
美 [səˈplaɪ]英 [sə'plaɪ]
  • n.供应;供给;提供;补给
  • v.供给
  • adv.同“supplely”
  • 网络供应品;给养;供应的

过去式:supplied 第三人称单数:supplies 现在分词:supplying

supply information,supply quantity,supply equipment,material supply,supply answer
electrical supply,scarce supply


n. v.

1.[c]供应量;供给量;储备an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used

2.[pl](军队或探险队等的)补给,补给品the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition

3.[u]供应;供给;提供;补给the act of supplying sth


S ... supplier 供应商,供货人 supplying 供应 supporting metal 支撑金属 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... winding n. 绕, 缠, 绕组, 线圈 supplying n. 补给, 供给, 供应品 skein n. (一)束, (一)群, 一团糟 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... winding n. 绕, 缠, 绕组, 线圈 supplying n. 补给, 供给, 供应品 skein n. (一)束, (一)群, 一团糟 ...




《Friends》词汇表A ... winding n. 绕, 缠, 绕组, 线圈 supplying n. 补给, 供给, 供应品 skein n. (一)束, (一)群, 一团糟 ...


Olympic Summer Sports Glossary ... strips 垫 supplying 给养,补给 tack 图钉 ...


【supply】什么意思_英语supply在线翻译_有道词典 ... supplementary 补充的;追加的 supplying 供应的 supplementary 补充 …


