
美 [ʃʊr]英 [ʃɔː(r)]
  • adj.肯定;一定;确信;必定
  • adv.的确;(表示同意)当然;应该的
  • 网络叙雷尔

比较级:surer 最高级:surest

sure bet,sure sign,sure winner


1.[nbn]确信;确知;肯定;有把握confident that you know sth or that you are right

2.[nbn]一定,必定,无疑(将会得到或发生)certain that you will receive sth or that sth will happen

3.~ to do sth一定,必定,无疑(会做或会发生)certain to do sth or to happen

4.[ubn]不容置疑的;确切的;可靠的;保险的that can be trusted or relied on

5.[ubn]沉着自信的;胸有成竹的steady and confident


be sure to do sth

一定要,务必(去做某事)used to tell sb to do sth

for sure

无疑;肯定without doubt

make sure (of sth/that…)

确保;设法保证to do sth in order to be certain that sth else happens

sure of yourself

自信;自以为是very confident

sure thing

(答应建议或要求)当然,一定used to say ‘yes’ to a suggestion or request

to be sure

(承认属实)诚然,固然,无可否认used to admit that sth is true


美国大学翻译中文 19_书面语语_DuSystem... ... 叙雷尔 Surel 叙雷尔 Surer 叙雷尔 Surrel ...

Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbling stone. 呜呼,他跌倒,是因为走在他前头的那些人,虽步伐快捷沉稳,却没有移开伴脚石。
Marxist-Leninist revolution remained his dream; but, as he knew better than anyone, capitalism and private enterprise remained a surer bet. 马克思列宁主义革命依然是他的梦,但是他也知道,而且比任何人都要知道,资本主义和私有企业依旧会是更可靠的赌注。
A people who are tolerant, open-minded and reasonable would be a surer guarantee for such a society. 具有宽和、容忍和讲理的品德,更能保证和推进社会精神文明的发展。
November's election offers a chance to put Haiti's relations with its donors on a surer footing. 11月的选举将提供一个使海地与捐赠人关系更稳固的机会。
There is no surer mark of folly, than an attempt to correct the natural infirmities of those we love. 世上没有比企图去矫正我们所爱慕的人的天生的缺陷更显得愚蠢的了。
If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values. 如果学校对学业的强调减少一些,也许就有更多的时间教孩子更重要的价值观念。
to make assurance surer , i got upon my hands and knees , and crawled , without a sound , towards the corner of the house. 为了确保安全,我趴在地上,用双手和膝盖一声不响地爬向木屋的一角。
All the time with each breath . . . you are becoming stronger and surer . . . because you cannot deny the TRUTH. 至始至终在你的每次呼吸中…你都在变得更加强大和更加自信…因为你不可能忽视这个真理。
Former Swiss driver and German-language commentator Marc Surer, however, is not sure 25-year-old Senna would be the ideal substitute. 前瑞士车手和德语评论员马克可靠,但是,不能确定25岁的塞纳将是理想的替代品。
Has the sword of despots proved to be a safer or surer instrument of reform in government than enlightened reason ? 难道暴君的刀剑比启蒙的理智更能成为政府改革中安全,可靠的手段?。
All this is evidence that Chinese composers were acquiring a surer grasp of the rules of symphonic creation. 这表明中国作曲家对交响音乐艺术规律的把握更趋成熟。
This, he argued, would put a lid on inflation, setting spending and investment decisions on a surer footing. 他认为这种方式可以消除通货膨胀,以一种更加稳妥的步伐开支和投资。
A surer route to Greek recovery might have been to restructure its debt. But Mrs Merkel notes that she gets conflicting advice. 原本一条拯救希腊债务危机的可能方案就是债务重组,但默克尔意识到她得到了两条截然不同的建议。
But buying a big, established, global brand with potential for growth could be both a quicker and a surer route. 但购买一家有着升值潜力、公认的大型全球品牌是一条即快捷又可靠的路线。
There is no surer way of pleasing the electorate, meantime, than taxing bankers. 与向银行家征税相比,没有什么方法更有把握让选民满意了。
And what surer way to signal robustness than by bearing more than one child at a time? 而且能有什么比健壮的母亲生育多于一个孩子更有说服力呢?
There isno subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than todebauch the currency. 欲颠覆现存社会的基础,没有比放任货币泛滥更微妙与更可靠的手段。
Compared with starving, socialist India, they were on much surer ground. 和饥饿的社会主义印度相比,巴基斯坦的生活要有保障得多。
To live by faith is a far surer and happier thing than to live by feelings or by works. 过信心生活,比凭感觉或靠行善过活,是一件更稳妥快乐的事。
Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom. 知识源于教育,同时也是通往智能较稳当的一条路。
Fraser is on surer ground when he relies on sources with first-hand knowledge. 弗雷泽依赖有第一手信息的消息人士,因而有更可靠的依据。
Well, that's all right, then. I reckon we're safe as long as we keep mum. But let's swear again, anyway. It's more surer. 好吧,这样就没事了。我想只要咱们守口如瓶,就可保安然无恙。但是,让咱们再发一回誓吧。这样更牢靠些。
Actually, I was sure of myself, sure about everything, far surer than he; sure of my present life and of the death that was coming. 但是我对我自己有把握,对一切都有把握,比他有把握,对我的生命和那即将到来的死亡有把握。
Permanent workers, even at big companies such as Nissan and Panasonic that have announced deep job losses, are on relatively surer ground. 甚至连尼桑和松下这种大公司都已经宣布了大规模的裁员,永久职工也只是相对还比较安全罢了。
When firms and consumers are gripped with uncertainty, government spending is a surer way to boost demand. 当企业和消费者犹豫不决时,政府投资是一个推动需求的可靠方法。
Knowledge derives from education is a surer road to wisdom. 知识源于教育,通往智能较稳当的一条路。
Its performance this time was swifter and surer. 这一次其表现更迅捷,更可靠。
A surer way was suggested by Deng Xiaoping, who said it was best "to cross the river by feeling the stones" . 更有把握的方法是遵从邓小平的建议,他曾经说过,最好的办法是“摸着石头过河”。
What necessity is there to olwell the Past, when the present is so much surer , the future so much brighter? 既然现在要可靠得多,未来要光明得多,还要何必以一味地去留恋过去呢?
Humble knowledge of self is a surer path to God than the ardent pursuit of learning. 自视卑微是比追求学问更可靠的一条引到上帝面前的路。