
美 [səˈplaɪ]英 [sə'plaɪ]
  • n.供应量;供给量;储备;补给品
  • adv.同“supplely”
  • v.(尤指大量)供应
  • 网络提供;电源;供应品

过去式:supplied 第三人称单数:supplies 现在分词:supplying

supply information,supply quantity,supply equipment,material supply,supply answer
electrical supply,scarce supply


n. v.

1.[c]供应量;供给量;储备an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used

2.[pl](军队或探险队等的)补给,补给品the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition

3.[u]供应;供给;提供;补给the act of supplying sth


供字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 供过于求〖 supplyexceedsdemand;oversupply〗 供给〖 feed;supply〗 供给生活用品〖 provide …


供字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 供养〖 supply〗 供应〖 feed;supply〗 供案〖 altar〗 ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... splice, 拼接 supply提供 assemble schematic, 装配简图 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... reply v 回答 supply v 供应,补给 pliable a 易弯的;柔顺的 ...


微电子学英语_百度百科 ... Superlattice 超晶格 Supply 电源 Surface 表面 ...


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... quote 报价 18. supply 供应品;供应物;库存 19. tariff 关税 20. ...


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... quote 报价 18. supply 供应品;供应物;库存 19. tariff 关税 20. ...


建筑常用英语词汇_百度文库 ... sump 污水井 supply 供给,补充 supply fan room 进风机房 ...

It promises utilities to supply them if they need additional power and is paid as if it were keeping physical plants ready. 这家公司保证向电力公司提供需要时的额外电力,费用按照随时保有实际电厂模式支付。
It is all our pleasure to serve for you, supply the comprehensive solution for you, to make you enamoured in the natural stone. 我们将竭诚为您服务,为您提供全面的石材方案解决之策,让您享受天然石材带来的无限乐趣!
"Receipts, receipts" they brazenly shout, trying to hawk fake paid invoices from hotels, restaurants or office supply companies. “发票,发票”,她们厚颜无耻地大声吆喝着,试图兜售宾馆、饭店或办公用品公司开具的假发票。
OPEC appears to be sticking by its production cuts, overall supply is down and it feels like the global economy may be leveling off. 欧佩克似乎坚持减产,总供给正在下降并且看上去全球经济可能会保持平稳。
Ensuring a stable supply of energy has always been a challenge for Japan , every since industrialization . 作为一个工业发达国家,日本面临着一个很大的课题,那就是如何保证能源供应的稳定。
Potable water is often in high demand and short supply following a natural disaster like the Haiti earthquake or Hurricane Katrina. 自然灾害(诸如海地地震和卡特娜飓风)过后便捷水往往供不应求。
So I thought it might be worth thinking about this question in terms of a simple model of labor supply. 因此我想以简单劳动力供给模型来思考这一问题是有意义的。
The freshwater pump is at the heart of the delivery system that ensures a constant supply to the fixtures in galley, head and shower. 淡水泵位于输水系统的中心,以确保能稳定地提供淡水给厨房,洗手间和冲凉房用。
However, this was a great encouragement to me, and I foresaw that in time, it wou'd please God to supply me with bread. 这对我是一个极大的鼓励。我预见到,早晚有一天,上帝会赐给我面包吃。可是,现在我又感到为难了。
The company is mainly engaged in supply of materials, clearance of the ship deck, supply the articles for daily use. 是专门从事国际航行船舶的物料、生活用品供应以及船舶维修、船员接送等服务的单位。
Credit Suisse said the revised NSFR proposal was likely to help the credit market improve as it removes a significant amount of supply. 瑞士信贷称,修订后的NSFR提议可能有助信贷市场好转,因为其排除了大规模的供应。
For two years up to 2004, I taught in mixed comprehensives, and since then I have worked as a supply teacher in London. 截至2004年的两年间,我曾任教综合性大学,然后在伦敦做代课老师。
'There seems to be no price ceiling, ' says Mr. Lin. 'The problem is always the supply. ' 林先生说,“艺术品价格似乎没有封顶的时候,唯一的问题始终都是货源。”
The result of this research can be referred to for researchers to establish a quick respond supply chain system. 该研究结果可谓供应链的决策层所参考,有利于促进供应链的快速响应及整个供应链系统的协调和优化。
The Voltage Selector Setting should be checked to see that it conforms to the local AC supply voltage . 必须查看本机交流电压选择器之预调状态是否符合本地交流电压。
Yet that alone is not enough for transparency. Cartilage has no melanins or blood supply and is colorless, but it is at best translucent. 不过单是如此还不足以达成透明,就像软骨,既没有黑色素亦无血液供应,同时也没有颜色,但它顶多只是半透明。
However, you will be pleased to hear that we have decided to supply your current order at the old prices as you to be our regular client. 不过,你会高兴得知,我们已经决定按照老定价向你供应这批订货,因为你曾是我们的老客户。
And one of the things we wondered -- I'm sure some of you out there are economists, and you know all about supply and demand. 此外,另一个我们想知道的事情——我确信,在座的各位中有一些经济学家,而且大家都知道供需关系。
I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work. 只要阁下时间方便,我随时都可晋见,并随时提供我过去工作情况之所有资料。
Hiring next year will heat up in several fields, including one with a decidedly unglamorous image: supply chain management. 明年,有几个领域将大开用人之门,其中有个听起来毫不起眼的行业:供应链管理。
Gas and oil are commodities, and the prices are based on the cost to replace a seller's supply, not on how much the gas cost to produce. 汽油和石油都是商品,价格是基于代替卖方供应的成本,而不是生产汽油的费用。
This diffusion of water in and out of our intervertebral disks is also important because these disks aren't hooked up to our blood supply. 水份在椎间盘的进出的扩散也是重要的,因为这些椎间盘不能不能从血液中获得供应。
This, however, need not always be the case if the pace of increase in the production of goods exceeds the rate of increase in money supply. 但是,如果商品生产的增长速度超过了货币供应量增长速度,通货膨胀不一定会发生。
But Friedman would likely have objected strongly to any attempt by the Fed to increase the money supply in the name of fighting a recession. 但是弗莱德曼应该会强烈反对美联储通过增加货币供应量来对抗经济衰退。
How much labour and how much capital (in the form of savings) to supply, and. 供应多少劳动力和资金(以储蓄的形式);。
When economic environment fluctuates severely, how should the company in an upper position in a supply chain deal with the bullwhip effect? 景气波动大时,处于产业链上游的厂商如何因应长鞭效应?
Since the overall promotion of the Company, customers continued to receive praise, units in short supply. 自本公司全面推广以来,不断收到顾客好评,机组供不应求。
Nicholas Curtis, Lynas executive chairman, said the deal would "increase global supply and diminish concentration of supply out of China" . Lynas执行主席尼古拉斯-柯蒂斯(NicholasCurtis)说,该交易将“增加全球供应,削弱中国之外的供应集中度”。
Others expressed concern about its impact or that of its extension on future housing supply and on Government revenue. 亦有不少议员表示关注这项措施或者延续这项措施,对未来房屋供应和政府财政收入的影响。
He said the factory contracted with a man named Fang who would supply and supervise mentally disabled workers. 他说工厂和一个叫方的男子定有合同,方为砖厂提供并监管有智力缺陷的工人。