船舶电网可分为供(Supplying)电网络与配(Distribution)电网络两种形式。 1)船舶电网的供电网络 供电网络是指主发电机与主配 …

Since the beginning of its operation, Matrixx focuses in supplying high end manufacturing equipment and materials to the local PV companies. 上海玛企从成立之初即致力于为中国广大太阳能电池生产企业提供高品质的生产设备和材料。
Now, a number of AGOA countries are in the early stages of supplying the American market with products they had not supplied in the past. 现在,一些《非洲增长与机会法》的受益国正处于向美国市场供应他们过去没有出口过的产品的初期阶段。
If you send someone to kill Jack Bauer, the only thing you accomplish is supplying him a fresh set of weapons to kill you with. 如果你派遣某人去干掉JACK,你唯一需要做到的就是给这个人海量的武器——用来杀了你自己。
And yet, daily demand, as you know, is for I think a million plus more barrels than we're supplying. 而每日需求,正如你所知,我认为比我们的供应多一百多万桶。
The company is capable of supplying monodisperse particles of any size in the range from 5 nanometers to 1000 microns. 公司拥有世界领先的纳微米球材料制备和应用技术,能够提供粒径范围从5纳米到1000微米的任意大小均匀性微球。
Earlier, the head of Nato, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said he was strongly opposed to any supplying of weapons to rebel forces in Libya. 此前,北约秘书长拉斯穆森表示,他强烈反对为利比亚反叛力量提供任何武器。
His job was gone and his money had all run out. In a month or so they were to be married. Meanwhile the parents were supplying the dough. 他的工作丢了,钱也花光了,他们大约在一个月内结婚,在这段时间内由女方父母给他们钱花。
With the rugged Owen Stanley Mountains supplying an almost impassable backbone, the body of New Guinea was one vast jungle. 新几内亚岛上覆盖着大片的丛林,难以逾越的欧文.斯坦利山脉蜿蜒崎岖在岛上。
Perhaps you re wondering if you might be able to avoid supplying the full XML document by updating through a view. 也许您想知道是否可以通过一个视图进行更新,从而避免提供整个XML文档。例如,
This made for very poor sleep, in spite of the hotel supplying a fan. Complaints about this to the front desk accomplished nothing. 这使我们度过了一个难熬的夜晚,尽管宾馆提供了一个风扇,抱怨这些也没有完成什么事。
The country currently has 11 nuclear reactors supplying about 1% of its power, but wants to see that contribution rise to at least 5%. 中国目前有11个核反应堆,能源贡献率为1%,但国家希望将其提到高至少5%。
On the surface, IBM appears to be the bad guy, supplying a malfunctioning database and then refusing to help when things turned bad. 表面上,IBM看上去像是个坏孩子,提供了一份无法正常工作的数据库,并且在事情变得遭糕之后拒绝帮忙。
Supplying the name of a repository when executing this command creates a directory for that repository in the specified location. 如果在执行此命令时提供存储库名称,就会在指定的位置为此存储库创建目录。
In addition to supplying the wind turbines, GE is selling about a third of the land required for the project to the city of Los Angeles. 除了提供风力涡轮机,通用电气还将向洛杉矶市出售项目所需的三分之一的土地。
Provided is an electronic apparatus capable of also supplying sufficient air flow to a heat generating device other than the heat sink. 提供一种电子设备,即使对于散热器以外的发热装置也能够供给足够的空气流。
Our speciality back in Italy is wholesale supplying of screws, bolts, nuts, pins, studs and that sort of things. 在意大利是专营批发的,供应的项目有螺丝,螺栓,螺帽,别针,饰针等诸如此类的东西。
The selfish tramp is tired of supplying Herschell with drugs (along with being scared of him). 自私的流浪汉是厌倦了与毒品供应Herschell(连同正在害怕他)。
We are very willing to build business relationship with you and supplying for you. 我们非常希望能够和你建立良好的商业合作关系,愿为你效劳。
Chinese oil traders, including the secretive ZhenHua Oil, began supplying fuel to Iran in 2009 and now provide up to a third of its imports. 2009年,行事隐秘的振华石油(ZhenhuaOil)等中国石油贸易商开始向伊朗供应燃料,如今已占到该国燃料进口中至多三分之一的比重。
I'm spoilt having a teammate like Gerrard as I can count on him supplying me with perfect passes. 我为有杰拉德这样的队友而高兴,他为我提供完美传球。
In the past firms made a lot of money supplying content that was not too objectionable to people who did not have much of a choice. 以前人们的选择有限,只要公司提供的东西不那么令人厌倦,它就可以创造巨额利润。
While supplying the insulation laminate and laminate rod, we are also ready to accept the special requirement for the insulation part. 本公司在供应绝缘板、棒的同时,也可按客户要求,定制成型件。欢迎海内外朋友垂询。
Critics say the market represents a new sort of arms trade supplying Western governments and repressive nations alike. 关于这个现象,评论家们说这正是市场展现的一种新的,为西方国家政府和类似的强权国家提供的武器贸易形式。
The nuclear plant had been a support for the townspeople for 40 years, supplying jobs and buoying the economy. 40年来,核电站一直是镇上人的一个支柱,为他们提供就业岗位,支撑着当地的经济。
"The American Dream Initiative" is an attempt to make globalisation sound less scary by supplying cushions and ladders. “美国梦倡议书”努力通过提供缓冲和阶梯使全球化显得不那么令人担忧。
The huge "Brotherhood" pipeline connects Russia with Ukraine and Slovakia before supplying up to a quarter of western Europe's gas. 巨大的“兄弟”管道连接俄罗斯、乌克兰和斯洛伐克,再为西欧提供四分之一的天然气。
and a second pure water supply means capable of supplying the pure water in which the gas has been dissolved by the dissolving means. 以及能够提供其中通过溶解装置溶解气体的纯水的第二纯水供应装置。
President Obama has said he does not rule out supplying American weapons to opposition figures in Libya. 奥巴马总统表示,他不排除美国向利比亚反对派人士供应武器的可能性。
Object to read the contents of a text file into a string, supplying the path and file encoding type. 方法并提供路径和文件编码类型,可以将文本文件的内容读入字符串中。
High blood pressure, however, is always putting stress on your blood vessels, including those supplying your heart with blood. 高血压是血管的压力高,包括那些给你的心脏提供的血压。