
英 ['teɪkɪŋ]
  • v.拿;需要;接受;吃
  • n.镜头;收入额;进项;看法
  • 网络迷人的;捕获物;取



v. n.


1.[t]携带;拿走;取走;运走to carry or move sth from one place to another

2.[t]带去;引领to go with sb from one place to another, especially to guide or lead them

3.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.使达到,把…推向,把…带到(另一个层次、层面等)to make sb/sth go from one level, situation, etc. to another

伸手取reach and hold

4.[t]~ sb/sth拿;抱;握;取;接to put your hands or arms around sb/sth and hold them/it; to reach for sb/sth and hold them/it


5.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.拿开;取出;挪开to remove sth/sb from a place or a person

6.[t]~ sth擅自拿走;偷走;误拿to remove sth without permission or by mistake

7.[t]从…中取出;取材于to get sth from a particular source


8.[t]夺取;攻占;抓获;控制to capture a place or person; to get control of sth


9.[t]~ sth选中;买下;租用to choose, buy or rent sth

10.[t]~ sth经常购买(某报纸或期刊)to buy a newspaper or magazine regularly


11.[t]~ sth吃;喝;服(药)to eat, drink, etc. sth


12.[t]~ A (away) from B.B ~ away A.~ A away减去to reduce one number by the value of another

写下write down

13.[t]~ sth记录;摘录;记下to find out and record sth; to write sth down


14.[t]~ sth拍照;照相;摄影to photograph sb/sth


15.[t]~ sth量取;测定to test or measure sth


16.[t]~ sth就(座);占据(座位)to sit down in or use a chair, etc.

举例give example

17.[t]~ sb/sth以…为例;将…作为例证used to introduce sb/sth as an example


18.[t]~ sth接受;收到to accept or receive sth

19.[t]~ sb接纳;接待(顾客、患者等)to accept sb as a customer, patient, etc.

20.[t]~ sth遭受;经受;承受to experience or be affected by sth

21.[t][nopass]~ sth忍受;容忍;承受to be able to bear sth

22.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.(以某种方式)对待,处理to react to sth/sb in a particular way


23.[t]领会;理解;考虑to understand or consider sth in a particular way

24.[t](尤指错误地)以为,把…看作;误认为to consider sb/sth to be sb/sth, especially when you are wrong

有感情╱看法have feeling/opinion

25.[t]~ sth产生(感觉);持有(看法);采取(态度)to have a particular feeling, opinion or attitude


26.[t]~ sth采取(措施);采用(方法)to use a particular course of action in order to deal with or achieve sth

27.[t]~ sth(与名词连用,表示举动、动作等)used with nouns to say that sb is doing sth, performing an action, etc.


28.[t]~ sth采用(形式);就任(职位);出现(状况)to have a particular form, position or state


29.[t][nopass][i]需要…时间;费时to need or require a particular amount of time


30.[t][nopass]需要;要求to need or require sth in order to happen or be done

31.[t][nopass]~ sth使用;用to use sth in order to work

鞋╱衣服的尺码size of shoes/clothes

32.[t][nopass]~ sth穿用(…尺码的鞋或衣服)to wear a particular size in shoes or clothes


33.[t][nopass]~ sth/sb容纳;装;盛to have enough space for sth/sb; to be able to hold or contain a particular quantity


34.[t]~ sb (for sth).~ sth授(课);主持(宗教仪式)to be the teacher or leader in a class or a religious service


35.[t]~ sth学习,读,修(课程)to study a subject at school, college, etc.


