
美 [səˈraʊnd]英 [sə'raʊnd]
  • v.环绕;包围;围绕;围住
  • n.周围;饰边
  • 网络环绕声;环绕立体声

第三人称单数:surrounds 现在分词:surrounding 过去式:surrounded

surround village


v. n.

1.围绕;环绕to be all around sth/sb

2.包围;围住to move into position all around sb/sth, especially so as to prevent them from escaping; to move sb/sth into position in this way

3.~ sth/sb与…紧密相关;围绕to be closely connected with sth/sb

4.~ yourself with sb/sth喜欢结交(某类人);喜欢身边总有(某类东西)to choose to have particular people or things near you all the time


字典中 回 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ whirl;circle] (4) 环绕; 包围[ surround] (6) 掉转[ turn round] ...


字典中 回 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ whirl;circle] (4) 环绕; 包围[ surround] (6) 掉转[ turn round] ...


婴_百度百科 ... 3. 通“撄”。触犯[ offend] 4. 绕,围绕[ surround] 5. 遭受;遇[ suffer] ...


遥控器 CH/SYS 什么意思_百度知道 ... MODE 音效 SURROUND 环绕声 SELECT 选择 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... supper 晚餐 surround 包围;环绕,围绕 suspend 暂停,中止;悬,挂,吊 ...


翻译硕士(MTI)经典素材-新词新译(1)_新东方在线 ... 环幕电影 circular-screen movie 环绕立体声 surround 换手率 turnove…


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... surrender 放弃;投降 surround 围住 surrounding 环境 ...

I did not know, the sky is clear light, is to surround a city or to find a city. 我终究没懂,天空逐渐清晰的光,是要包围一座城市还是要淹埋一座城市。
Subtleties and complications surround this principle but, for starters, "That is all you know, and all ye need to know, " said the poet. 这一原则自有其复杂微妙之处,但是首先,就像诗人说的那样,“这就是所有你知道的,以及你必须知道的”。
My mother used to say to me, 'You want boys to like you, to surround you, to admire you. ' “我妈妈过去常常跟我说,“你想要男孩们喜欢你、包围你、赞美你。””
Can we surround them with prayer and let them know how much we love them and want only the very best for them? 我们是否该用祷告来承托他们,且让他们知道我们是何等爱护他们,只希望他们得著最好的福份?
Grant then decided to surround the city and wait until its food was gone. That, he thought, would make the Confederates surrender. 格兰特随后决定包围维克斯堡,一直等到城里弹尽粮绝,他想以此迫使南方军投降。
Do things that you're not quite ready to do. And surround yourself with the smartest people. 做你没有完全准备好要做的事情,和最聪明的人在一起。
surround with or as if with a rampart or other fortification. 用城墙、类似城墙的东西或其它堡垒来围
Although some of these nebulas appear like planets on the sky (hence their name), they actually surround stars far outside our Solar System. 虽然这一类星云看起来象是天空中的行星(也因此而得名),实际上它们所环绕的恒星远在我们太阳系之外。
It tells us to think of all matter as waves, and yet in all objects that surround us these matter waves are far too small to be seen. 它告诉我们要将所有的物质视为波动,然而,我们周遭物体的物质波却短得看不见。
It's as important for you to be a good friend as it is to surround yourself with good friends. 如果想要身边有很多好朋友,成为一个好朋友对你很重要。
Natural landscapes and vegetation surround this place, which makes it a great house for some quality relaxing time. 自然景观和植被环绕这个地方,这使得它成为一些质量放松时间大房子。
The small force will excel in deep maneuvers into vulnerable enemy territory , with the hope that the enemy will give chase and surround it. 小型化军队在深入易受攻击的敌方境内机动方面有优势,敌人总是希望能够追击并包围它。
It seems unnecessary for us to tell you to be of good cheer, but we say it anyway. We surround you with love. Good day, dear friends. 看起来没有必要让我们告诉你不要垂头丧气,但我们还是说了。我们伴随着爱围绕在你身边。祝你美好的一天,亲爱的朋友们。
The irregular shapes that surround the sunspot are known as granulation and are made of hot gas rising from inside the Sun. 人们熟知的围绕在太阳黑子周围的不规则米粒组织是由太阳内部喷发的炽热气体形成的。
As you close your eyes and tune in to your imagination, you sense a soft glowing warmth begin to surround and pulsate around your body. 当你闭上你的双眼并沉浸于你的想象中时,你感知到一股柔和带着光芒的暖流开始环绕并跳动在你身体周围。
When a sand boil erupts, the best bet is to surround it with sandbags or to build up a mini ring levee around it. 当沙涌爆发时,最好的办法就是用沙袋围起来或者在周围建一个小型环堤。
It is unlike a property rivers mountain to surround and have no tin is all many-storied building everywhere. 它不像资溪群山环绕,无锡到处都是高楼大厦。
Miko: You didn't actually think I was stupid enough to allow the enemy to completely surround me without a valid strategic plan in mind? 你不会真的认为我傻到让敌人把我层层围住,脑海中却没有有效的战术吧?
A sense of safety surround him when he touched her mother's pandora gold ring, and hold her hand. 当他的手触到母亲的手臂时,他感到自己是那么安全、那么舒坦。
As the media surround the hotel trying to verify reports of Palmer's death, Sherry doggedly persists in wanting to disclose the truth. 媒体围在酒店周围试图核实帕默已死的报道,雪莉固执地坚持,想要把真相揭露出来。
A last possibility was that she wanted to surround him with luxuries. 最后一种可能,就是她想用舒适享乐的生活把他给圈住。
When trying to keep a wall-mounted surround sound system discreet and hidden, it's sometimes difficult, but it is possible. 想把固定在墙上的环绕扬声器隐藏起来可不容易,但是并不是完全不可能。
Some of his colleagues like snoop out of one of the reasons that surround you, comfort you. 一些同事似是窥探出了其中原因,围在你身边安慰你。
After that, we shall surround and undermine the U. S. A. , which will fall into our hands without a struggle-like an overripe fruit. 接着,我们要包围并逐渐破坏美国,它就会像一个成熟的果子一样,毫无反抗地落入我们手中。
If it happens try to centre yourself as quick as you can, and surround yourself with the pure light of the green healing ray. 万一发生情绪失控,试着尽快调整自己,将自己置身于有疗愈效果的纯洁绿光里。
It leads the enemy to surround himself with noncombatants to be used as a political shield against our fires. 它导致敌人使用非作战人员将自己围起来作为政治盾牌以抵御我们的火力打击。
Surround yourself with people courageous enough to speak truthfully about what's best for your organization and the customers you serve. 结交勇敢的人,他们能够诚实地告诉你什么对于你的团队和你服务的客户是最好的。
Most students and their parents are trying to solve the difficulties that surround the application process. 大部分学生和他们的家长试图解决围绕填报志愿出现的问题。
stress the confidince of learning english. creating the helpful surround of learning english. let the children learn english in happiness. 创造有利的学习环境,让儿童能够在轻松愉快中学到英语。
You know that your mind will not rest until it has explored all the alleys and by ways that surround the strange position you reached. 你知道你会不停地思考直到你弄清它的所有细节并要研究如何达到那个奇怪的局势。