning and the rest of your life. 你不希望闯进超新星或者任何恒星和行星的中心,因为这样会毁了你的早上、以及你的余生。
They need to keep feeding Yao until the Suns take a timeout, figure it out and start fronting him with a double team again. 我们需要不停的给姚传球,知道太阳叫暂停,让们开用双人绕前防守。
Hou Yi went up to a very high mountain with his bow and arrows, he wanted to shot all the suns down. 他背起弓箭,站在一块巨石上,要把太阳都射落下来。
With all the excitement of Wednesday's Lakers-Suns game, I got to thinking about that Shaq-to-Miami trade from years ago. 周三湖人——太阳的交战,无数精彩画面让我想起了几年前沙克东游的交易。
It's part of that galaxy, and it's shining as brightly as the center of the galaxy with a billion suns in it. 它是星系的一部分,而它的光芒同有着十亿颗太阳的星系中心一样明亮耀眼。
Yes. But I told you it was only a legend. One day all 10 suns came out at once. The temperature of the earth went up quickly. 是的.但是我告诉你了,它仅仅是个传说.一天所有的10个太阳一次出现了.地球的温度很快升高了。
I think JVG got drunk last night trying to figure out a way to keep the suns under 80 points then put Novak as starting by accident. 我想昨天晚上范甘迪一定是喝醉了,尽力去寻找办法,让太阳得分不超过80,然后就错误的让诺瓦克首发。
Which explains why the Mavs and Suns are looking for any edge they can find, early as it seems to be talking about playoff matchups. 那些解释为什么小牛和太阳在寻找任何他们能够找到的优势的话,看起来象讨论关于季后赛一样早。
Even in New Orleans, all anyone was talking about on Saturday was that epic opener between the Spurs and Suns. 即便是在新奥尔良,大家也都在谈论周六进行的马刺与太阳那场漫长的揭幕战。
It was the best thing that had happened in days for the host Suns, or the only good thing. 这是东道主太阳队最近发生的最好的事情了,或者说是唯一一件好事。
Even if he went to a team like SA or the Suns, think of what they would have to give up to get him. 即便他想去马刺或太阳这样的强队,想想看,要得到科比,这些球队得放弃哪些球员。
Rox is doing well, I hope JVG finally find his way to win the Suns, it seems like Utah always has a way to beat Suns. 火箭打得很好,我希望范甘迪最终可以找到战胜太阳的方法,看上去好像犹他总有办法打败他们。
But he said focus group testing on adult smokers showed greater interest for dissolvable tobacco than for suns. 但是他说,焦点小组对成年烟民的测试显示,对可溶解烟草的兴趣比鼻烟的大。
It was thanks to a skillful archer named Hou Yi that the Earth was saved. He shot down all but one of the suns. 多亏一位名叫后羿的神箭手射下了9个太阳,地球才被保住。
One of the world's leading mythologists, a bestselling author, Barbara Walker, had the following to say about Suns of God. 芭芭拉,沃克,一流的世界神话学者之一,一位畅销书作者,这样评论《太阳神》一书。
When it does do, it will burn so brightly that the earth will appear to have two suns in the sky, the Daily Mail reported. 英国《每日邮报》报道称,当它真正爆炸时,它将燃烧地非常明亮,以至于地球似乎拥有两个太阳一样。
Our Milky Way's central black hole is tame by comparison, with a mass of a few million suns. 与之相比,我们银河中心的黑洞要温顺很多,而且质量仅为太阳的数百万倍。
Our Milky Way's central black hole is tame in comparison, with a mass of a few million suns. 我们银河系中央的黑洞相比之下要逊色不少,它的质量只相当于几百万个太阳。
Now, far beyond that as well, between the stars, with the blackness of space, the shining planets, comets, suns, and stars. . . 现在,也像是远离地球,在星际间穿梭,在漆黑的太空中,星球、彗星、太阳和星星闪烁发光…
Also known as "mock" suns or parhelia, sundogs appear on each side of the sun. 有人也称它为“伪造”的太阳或假日,它们出现在太阳的各个侧面。
Using this dish - essentially a giant mirror - he concentrated the light of a thousand suns onto the new panel. The result was staggering . 用这个盘子–基本上是一面巨大的镜子–他将千束阳光会聚到新面板上。结果令人震惊。
The three teams we played [Nuggets, Suns, Jazz], obviously you could have put them in any order . . . and had the same kind of tough series. 和我们对阵过的三支球队[掘金,太阳,爵士],很显然,你可以以任何顺序安排他们…然后都会有同样艰辛的系列赛。
The Suns are a poor defensive team, but we are just GIVING them steals. We need to sharpen up the ball control. 太阳是一个防守很烂的球队,但是我们却给他们这么多的抢断,我们需要提高控球能力。
It will end with the clouds parted and the light of two suns filling the sky. 它的结束伴随着乌云的消散,两个太阳的光充满天空。