
美 [swɪŋ]英 [swɪŋ]
  • v.摆动;摇摆;荡秋千;回旋
  • n.摆动;挥动;摆动量;大摇大摆的步伐
  • adj.摇摆乐的;悬挂的;(门等)可绕轴心旋转的;(在选举中)举足轻重的
  • 网络摇荡;舞动

第三人称单数:swings 现在分词:swinging 过去式:swung

swing leg,swing election,swing vote



英语词汇新译 S_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... swum 游泳 swung 摇摆 sybarite 纵情者 ...


"B5单字表" - 豆丁网 ... 滑 smooth 336 摆动 swung 312 拿来 bring 337 ...

小学英语毕业总复习单词归类表 ... (December) 十二月 (swung) (went) 去 ...


ئىزدىنىش تورى ... swam 游泳 swung 摇摆,摆动,摇荡 took 拿 ...


帮我把这几... ... 14收缩;退缩; shrank/shrank; shrunk/shrunken 1 摇摆;旋转swung ;swung 2 后悔;遗憾; regretted…


动词过去式不规则变化表_静水幽蓝_新浪博客 ... (花费) spent (荡秋千swung (挖) dug ...


常用不规则动词变化表 ... (悬挂)- --hung---hung, (舞动)- --swung---swung, (粘/坚持)- --stuck---stuck, ...

He swung him two or three times hilariously about his head, and then flung him with great accuracy through the window. 他兴高采烈地拿着它在头上挥舞了两三下,然后非常准确地将它扔出了窗户。
When she felt he was not with her, she swung round . "Oh, there you are, Jerry. " She said. She looked impatient, then smiled. 当她发觉他没有跟她一起走时,转过身来:“哦,你在这儿呀,杰里。”她说道。她看上去很不耐烦,然后笑了笑。
He took the rice pot to the other and offered it to him. But he immediately swung his sword and chopped off the cook's head! 他把装着米饭的罐子拿到另外那个强盗跟前给他,但是那个强盗立即挥剑砍下了他的头!
With a shriek of victory, Jim swung out over the water and up, to the very top of the arc. 在胜利者的欢呼声中,吉姆在水面上荡到了最高点。
First, she swung a slap at her husband's attacker. She followed up by picking up the plate and trying to strike him with it. 她一开始就扇了攻击她先生的攻击者一个耳光,然后捡起盘子试图以牙还牙,接着走回到丈夫身边。
If there had been a temperature indicator in the agency conference room, Celia thought, it would have swung from "warm" to "frigid" . 西莉亚心想,广告公司的这间会议室里如果有个温度计的话,它会一下子从“温暖”降到“冰点”。
As the door swung open I saw over his head a brilliant constellation crowning the chapel. 门推开时,我看到他头顶上罩着小教堂上方的一个辉煌的星座。
Tom swung his legs back from the chair in front of him and stood up and started toward the aisle. 汤姆一甩腿,放下搁在前面椅子上的脚,站起身来,朝通道走去。
It rang such a chord in Ginny's memory that she almost swung her head around to see if Aunt Peg was standing there behind her. 这味道简直拨动了金妮记忆中的某根音弦,她差点要转过头去看看佩格姨妈是不是就站在她身后。
He swung his legs to and fro on the side of the barge, and said; "Go and find out, " and continued to chew the grass as before. 法提克坐在船骸边上,摆动着双腿,说,“你自己找去”,然后一如既往地嚼他的草。
He jumped in with his equipment and yelled, "Let's go! Let's go! " The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air. 他带着他的装备跳上去大声说,“开吧!开吧!”驾驶员把飞机转向风头很快就飞在空中。
The timber swung slowly so that the bank was behind me and I knew we were in an eddy. 木头慢慢地转动,河岸转到了我的后边,我这才知道我们到了一个漩涡中。
He stepped towards the new Mrs. Hak-Tak to put her back in the pot, and his wife swung the new broom and hit him on the head. 他走过去要把新的哈达太太放回水缸里,哈达太太挥舞着新的扫把一下打在他的头上。
The wind business is booming, and the company said last week that it had swung into profit in 2006, thanks to an 8% rise in revenue. 风力发电业欣欣向荣,而上周该公司表示,2006年由于总收入增长8%,已实现扭亏为盈。
Again he tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it. 他把球再次抛到空中、挥棒,但还是没打中。
Then he picked up a bag of pearls which he had hidden among the rushes, swung it over his shoulder, and disappeared. 然后,他捡起藏在芦苇丛中的一袋珍珠,扛在肩上,转身就不见了。
It was Button's demand for an early tyre change that swung the race his way. 正是巴顿自己要求提早更换轮胎,从而改变了他的比赛进程。
It was Zillah; donned in her scarlet shawl, with a black silk bonnet on her head, and a willow basket swung to her arm. 这一次,这个人走进屋子里来了,那是齐拉,披着她的绯红色的围巾,头上戴一顶黑丝帽,胳臂上挎个柳条篮子。
Then the whole thing swung forward on the wall like a little door, and the entrance to a real tunnel was revealed. 这时墙上的肖像如同一扇小门一样打开了,露出一条真正的隧道的入口。
I go out to break up the play, and just as his leg swung back, I dove. And let's just say that. he kicked the wrong ball. 我出击防守正当他要射门的时候,我来了个俯冲然后我们这么说吧…,…他踢错了球。
But international opinion, which had shifted behind the U. S. and left Saddam isolated and open to attack, now swung in the other direction. 但是,国际上的观点,由支持美国,孤立萨达姆使其暴露于攻击下转变成倾向于另外一个方向。
As the boat swung mildly and waves sounded pleasant, the children got asleep very soon. 船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不久就睡着了。
The whole side of the barrel swung open as if it were a door, revealing cavernous darkness beyond. 桶的整个的一边,象一扇门那样移开了,露出对面洞穴状的一片漆黑。
The landlord brought two men up the stairs. The men had axes in their hands. They swung their axes against the door of number 13. 突然那两个人惨叫一声扔掉了手里的斧子,因为他们劈到了一堵墙,标着13号的那扇门不见了。
She had set her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand, and she swung her foot with an air of indifference. 她把肘弯支在膝头上,掌心托着下巴颏,摇晃着一只脚,神气满不在乎。
It seemed to him as though a hard stick was swung full at him by some soldier near, dealing him a violent blow on the head. 他仿佛觉得,近在咫尺的某个士兵好像抡起胳臂将一根坚硬的棍子朝他头部使劲地打去。
As the door swung shut, Kostya's thoughts turned to his own grandfather. 厕所门又关起来后,克斯特亚不禁想起了自己的祖父。
When he swung out of the enclosure he was on the gallop. By this time some preservative instinct warned me to get a move on. 待他冲出围墙便狂奔过来,这会儿某种保护自乙的本能提醒我快溜走。
The shark swung over and the old man saw his eye was not alive and then he swung over once again, wrapping himself in two loops of the rope. 鲨鱼翻了一个身,老人看见鱼眼中所透出的目光已是一片死寂,它又翻了个身把绳索卷了两圈。
But in 2011, at a time of global economic uncertainty and with the U. S. embroiled in three wars, the pendulum has swung the other way. 但是在2011年,在这个全球经济具有强大的不确定性的时刻,并且伴随着美国已经卷入了3场战争的形势下,事态已经发生了改变。