take you

  • 网络就是你;带走你;带你走

take youtake you

take you


贾斯汀•比伯... ... 04 Catching Feelings 抓住感觉 05 Take You 就是你 06 Right Here 有我在(加拿大影歌人气王德瑞克抬轿) ...


贾斯汀比伯 - 搜搜百科 ... 2 Boyfriend< 男友> 4 Take You< 带走你> 6 Catching Feelings< 捕捉感情> ...


求justin bieber的全部专辑、_百度知道 ... 2. Boyfriend (男朋友) 4. Take You 带你走 6. Catching Feelings (抓住感觉) ...


求 贾斯汀比伯的所有歌的歌名 和中文翻译。... ... mistletoe--- 槲寄生 take you-- 得到你 right here--- 这里 ...


求助,哪为高手帮助翻译下英... ... I am mortal and so 我激渴难耐 take you 托起你温热的躯体 with all I have: 用我原始的本能 ...


我, John, 取你 (take you) Jane为我合法的妻子, 不离不弃2. You've reached the Smiths.

I did not deceive you, maybe is my mother heard the wind changed again, if you don't believe that, this time, I take you to. 我没骗你们,或许是我妈听到了风声又换了地方,你们如果不相信,这次,我带你们去。
Mom said: Now, both of you can only see each other once a year. Someday, I will take you over to his house to visit him . 妈妈说:你们现在一年也就只能见到一次,等哪天我带你去他家看看吧!
Let me take you on a journey of the last twenty years of my life. 让我带领你们回顾这二十年的旅程。
I'm going to take you to see a spectacle. I guarantee you've never seen it before. Come with me. 我今天要带你去看一个奇观。而且保证你原来肯定没见过。跟我走吧。
"Well, " said the man, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife. " “这样的话,”这人说,“我就不给你钱了。取而代之,我要带你到我家吃一餐我老婆做的美食。”
A car will take you all round the Peak District in a morning. It is nothing but a crumpled green pocket handkerchief. 乘车一个上午就能让你逛完皮克区,它只不过是一块皱皱巴巴的绿手帕。
The arrows at the bottom take you to the next picture in the artist's gallery. 箭头在底部带你到下一张照片在艺术家的画廊。
However, as for you, I will take you, and you will rule over all that your heart desires; you will be king over Israel. 我必拣选你,使你照心里一切所愿的,作王治理以色列。
How much time does it take you to swim from this end of the swimming pool to the other end? 从游泳池这一头游到那一头,你要花多少时间?
Let me just take you in my arms to hold you tight for a while. . . we are going to sail again - the wind will fill your sails. . . 让我将你紧紧抱入我怀中一会儿…我们将会再次起航—风将会再次充满你的船帆…
Our mini bus will pick you up in the hotel and take you to the marina (a journey about 20 min. south of Hua Hin). 我们的汽车将在酒店接你,然后载你到码头(华欣的南部,大约20分钟的行程)。
But I warn you. you will not easily come out again. Not unless the dark hands of the East stretch out to take you. 但我警告你,你要出来就没有这么简单了,除非等到东方的邪恶之手过来抓你。
3And if I shall go, and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will take you to myself; that where I am, you also may be. 我去了,为你们预备了地方以后,我必再来接你们到我那里去,为的是我在那里,你们也在那里。
Even when you lose, the supporters are always behind you to lift you and take you to a higher level. 即使输掉了比赛,球迷们依然在你背后支持你,助你更上一层楼。
Our car is always on call to take you to the company. 我们的汽车可随时接你到公司。
And when David's servants came to Carmel , to Abigail, they said to her, David has sent us to you to take you to him as his wife. 大卫的仆人到了迦密见亚比该,对她说,大卫打发我们来见你,想要娶你为妻。
I wanted to take you through the steps to producing a classification tree model with data that seems to be ideal for a classification model. 我本想带您亲历用适合于分类模型的数据生成一个分类树的全过程。
You've got to be careful of these Eastern lawyers. If you are not careful, they'll take you and turn you inside out. 对这些东部的律师可得提防。一不小心,他们就会抓着你,把你整得够呛!
You must be very tired after such a long flight. Let me take you to the hotel in my car. 你们长途飞行后一定很累了,让我载你们去宾馆吧。
My hometown is in beautiful nanyang, where the picturesque scenery, not letter, I take you to see. 我的家乡在美丽的南阳,那里景色如画,不信,我带你去看看。
you're waiting for a train , a train that will take you far away, you know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. 你等着一辆火车,它会把你带到远方。你明白自己希望火车把你带到哪儿,不过你也心存犹豫。
If you simply do as the fish have done, and let me pick you up in my beak, I will gladly take you there. 如果你想和鱼一样,就让我用嘴叼着你,我会高兴地带你去哪儿。
Can take you to your dream place, as if personally felt the same. 可以带你去到你梦想的地方,好像亲身感受过一样。
The goal of this article was to take you through the Galileo release train and showcase some of the projects that are part of the release. 本文的目的是带您遍历Galileo发行版系列,并展示该发行版中的一些项目。
Let me take you to see a fine example of drawnwork. 我带你去看一件抽纱精品。
"No problem, you can ride on my back and I'll take you over there" said the crocodile. “没问题,你可以骑在我的背上,我带你去那边”之称的鳄鱼。
I'm sorry that you could not get cash by credit card here . I can book a car take you to the bank to get some cash. 不好意思,酒店规定不可以用信用卡来套取现金,如果您需要,我可以安排车送您去银行(ATM机)上提取现金。
It will take you 5 years to break even from what you are saving compared to how much more you have to pay. 你们将采取5年内可达到收支平衡,从你比较节省你要付出多少。
Once you're looking at an encyclopaedia page, hyperlinks can take you to any other informating in there. 你在查看百科全书页面时,高级链接可以让你查找其他信息。
and get a bump on your head and I'll pick you up on our way back and take you to a hospital . 你还是下车吧。你在路边想法子在头上撞它一个伤口,我车子回来时就送你上医院。