36.[t]~ sth参加(考试或测验)to do an exam or a test


37.[t]~ sth乘坐,搭乘(交通工具);取(道);走(路线)to use a form of transport, a road, a path, etc. to go to a place

越过;绕路走go over/around

38.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)跨过;跳过;绕过to go over or around sth

体育运动in sports

39.[t]~ sth踢;掷to kick or throw the ball from a fixed or agreed position


40.[t]~ sth付诸(表决);举行(投票);进行(调查)to use a particular method to find out people's opinions

成功be successful

41.[i]成功;起作用;行得通to be successful; to work


42.[t]~ sth(用于句子或其他结构中时)有,需要to have or require sth when used in a sentence or other structure


大多数含 take 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 take the biscuit 在词条 biscuit 下。Most idioms containingtake are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampletake the biscuit is atbiscuit .

I, you, etc. cant take sb anywhere

(用以表示不相信某人会在公共场合行为得体)到哪儿都拿不出去used to say that you cannot trust sb to behave well in public

have (got) what it takes

具备(成功)所需要的一切条件(或素质、能力等)to have the qualities, ability, etc. needed to be successful

take sth as it comes|take sb as they come

安于现状;顺其自然to accept sth/sb without wishing it/them to be different or without thinking about it/them very much in advance

take it (that…)

假定;假设;设想;以为to suppose; to assume

take it from me (that…)

我敢担保;我说的肯定没错used to emphasize that what you are going to say is the truth

take it on/upon yourself to do sth

擅自作主;自作主张to decide to do sth without asking permission or advice

sb can take it or leave it

要就要,不要就拉倒;取舍请便used to say that you do not care if sb accepts or rejects your offer

take it/a lot out of sb

使精疲力竭;使心力交瘁to make sb physically or mentally tired

take some/a lot of doing

费力;费时;难办;难做to need a lot of effort or time; to be very difficult to do

take that!

(打人时说)看打,接招used as an exclamation when you are hitting sb or attacking them in some other way


急急急,紧急需要_百度知道 ... getting 获取(利益) taking 吸引人的,迷人的 painting 上油漆; 绘画艺术 ...


englis... ... faulty a.有毛病的;有故障的 六级词汇 taking a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇 acceptable a.可接受的;合意的 四级词汇 ...

完形词汇 - 豆丁网 ... planning 计划 taking capabilities 能力 ...

人们相互之间交流,不是为了给予 (giving) 东西就是为了求 (taking) 东西。而这一个“东西”,也可以分为两种,分别是实物的 …


会计词汇D ... take charge of 管理,负责 Taking 收入,进款 taking inventory 盘点存货 ...


一道初二英语选择题,谢谢_百度知道 ... B. trying 一般将来式 C. taking 取得 D. tried try 尝试之过去分词 ...


美国大学翻译中文22_书面语语_DuSystem... ... 售卖 sellout 售得金额 taking 售楼 sell ...

