
美 [səˈplaɪ]英 [sə'plaɪ]
  • n.供应;供给;提供;补给
  • v.供给
  • adv.同“supplely”

过去式:supplied 第三人称单数:supplies 现在分词:supplying

supply information,supply quantity,supply equipment,material supply,supply answer
electrical supply,scarce supply


n. v.

1.[c]供应量;供给量;储备an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used

2.[pl](军队或探险队等的)补给,补给品the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition

3.[u]供应;供给;提供;补给the act of supplying sth

Now, a number of AGOA countries are in the early stages of supplying the American market with products they had not supplied in the past. 现在,一些《非洲增长与机会法》的受益国正处于向美国市场供应他们过去没有出口过的产品的初期阶段。
This creates a virtual table by the name "CATEGORIZED" with a set of columns supplied from inner queries. 该部分创建了一个名称为“CATEGORIZED”的虚拟表,表中带有inner查询提供的一组列。
Parts and components either to be supplied by Party A or to be purchased in Guangzhou by Party B are as per the list attached. 一切需用的零件与部件由甲方供给,或由乙方在广州购买,详见附表。
An armature is similar to a rotor except that it includes windings of copper wire to which electric current is supplied via a commutator. 一电枢类似转子,除了它包括绕组的铜导线,以其中的电流供应,通过换向器。
A rise in productivity leads to an increase in the quantity supplied of any given good, allowing for a reduction in price. 生产力提高又引起了对任何既有产品的供给量的增加,并使得价格下跌。
The supplied-air respirator uses the same sort of filter cartridge found in an air-purifying respirator. 供气式呼吸器使用同样与过滤式呼吸器一样的过滤罐。
Mr Cassidy starts in 1776 with Adam Smith and his butchers, brewers and bakers, who supplied their wares as if guided by an unseen hand. 最初是1776年,亚当。斯密认为屠夫、酿酒师、面包师似乎被一只无形的手指引来供应产品。
Danone said it had discovered that Zong Qinghou, the Wahaha chief, had set up a string of factories that supplied only the joint venture. 达能表示,它发现娃哈哈董事长兼总经理宗庆后建立了一些工厂,专门向合资企业供应产品。
We have full confidence in the superiority of our product in quality to that of other goods supplied at similar price. 我方深信本产品在品质上绝对比同价位的其他供应商的产品优良。
The titlebar has an arrow for folding out, a help icon, and a settings menu that depends on the type of the object supplied. 标题栏有可折叠箭头,帮助图标和设置菜单,取决于物体支持的类型。
If the total row count is supplied by the source data object, the FormView control will request only a single row at a time for each page. 如果源数据对象提供了总行数,则对于每一页,FormView控件将一次只请求一行。
It was a very useful note, for it supplied them with fresh matter for thought and conversation during the rest of their lonely evening. 那是一封非常有用的信,因为它为他们孤独的夜晚时光提供了思索和交谈的新鲜内容。
The only consideration you have to deal with is the difference between the supplied allocation for the child and its requirement. 惟一要考虑的是为child提供的分配空间与它的需求之间的差额。
After 43 days, the money supplied by his employer was depleted and he was to be released. 43天后,老板垫付的钱用完了,他不得不出院。
In an interview she said 'the safety of food supplied to athletes during the Beijing Games is crucial in building our national image. 她在接受采访时说,对于北京奥运会期间供应给运动员的食品而言,其安全性攸关中国的形像。
All figure captions should also be supplied on a separate sheet(s). Cost of colour photographs have to be beard by the authors. 所以的图片标注(或图片说明)都应该用一张单独的纸来写。彩色图片的费用必须由作者自己承担。
If the total row count is supplied by the source data object, the GridView control will request only a page of rows at a time. 如果源数据对象提供了总行数,则GridView控件一次只请求一页行。
SAP supplied ERP software through a third-party reseller, but did not perform any contractual services directly to GSIS. SAP透过第三方经销商提供ERP软件,但并未直接为GSIS执行任何合同服务。
Speculation that China would be supplied via a dedicated gas field in Russia, perhaps developed jointly, is incorrect, he said. 他说,有猜测说中国将通过俄罗斯境内一个专门气田接受供应,有可能是联合开发,这种猜测不正确。
When supplied as a ready-to-use solution, the injection complies with the following requirements. 当以备用液的形式给予时,注射液应符合下述要求。
At run time, the supplied method is called to determine whether the device filter evaluates to true. 在运行时,调用所提供的方法来确定设备筛选器的计算结果是否为true。
properties file; the password used for access to a private key must be supplied by a callback. 必须通过回调提供用于访问私有密钥的密码。
Bishnu Kumar Karki, a technical officer at the KUKL, said he would rather drink bottled mineral water but not the supplied water. 比什努库马尔尔基,一个在KUKL技术官员表示,他宁愿喝瓶装矿泉水,但不供水。
The filters can be supplied either as individual filters or as ready-to-install offline units complete with optional motor and pump units. 该过滤器可以提供不论作为个别的过滤器或可直接安装可选的电机和水泵机组完全脱机单位。
However, the measurement information is often not supplied in a simple way, in line with the needs of the industry. 然而,测量信息往往不以简单的方式提供,符合业界的需要。
Creating the plug-in is simple, and the supplied APIs make it easy to create your own application alerts. 创建该插件很简单,并且提供的API使创建自己的应用程序警报变得更容易。
Once mixed, the paints supplied in two or three components on separate containers must be used within the time limit specified. 在混合之后,双组分或多组分的涂料必须在指定的时间内使用。
Barthes then set out to develop semiology thanks to a framework supplied by Saussure's study of the linguistic signs. 依靠索绪尔对语言符号研究所提供的框架,巴尔特着手发展符号学。
It was one of his so-called friends who supplied him with the drugs that killed him. 是他一个所谓的朋友向他提供了毒品,使他丧了命。
It must be understood that our agreement to postpone the payment does not amount to an acceptance of your opinion of the goods supplied. 必须了解,我方同意延期付款并不等于接受贵方关于所供货物的意见。