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南犹他大学(Southern Utah University)

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Earlier, Ms Suu Kyi's lawyer warned that she was highly unlikely to accept a conditional release if it excluded her from political activity. 此前,昂山素姬的律师警告当局,她不太可能接受带附加条件的释放——如果条件是不允许她再从事政治活动的话。
Speaking as an individual, Suu Kyi called for a ceasefire saying she was ready to get involved to achieve peace in the country. 素季以个人身份呼吁停火,她说她准备好参与争取国家和平的工作中去了。
Aung San Suu Kyi's convoy was attacked in what some of her supporters believe was an assassination attempt organized by the government. 她的一些支持者认为这是由政府组织的一起暗杀企图。
Rapprochement with pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi appears to be going well since she was released from prison almost a year ago. 民主领袖昂山素季被释放将近一年来,政府与之和解的进程进展顺利。
He said he doubts the U. S. would lift sanctions without a clear sign from Ms. Suu Kyi. 特尼尔说,他怀疑没有昂山素季发出的明确信号,美国不会解除制裁。
Besson said Aung San Suu Kyi was "more of a heroine than Joan of Arc" and he hoped the film would get her ongoing fight better known. 贝松表示,昂山素季是一个“比圣女贞德还要伟大的女英雄”,他希望这部电影能让昂山素季的不懈斗争变得更广为人知。
Burmese authorities told Aung San Suu Kyi she could travel to the UK but she decided not to as she feared never being allowed to return. 缅甸当局告诉昂山素季她可以去英国,但她因为害怕无法返回缅甸而没有去英国。
But when Ms. Suu Kyi emerged, she felt "happier than I can say, " she said. "We feel empowered by her. " 但当昂山素季出现时,她感觉到“幸福的无法形容”,她说“我们坚决支持她”。
Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi did not respond or even smile, but onlygestured that the microphone be passed to a woman nearby. 昂山素季女士并没有回应或者微笑,只是示意把麦克风传给旁边的女士。
He would have gone out of his way to grant Senator Webb a meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi. 他会允许韦布参议员会见昂山素季。
The family was based in the UK but Aung San Suu Kyi returned home in 1988 to care for her mother. 他们在英国组建家庭,但昂山素季于1988年反回越南照顾母亲。
For so much of her recent life, Suu Kyi has been sequestered from normal human contact; noble ideas and fine words have kept her company. 近些年来,大部分日子里她过着与世人隔绝的生活,惟有高贵思想和优美言辞做伴。
Suu Kyi spent more than decade under house arrest for her political convictions, while Thaksin fled rather than do time for corruption. 昂山素季软禁超过十年以上,她的政治信念,而逃离,而不是做他信腐败的时间。
Ms Suu Kyi says that she herself will contest one of the seats up for grabs. 素姬女士说她将争取一个手到擒来的议会席位。
Aung San Suu Kyi is facing five years in prison for allowing an eccentric American man to stay in her house without official permission. 由于一名古怪的美国男子未经官方允许待在昂山素季的住宅,昂山素季正面临5年的徒刑。
September 2000: Suu Kyi is placed under house arrest after attempting to leave Yangon for a political meeting. 2000年九月:素姬在试图离开仰光参加政治会议后,被软禁。
Nobel peace-prize winners (Miss Suu Kyi is one) and others have since urged him to go back to push for greater political freedoms. 诺贝尔和平奖获得者们(AungSanSuuKyi女士也是其中之一)以及其他人士,已经敦促潘基文重访缅甸,以争取更多的政治自由。
The Burmese prime minister did not address leaders' concerns about Ms Suu Kyi, said Najib Razak, Malaysian Prime Minister. 缅甸总理并没有就其他领导人对昂山素季女士的关切表态,马来西亚首相纳吉·拉扎克表示。
For Ms. Suu Kyi, the release ends years of isolation in which she had minimal contact with friends and family. 对昂山素季女士来说,这次自由结束了多年以来的隔离生活,那是她只能和朋友和家人保持最小程度的联系。
Though Miss Suu Kyi is under house arrest, she was able to walk to her gate andgreet the protesters. 虽然她目前遭到软禁,但还是能走到门口欢迎示威者。
Aung San Suu Kyi is charged with violating the terms of her house arrest for allowing an uninvited guest without official permission. 一名男子非法进入昂山素季房间,潜逃时被捕。昂山素季被控未经官方许可就允许不速之客进入房间。她最高可被判处五年监禁。
April 1988: Suu Kyi returns home to attend to her ailing mother just as pro-democracy protests erupt against the military junta. 1988年四月:素姬返回家中照顾患病的母亲,当时民主游行爆发,抗议军队政权。
Miss Suu Kyi would like the prisoners freed and a dialogue on national reconciliation. 昂山素季女士希望释放政治犯,并就全国和解问题展开对话。
In the past, talks with Miss Suu Kyi have been used as a sop to placate international opinion. 过去,与昂山素季进行对话被用于平息国际舆论。
After finishing high school, Suu Kyi leaves for further study in New Delhi, where her mother is Burma's ambassador. 1960年:高中毕业后,素姬离开前往新德里进行进一步研究,她的母亲在新德里是缅甸的大使。
Among the schmaltzy watercolors was a subdued landscape with Aung San Suu Kyi's face in the corner. 在这些感伤的水彩画中有一幅柔和的风景画,画面一角是昂山素季的面孔。
Even if Miss Suu Kyi were set free, however, the generals would be watching closely to see what she does next. 即使昂山季素被释放,军政首脑们也将密切监视她接下来的举动。
The junta refused to honour the result of the last elections in 1990 when Suu Kyi's party won by a landslide. 在1990年的上次选举中,素季女士领导的党派曾大获全胜,但军政府拒绝承认这一结果。
But the statement made no mention of Aung San Suu Kyi and did not call for the release of political prisoners. 但这个声明并未提及昂山素季,也未要求释放政治犯。
However, Ms. Suu Kyi said it was still too early to give up on sanctions for at least two reasons. 但昂山素季说,目前还不到放弃制裁的时候,原因至少有两个。