Facebook reported that 50m people have signed up to its service since July, taking the total number of users to 300m. Facebook报道自从七月以来,有5000万用户注册,该公司目前用户总人数已突破30亿。
By taking the bank into public ownership, the Treasury rejected a management buyout and a bid from Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson. 银行成为公有制,财政部拒绝了管理层收购出价和维京公司创始人理查德·布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)的收购出价。
Oh that sounds like fun but I won't be able to attend. I'm taking a bit of time off to get lost in the great outdoors. 噢!那听起来很有趣但是我无法参加。我正在休息,沉醉在美丽的户外。
In a note to her, he asked her to forgive him for taking his life. 在留给她的纸条中,他请求她原谅自己离开了这个世界。
He admitted taking the dollar and said he was glad to get it off his chest. 他承认拿了钱,并说很高兴把这事说出来了。
She stared at him for a moment, taking in the cream-coloured linen suit, the shoes. 她盯着他看了一会儿,仔细地打量他米色的亚麻布套装、鞋子。
What they asked me to do is always taking several test before they make a recipe for you. 他们只会让你先去做一大堆的检查,然后简单地开个药方给你。
The idea really is to join them both together as much as possible, as you will be taking the little mind with you to your next journey. 这种概念其实是尽可能地将两种心智结合,因为你将带着这个小我心智进入你的下一旅程。
It is possible to divorce without taking away spite and bile with your part of the shared assets, if both parties are willing to co-operate. 如果双方愿意协商,彼此没有怨恨和愤怒地离婚,均分资产后得到自己应得的那一份,这不是不可能。
There has been talk of him playing point guard, point forward, small forward or becoming a sixth man and taking up curling. 人们一直谈论他打组织后卫,得分前锋,小前锋或成为第六人,而奥多姆在打这些位置的时候,像是在打冰上滚石游戏一样。
To keep the body fluid alkalescence and be healthy, there ought to be a reasonable taking of both meat and vegetable. 建议饮食荤素合理搭配,使体液呈弱碱性方能保持健康。
By taking a careful food history it is often possible to decide which food was implicated in the poisoning. 通过仔细询问进食史,往往可确定引起中毒的食物。
Much of this lost output is likely to be merely deferred, as those taking their holiday next week make up the lost time later in the year. 在损失的产出当中,有很大一部分可能只是被延后,因为本周休假的人们会在今年晚些时候把损失掉的工作时间给补上。
By taking up its rights, Chinalco would be able to lower the average cost of its holding. 若执行认购权,中铝将能够降低其平均持股成本。
taking poor Gouvernail seriously and making a fuss about him, the last thing he would desire or expect. 瞧你对古韦内尔顶真的样子,对他那么大惊小怪,这可是他最不希望的。
In October, he returned to Russia, taking MacGregor with him in the aim of establishing a business and career. 10月分,他带着麦格雷戈返回俄罗斯,目的是与他建立业务关系并从事这个职业。
withal taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil [one]. 此外,又拿著信德当作藤牌,可以灭尽那恶者一切的火箭;
Making a camera capable of taking such quick images was an achievement in and of itself, Dwyer emphasized. 德维尔强调:“造出能拍摄如此之快的图像的照相机,这项任务和照相机本身都是了不起的成就。”
You know how much they made taking that Hamm Brewery guy? 你知道他们为了把哈姆·布鲁利弄出来花了多少钱吗?
"We have never been better at taking bad people off the battlefield, " says John Nagl, an American counter-insurgency expert. “我们在战场上杀敌从来没有像现在这样局势占优”,反暴乱专家约翰纳格说。
But knowing when something or someone isn't good for you and taking yourself out of that situation is sometimes the right thing. 但是当明白一些事或人对你不好时,应该知道摆脱这种局面才是正确的。
Log everything that goes into your mouth, and you'll really see how much you're taking in. 把你吃的每种东西都写下来,你就会知道你到底吃了多少。
Taking his post of getting ready to attack, the sculpture is to commemorate the superstar's great achievements. 作品为纪念李小龙在电影上的成就,故以他的武打造像为蓝本。
We asked him if he would be willing to start Carmen on her trip by taking her on his route for a day. 我们拜托他带着卡门在路上巡逻一天,看能否帮助她开始自己的旅程。
Walking through the jungle can be a lot like taking a trip down to the farms if you know what you are looking for. 在丛林中行走就好象向农场的远足一样,只要你知道你在寻找什么。
Nino is pretty sick. A nurse its taking care of him in his room. 尼诺病得很厉害,有个护士守在他房间里专门照顾他。
It is nothing new for you to know that you are LOVE, although it is taking a while to fully comprehend for most. 祂对你并不是新鲜事物,你知道你就是【爱】,但是对于大多数来说这需要花时间去全部的理解。
A woman went boating one Sunday taking with her some cans of coke which she put into the refrigerator of the boat. 有一妇女星期天去划船,她带了些可乐罐头,放在小船的冰箱内。
'No, ' I said, taking her hands in mine, 'but I wanted to let you sleep. It's still early. ' “不”,我握住她的双手说,“可是我想让你再睡一会儿,时间还早着呢。”
I recently began having some mild complications with my pregnancy and my doctor told me that I had to start taking it easy. 我最近出现了一些轻微的妊娠并发症,医生告诉我需放轻松。