take away

  • adj.买回去的
  • 网络拿走;带走;外带

take awaytake away

take away


大学英语四级常用词组 ... take...as 把…理解为 take away 拿走,夺去,使离去 take down 取下;记下;拆卸 ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 243 have a great time 过得愉快 245 take away 拿走;带走 246 clean-up n. 清扫,打扫 ...


四级短语大全 大学英语四级短语 - 豆丁网 ... eat out 出去吃 take away 外带 fast food 快餐 ...


关于在英国建立中餐馆的可行性研究报告 ... - 点餐制( A’ la carte) - 外卖Take away) - 快餐店( Noodle Bar) ...


英语四级重要短语_百度知道 ... take apart 拆开(机器等) take away 拿走,夺去,使离去;减去 take down 取下;记下;拆卸 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... stick out 伸出,突出;坚持到底,继续 take away 消除;消耗 take down 记下,写下 ...

And some, he thought, were no more than sighs, like the one he once wrote on the sand of an Irish beach for the tide to take away. 有一些,他认为只是叹息而已,就像他曾在爱尔兰海滨的沙滩上写的一首诗,他愿海潮将它带走。
I'm not the greatest defensive player in the world, but I watched some tapes and tried to take away what he really likes to do. 我并不是世界上最伟大的防守球员,但是我看了一些比赛录像,尽量去让他不做他喜欢做的事情。
But I wonder: which candidate would be most likely to take away the power of the FRB to create the actual USA currency? 但我怀疑:哪位候选人将最有可能带走的权力,该frb创造的实际美国的货币呢?
A bird steals some flower seeds from a farmer but she does not forget to take away some with her upon leaving the scene. 一只鸟儿在花农那里偷食了花种,离开的时候还不忘衔几粒飞走。
Please let me explain, my wife and I got a Chinese take away on Saturday afternoon to have later in the evening. 请让我解释,我和我的妻子了中国拿走周六下午已经在今天晚上安排了。
See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it. 凡我所吩咐的,你们都要谨守遵行,不可加添,也不可删减。
If one were to take away from your house an ounce of silver, and give you in return a pound of gold, that would not be stealing from you. 如果有人从你的房间里偷取一盎司的银,然后给你一磅金作为偿还,那么就不是从你身上偷取。
In this way has the Lord dealt with me in the days in which He looked upon me to take away my reproach among men. 主在眷顾的日子,这样待我,要把我在人间的羞耻除掉。
Shall we then allow him to sail out unharmed, or shall we first take away from him that which he brought with him? 我们是应该放他出海,不加伤害,还是应该先把他带来的一切都没收?
Education, she said, is her only weapon. It is something, she said, no one can take away from her. 教育是她唯一的武器,是没有任何人能剥夺走的东西。
I asked God to take away my pride, and God said, "No. " He said it was not for him to take away but for me to give up. 我请求上帝拿去我的骄傲,而上帝说:“不可”。又说他那并不是由他拿走,应该由我放弃。
Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men. 说,主在眷顾我的日子,这样看待我,要把我在人间的羞耻除掉。
I need you to take away the stress and fill me with your love. 我需要你带走所有的紧张,用你的爱充满我。
Similarly, there is no point in travelling to see your boyfriend for a take-away Indian meal and an evening in front of the telly. 同样,你不会为了吃一顿印度外卖、或是为了在电视机前呆一个晚上,而大老远跑过去看你的男友。
Besides, central bankers are more accustomed to trying to take away the punch bowl than mixing the drinks. 并且,央行的银行家们更习惯于对这些政策视而不见,而非进行一番修补和完善。
once was the bride, my dream is seized by the person, now I actually take away others' dream, I love your , but you do not belong to me. 我曾经是新娘,我的梦想被人夺走了,现在我却夺去别人的梦想,我爱你,但是你不属于我。
If I could manage to take away the clothes, it would be easy to go through the coming cold winter. 要是能想办法穿走这身衣服那今年冬天可就好过了。
Midas was now very unhappy. He went into his palace. His eyes filled with tears, and he begged the gods to take away the Golden Touch. 迈达斯这时非常伤心。他走进宫去,两眼噙满了泪水。他乞求众神除去他的点金术。
The price would affect the cost of every decision we make; it would take away the guesswork. 碳价格会影响我们每一个决定的成本,能够排除一切臆测。
People close to me get cancer and die too soon; my prayers do not take away the pain or hold back the tolling of the bells. 我身边的人得了癌症,很快便去世了,我的祷告不能消除他们的痛苦或延缓丧钟敲响。
My soul, all of mine, I would like to let you take away, only ask you to leave me a pair of eyes, let me see you. 我的心灵,我的一切,我都愿意让你带走,只求你给我留下一双眼睛,让我看到你。
I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. 我请上帝拿掉我的坏习惯,上帝说“不”。他说“不应该是我将它拿掉,而应该是你将它戒掉。”
I always used to read so much that Mr Heathcliff decided to take away my only pleasure and destroy my books. 我过去总是很喜欢读书,所以希斯克利夫先生决定剥夺我唯一的乐趣,把我的书毁掉。
On that day, Turkey will take away the right of virtually every one of its citizens to call themselves a millionaire. 到那一天,土耳其将取消其公民自称为百万富翁的权利。
Today 's mess, I still regret, let me just take away the old memories, let his memories slowly. Memories of his own body, now have nothing. 时至今日的狼狈,我仍无悔,让我只带走旧回忆吧,让自己慢慢回忆。回忆自己的曾经拥有,体味如今的一无所有。
If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, I shall not cry because your leave doesn't take away the world that belonged to me. 如果天依旧是那么辽阔,云依旧是那么清澈,那就不要哭,因为你的离去,并没有带走我的世界。
You hold all that it can give or take away was the midge that the sun-blink brings out, and the evening wind sweeps away. 你认为人世间的得失不过是朝生暮死的蜉蝣,早晨的阳光孕育了它,一阵晚风又把它一扫而光。
And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt. 他说,阿爸,父阿,在你凡事都能。求你将这杯撤去。然而不要从我的意思,只要从你的意思。
Once you take away the burden of memorization, are people better able to understand the point of things they read? 一旦你卸掉他们记忆的包袱,那么这些人就更能理解他们所读内容的要点么?
He said pumping seawater round the reactor as a coolant would take away the heat and stop any further core meltdown. 他认为用海水作为冷却剂将其泵到反应堆周围可以带走热量并阻止核心继续融毁。