
美 [swer]英 [sweə(r)]
  • n.发誓;〈口〉誓言;咒骂;骂人话
  • v.诅咒;咒骂;说脏话;郑重承诺
  • 网络宣誓;思薇雅

过去式:swore 过去式:sware 过去分词:sworn 第三人称单数:swears 现在分词:swearing

swear oath



1.[i]咒骂;诅咒;说脏话to use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry

2.[t][nopass]郑重承诺;发誓要;表示决心要to make a serious promise to do sth

3.[t]赌咒发誓地说;肯定地说to promise that you are telling the truth

4.[i][t](尤指在法庭上)发誓,郑重承诺to make a public or official promise, especially in court

5.[t]~ sb to secrecy/silence使起誓(保密)to make sb promise not to tell sth to anyone


发字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 发市〖 thefirstsale;openforcustomers〗 发誓swear;vow;pledge〗 发售〖 sell;putonsale〗 ...


动词不定式 to do 和 doing_百度文库 ... love 爱 swear 宣誓 volunteer 志愿 ...


咒_百度百科 ... 咒语[ incantation] 诅咒[ curse;swear;abuse;revile] 咒骂[ curse;swear;abuse;revile] ...


咒_百度百科 ... 诅咒[ curse;swear;abuse;revile] 咒骂[ curse;swear;abuse;revile] 咒文[ incantation] ...


寂静之音_百度百科 ... The Sounds Of Silence 寂静之音 Swear 誓言 Imagine 想象 ...


首页-淘淘时尚女装-淘宝网 ... catou 凯督 swear 思薇雅 T恤 T-SHIRT ...


考博英语词汇 ... swarm n. 群,蜂群 v.云集;充满 swear v. 宣誓,发誓;诅咒,骂人 swerve v. 突然转向;背离 n.转向;弯 …


大学英语四级词汇 s_在线英语听力室 ... surface n.表面;外表,外观 swear v.诅咒,咒骂;发誓,宣誓 sweat n.汗(水) v.(使)流 …

I always do something like this----one minute I'm making swear to keep away from undeserved relationship, the next I get into trouble love. 我总做这样的事-刚才还发誓远离不值得的关系,然后就卷入了麻烦的爱情。
Although they have been sieged for almost a week, the soldiers swear never to yield the ground to the enemy. 尽管已经被包围了将近一周,战士们发誓绝不将阵地放弃给敌人。
Then he began to curse and to swear: I do not know the man! And immediately a rooster crowed. 彼得遂发咒起誓说,我不认得那个人。立时鸡就叫了。
At the age of fourteen, a good sister saved me, I swear future will have the opportunity to help those who need help and the like! 十四岁时,一个好心的大姐救了我,我发誓将来有机会一定会帮助那些和一样需要帮助的人!
"No, " he said, shaking his head. "I would swear it was Burak! " “不,”他摇着头答道。“我发誓,那是伯拉克!”
A man may fall for a girl on the bind date and swear that she is the only one of his dream. 一个男人可能是在初次见面的时候爱上一个女孩儿,并且发誓说她是他梦中的唯一。
She moved out into the sunlight, and through her red hair rippled the wind. 'By the hoofs of the goat I swear it, ' she made answer. 她走到日光里,风儿吹得她的红头发飘飘扬扬。“我以山羊蹄起誓。”她回答说。
Chief: I swear, if it weren't for the new kid, this whole squad would have the common sense of a medusa checking her make-up. 警长:我发誓,要不是新来的小子,这个小组本该有美杜莎化装一样的常识的(这句说的是啥)
And Pharaoh said, Go up, and bury thy father, according as he made thee swear. 法老说、你可以上去、照著你父亲叫你起的誓、将他葬埋。
Professor of Bologna city authorities began to pay, and asked them to swear not to leave Bologna. 波伦亚城市当局开始给教授付酬,并要求他们发誓不离开波伦亚。
Lovers of unprovoked betrayal of deeply hurt Butterfly fragile mind, he made the next swear: Lovers vow not to kill man. 祝英台的无端背叛深深伤害了梁山伯脆弱的心灵,他发下毒誓:不杀祝英台誓不为人。
swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (so help you God)? 你愿意起誓讲真话,完全讲真话,只讲真话吗?。
Keep all things that I have said to you. And by the name of strange gods you shall not swear, neither shall it be heard out of your mouth. 凡我吩咐你们的,都应遵守。你们不可提及外神的名字,决不可让人由你口中听到。
I would chop off his fingers, slash his throat open, carve numbers in his chest, gouge out his eyes, I swear to God! 我会砍失落他的手指,割开他的喉咙,在他胸口刻字,挖出他的眼睛,我对上帝起誓会这么做!
pay attention to what I am saying to you, swear to me that you will not tell your father this address that you know! 注意听我向你说的话,发誓你不把你知道的那个住址告诉你父亲!
Do your swear to tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth, so hely your God ? 你愿意向神发誓,一切者据实禀告,毫不欺瞒吗?。
I swear a chimp could have drawn better than some of the guys in there, but I noticed something about my pictures. 不过,我可以肯定,即便是一个黑猩猩都会比我们班上的一些家伙要画得好。
I swear I don't want to go home and listen to Ma take on about us being expelled . It isn't as if this was the first time. 老实说,我不想回家听妈妈对我们被学校开除的事大发雷霆,不能当做第一次那样看待了。
Your king, such as he is. . . I leave to you, and what God will make of him. No one will be harmed. I swear to God. 你的国王,就在那边。我把他交给你,上帝会惩罚他的。其余没人会受到伤害,我对天发誓。
Swear Planning is always endeavoring to provide every customer with a whole package of individualized service solution. 丝语策划致力于为每一对新人提供全方位的婚礼解决方案,始终坚持服务的专业性。
do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this, " declares the LORD . " 谁都不可心里谋害邻舍,也不可喜爱起假誓。因为这些事都为我所恨恶。这是耶和华说的。
I will wait as long as you like, but I swear to you that it would not have harmed me to see my daughter. 我懂,您担心情绪激动,您愿意我等多久我就等多久,但是我向您发誓,看看我的女儿对我是不会有害处的。
I don't deserve someone like you. But If I ever could, I swear I would love you for the rest of my life. 我配不上你,但如果我能的话,我发誓要爱你一生。
Don't believe a word that child tells you. He'd swear black was white if he thought it was to his advantage. 不要信那个孩子对你说的话,他会把黑的说成白的,只要他认为那对他有利。
I could swear she was glad to see us when we came and was aiming to ask us to supper. 我敢担保,我们刚来时她是很高兴并且有意要留我们吃晚饭的。
But if you do not obey these commands, declares the Lord, I swear by myself that this palace will become a ruin. 你们若不听这些话,耶和华说:我指着自己起誓,这城必变为荒场。
But I feel very upset, so, I swear, if I still love you after tests words, so I'll go for you. 可是我很心痛,所以,我发了誓,如果我中考过后还喜欢你的话,那么我会去找你的。
Serena i swear to you In the beginning you were just a mark - And your mom--bart bass' widow -- Was gonna be our big score. But then my. 瑟琳娜,我发誓,一开始,你只是个目标,而你的母亲,巴特·拜斯的遗孀-,才是我们的最终目标。但后来。
And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul. 约拿单因爱大卫如同爱自己的性命,就使他再起誓。
If I absolutely believed that (after hearing it a dozen times this postseason) I'd swear by them, too. 我相信是真的(在这次季后赛中听了很多次之后)。