
美 [ʃʊr]英 [ʃɔː(r)]
  • adj.肯定;一定;确信;必定
  • adv.的确;(表示同意)当然;应该的
  • 网络可靠的;稳当的;最值得信赖

比较级:surer 最高级:surest

sure bet,sure sign,sure winner


1.[nbn]确信;确知;肯定;有把握confident that you know sth or that you are right

2.[nbn]一定,必定,无疑(将会得到或发生)certain that you will receive sth or that sth will happen

3.~ to do sth一定,必定,无疑(会做或会发生)certain to do sth or to happen

4.[ubn]不容置疑的;确切的;可靠的;保险的that can be trusted or relied on

5.[ubn]沉着自信的;胸有成竹的steady and confident


be sure to do sth

一定要,务必(去做某事)used to tell sb to do sth

for sure

无疑;肯定without doubt

make sure (of sth/that…)

确保;设法保证to do sth in order to be certain that sth else happens

sure of yourself

自信;自以为是very confident

sure thing

(答应建议或要求)当然,一定used to say ‘yes’ to a suggestion or request

to be sure

(承认属实)诚然,固然,无可否认used to admit that sth is true


GRE ISSUE 文化_文档下载_文档资料共享网 ... reconsider n. 重新审议 surest 稳当的, 可靠的 bombardment n. 炮击, 轰击 ...


GRE ISSUE 文化_文档下载_文档资料共享网 ... reconsider n. 重新审议 surest 稳当的, 可靠的 bombardment n. 炮击, 轰击 ...


...、稿债无法消化,但就我所知,他实际上却是最有纪律、最值得信赖surest)、最不善拒绝(most appetitive)的作者之一。


Desperate Housewives绝望主妇 第五季... ... rush: 冲; 闯 surest: 保证 dressed: 穿好衣服的 ...

The surest way for a man to lose the respect of others (as well as his self-respect) is to violate his own values. 一个男人一旦违反自我的价值观,便会立刻失去别人的尊重(以及他的自我尊重)。
One of the surest ways to produce a loafer is to let children know that their future is assured. 最可靠的培养懒汉的办法之一是让孩子们知道他们的前途确有保障。
In the surest sign that the neighbourhood's fortunes may be turning, private-sector property developers are beginning to move in. 最能说明该地区命运也许已出现转机的是,私营地产开发商已开始进入该地区。
One of the surest ways to produce a loader is to let children know that their future is assured. 一个培养懒汉的万无一失的办法是:让子女们知道,他们的前途确有保障。
When people blog about me, one of the surest ways I know whether to pay attention is to see how they spelled my name. 当人们在博客中提到我,其中一个最确切的方式知道他们是否用心就是他们会不会拼错我的名字。
Others argue that the surest indicator of a great nation is, in fact, the general welfare of all its people. 也有人认为,一个国家的伟大体现在国民的安乐上。
What can he mean? E: The surest way to disappoint him would be to ask him nothing about it. C: Do tell us, Mr. Darcy. 她再说什么?唯一让他失望的事情就是不要理他。那么,一定要告诉我们,达西先生。
The man who saves a little from his income has given the surest indication of the qualities which every employer is seeking for. 那个每天从自己的收入中节省一点钱的人正是提供了每一个老板所寻求的最可靠的素质。
The surest way to turn your company into the political equivalent of the US Senate is to hire people with the wrong kind of ambition. 如果要将你的公司变成跟美国参议院一样的政治氛围,最可靠的方法是雇佣那些有错误野心的人。
I. Public interest and affection for the industrial heritage and appreciation of its values are the surest ways to conserve it. 公众对工业遗产的兴趣以及对其价值的认同是保护工业遗产最可靠的途径。
But more importantly, taking the time to reflect is, in my opinion, one of the surest ways to consolidate learning and continue to grow. 但是更重要的是,花时间去回顾,去反思。以我看来,这是一个巩固知识,继续成长的方法之一。
I found one of the surest ways to identify nationalities was by watching how they used their mobile phones. 我发现,判断国籍的一个最可靠的方法,就是观察他们使用手机的方法。
Boiling is the surest and perhaps simplest method of water sterilization but is only practical or possible for small displaced populations. 沸腾可能是对水杀菌最可靠并且也许是最简单的方法了,但也仅仅对少量难民人口是实用或可能的。
The surest way to disappoint him would be to ask him nothing . 最能让他感到沮丧的方法就是不要再问他任何事。
PERHAPS the surest sign that newspapers are doomed is that politicians, so often their targets, are beginning to feel sorry for them. 报纸业还是在劫难逃,其中最明显的标志就是:过去一贯为他们所评论的政客们,如今却为其感到惋惜。
Dave Navarro wrote recently that worrying about what you're doing (or not doing) is the surest way to keep you poor and unsuccessful. 戴夫纳瓦罗最近提到,你正在做(或没在做)的事情恐怕会让你变得贫穷且失败。
And the surest way to avoid attacks on our own people is to engage the enemy where he lives and plans. 为了保护我们自己的人民免遭袭击,最可靠的途径就是在敌人生存和策划之地给他们以迎头痛击。
The surest way to have a meaningful, happy life is to commit yourself to striving for it. Don't settle. Be prepared to change routes. 要有意义而幸福的人生,最的办法为之不懈努力,永远别停下。时刻着。
An electoral alliance between the opposition parties would be the surest way of changing the government. 反对党间的选举联盟是改换政权的最可靠方法。
GETTING a top job in Europe requires skilful riding in a political steeplechase designed to trip up all but the surest-footed. 想要在欧洲担任这个最高的职位需要高超的技艺,因为只有最稳健的脚步才通过那些崎岖坎坷的政治障碍。
mixture of admiration and pity is one of the surest recipes for affection. 赞美和怜惜的混合是最可靠的爱情秘方之一一。
As an asset manager, I have come to view conventional wisdom as the surest path to investment underperformance. 作为一名资产管理人,我向来把传统智慧看作是通往糟糕投资的最可靠途径。
You can do that in many ways, but one of the surest ways to empower yourself is through knowledge. 你可以采取很多方式来武装自己,但最好的方式是通过掌握知识。
The approach is refreshingly direct in a country where many women see the surest path to wealth as being down the wedding aisle. 在中国这个许多女性将步入婚姻殿堂视为通向财富最可靠途径的国家,上述方式的直接了当令人耳目一新。
Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get dumped. 嫉妒是最快最可能被打枪的一种。
The surest way to spare the vent creatures would be to mine only inactive vents, where the geysers have stopped and the ecosystem has died. 最保险的方式就是仅对那些已经停止喷出热泉,而且生物系统已经死亡的“死喷口”进行开采。
The sharing of personal experience including our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way te deepen friendships. 分享个人经验,包括我们的眼泪,以及我们黑暗的梦想,是最可靠的方式开盘,加深友谊。
The sharing of personal experience including our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way deepen friendships. 分享个人经历,包括我们的眼泪以及我们黑色的梦,是最肯定能加深友谊的方式。
These policies have shown themselves time and time again to be the surest path to creating jobs, increasing commerce and fostering progress. 这些政策一再自我证明,它们是创造就业机会、促进商业以及鼓励发展的最可靠途径。
Ihave come to the conclusion that the surest road to failure is to do things mechanically. 我得出来的结论是-机械式地做事,是通往失败的必经之路。