
美 [tæp]英 [tæp]
  • n.水龙头;轻拍;轻敲;轻叩
  • v.开发;轻拍;轻敲;轻叩
  • 网络轻打;分接头;抽头

第三人称单数:taps 现在分词:tapping 过去式:tapped

tap market,tap resource,source tap


v. n.

1.[i][t]轻敲;轻拍;轻叩to hit sb/sth quickly and lightly

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(用…)轻轻叩击if youtap your fingers, feet, etc. or theytap , you hit them gently against a table, the floor, etc., for example to the rhythm of music

3.[t][i]利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等)to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists

4.[t]~ sth(在电话上)安装窃听器,搭线窃听to fit a device to a telephone so that sb's calls can be listened to secretly

6.[t][usupass]~ sb委任;指定(某人做某事)to choose sb to do a particular job


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 罐头 can 水龙头 tap 弹簧秤 spring scale ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... tank 槽 tap 轻打;龙头 tape 胶带;□带 ...


求WOW命令大全~_爱问知识人 ... /Taunt( 嘲弄) /Tap( 轻拍) /Tease( 挑逗) ...


2008-10-18 -- 工业控制英语词汇大全 ... 刀闸(隔离开关): Isolator 分接头tap 电动机: motor ...


新版新概念第二册 单词表--koflfy ... suppose v.假设 tap v.轻敲 react v.反应 ...


抽字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 抽屉〖 drawer〗 抽头tap〗 抽匣,抽匣儿〖 drawer〗 ...

If you visit someone you always stay for a few drinks. When you have had enough to drink, you tap your cup or put your hand over it. 一般做客都会呆上一段时间,加入你已经喝够了,就可以轻敲一下杯子或者用手盖在上边。
I understand it's convenient, I understand it's healthy, and I understand you think your tap water tastes like crap. 我明白那很方便,我明白那很健康,我明白你认为自来水味如嚼蜡。
The movie seems to tap into a general sentimentality about animals. 这部电影似乎在利用人们对动物的普遍怜悯之心。
The U. S. is only beginning to develop projects to tap strong wind currents blowing along the Atlantic Coast. 美国只是开始发展一些项目来利用沿大西洋海岸刮的强风。
Instead, if you tap-and-hold for a few seconds on an area of the screen with no controls, you return to the Home screen. 取而代之的是当你按住屏幕某个区域不动几秒后,你就会回到主屏幕。
There was a tap on the van window, which I initially ignored as you get conditioned to do by all the touts and beggars on the streets. 由于身处街上满是小贩和乞丐这种环境,我一开始没能发现在货车窗户上还安了个水龙头。
Regaining that edge and repositioning the company to tap into growing markets promises to be a difficult transition. 重拾这一优势并对公司重新定位以进入新兴市场,这必将成为丰田的一种艰难转型。
While out on the open water why not tap into something that is virtually ubiquitous like the wind around you? 当你在水上行走时,怎能忽视无处不在的风呢。
Check off the box at the bottom, click Apply, then tap your CTRL key once. You'll see an animated circle appear around the pointer once. 选中下方的选项,点击“应用”,接着按一下CTRL键,你能马上看到一个动态变化的圆出现在鼠标指针处。
Second, Rakuten is trying to tap new markets with its "shopping mall" strategy. 其次,乐天市场正试图在其“大型购物中心”战略的指引下,开拓新市场。
What I am trying to get across here is. . . Mom has lots of knowledge and lots experience for you to tap into and to honor. 当我想明白这个道理时……妈妈有许多知识和经验等待你去挖掘和尊敬。
Simply type in the name of the place that you're interested in and tap on the appropriate item. 只需键入在你感兴趣的地方,并在适当的自来水项目的名称。
A slim, prosperous couple in their sixties, they moved easily: she with a simple precision, he with the odd heel-tap, a bit of dash. 夫妇年纪60几岁,身材消瘦,富有,在舞池轻快地滑动:她舞步简约精准,他不时来一下踢踏舞,稍显卖弄。
I felt this tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to see this giant girl in a hoodie sweatshirt emerge from the crowd. 有人在我肩膀上轻拍了一下,我转身看到这个从观众群中脱身而出穿着连帽运动衫的高大女孩。
When analyzing a trend, I look AT it as though Peter Lynch were doing it. By having heroes, we tap into a tremendous source of raw genius. 当分析某种趋势时,我学着像彼得·林奇那样思考,通过偶像的模范作用,我们发挥出自身巨大的潜能。
While centre forward Thierry Henry rarely scores a tap-in, Pires seems to picking up a poacher's instincts as he gets older. 作为中锋的亨利很少打入包抄推射的入球,而皮雷在岁数增大的同时却获得了一个禁区杀手的灵感。
Firms locating in London can tap into a huge specialist financial workforce drawn from both domestic and foreign sources. 在伦敦的公司可以很容易地找到规模庞大的国内外专业金融人士群体。
He heard the porch screen door tap shut and felt his wife watching him as he watched the night. 他听到门廊边中纱门关闭的声音,感觉到妻子正看着他,就如同他正看着这满天的星斗。
"The tap water had a funny smell, and it seemed like there were all sorts of particles in it, " said the 30-year-old consultant. “自来水里有股怪味,水里头似乎有各种各样的颗粒,”这名30岁的咨询师说道。
Kunming City tap water and call a telephone company, but the operators said they did not know this. 记者又拨打昆明市自来水公司电话,但接线员却说他们不知道这件事。
you're going to be drinking pee soon. Recycled wastewater is coming to a tap near you--if it isn't there already. 再利用的污水很快就会成为你的自来水,而对有些人来说这已经是现实了。
It isn't that often that he makes me get out of my seat though, he scores more tap ins and headers than most players of his position. 但他不会令我常常大呼惊叹,只不过跟他同位置的球员相比,他进了更多头球和抢点球。
Change pages of applications in TL with your fingers! Tap an empty space on a page and drag it left or right to switch to the next page! 使用TL,用你的手指头就可以切换页面!点击当前页面空白地方然后向左或右拖拉就可以切换到下一页面。
This fund should be kept in safe and easy-to-tap assets. Laddering certificates of deposit out six months is one way. 这笔钱应该放在安全且容易变现的资产外。存入六个月的阶梯式定期存款是一类方法。
You announce that you're going to tap a colorless creature, a red creature, and a green-and-white creature to help pay for it. 你宣告自己将横置一个神器生物,一个红色生物,以及一个绿白双色的生物来协助支付此费用。
Thus, with an extra tap of a pen, the immediately following pen operation works as if it were performed in normal mode. 因此,利用附加的敲笔动作,其后紧接的笔操作就像在正常模式中进行的笔操作一样。
He took a step forward just as the tap-tapping blind man passed him by. 他向前迈出了一步,刚好碰到那位盲丐经过。
But if it's a friend, you could tap a couple of 31 buttons on the remote control, unlock the door and welcome him in. 但如果来客是朋友,你可以在遥控器上按一两个钮,开门让他进来。
I had my stick with me, so I gave it a tap to send it round, and, unfortunately, it fell off the stake on to the grass. 我手中有棍,就碰了一下以让它再次动起来,不幸地是,它从树桩上掉下,落入草丛。
It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas. 瓶装水凉爽提神、不含卡路里、易于携带,比有些自来水好喝又比含糖的苏打水健康得多。