
美 [tæp]英 [tæp]
  • n.水龙头;轻拍;轻敲;轻叩
  • v.开发;轻拍;轻敲;轻叩
  • 网络熄灯号;丝锥;丝攻

第三人称单数:taps 现在分词:tapping 过去式:tapped

tap market,tap resource,source tap


v. n.

1.[i][t]轻敲;轻拍;轻叩to hit sb/sth quickly and lightly

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(用…)轻轻叩击if youtap your fingers, feet, etc. or theytap , you hit them gently against a table, the floor, etc., for example to the rhythm of music

3.[t][i]利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等)to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists

4.[t]~ sth(在电话上)安装窃听器,搭线窃听to fit a device to a telephone so that sb's calls can be listened to secretly

6.[t][usupass]~ sb委任;指定(某人做某事)to choose sb to do a particular job


熄灯号(TAPS) 剧情片 (配角) 演员:乔治.斯科特(巴顿将军) 蒂莫西.赫顿 汤姆.克鲁斯 无尽的爱(Endless Love) 爱情片 (配角) 演员: …


法国求购水龙头(taps) (7-11) [招聘] 竖井钻机操作手 (2013-05-06) [招聘] 外贸经理 (2013-05-06) [招聘] 外贸业务员 (2013-05-06)


丝锥(TAPS) 丝锥(TAPS) 1.概述 1.概述 丝锥是加工各种中、小尺寸内螺纹的刀具,它结构简单,使用方便,既可手工操作,也 …


苏州市沧浪区仕诚伟机械模具五金商行 ... 国产量具 TESA 丝攻 Taps 铰刀 Reamers ...


螺丝攻(TAPS)丝攻和丝板 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 螺丝攻相关网站蒐集-优仕网精选好站 www.tosg.com.tw YAMAWA 弥满 …


抽头(Taps) 抽头(Taps)是一种电压接触, 固定于电阻绕组的某些已知的突出点 (angular point)上而且穿过一条导线与一外部电 …


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(T1) ... taproot 主根 taps 熄灯号音 tapster 酒保 ...

This gives Mr Zhan's translators and Mr Ferrari, who taps out his own English-language e-mails, a bit of extra time to craft their messages. 因此,詹纯新的翻译以及亲自撰写英文电子邮件的费拉里本人都能有多一点的时间来构思措辞。
So now we're all from the side, no waste water, washing hands after going to turn off the taps in a timely manner. 所以现在我们要从身边的点点滴滴做起…,不浪费水,洗完手后要及时关掉水龙头。
You put one of your ears close to one end of the pipe while your friend taps the other end with a hammer. 你把耳朵贴近管子一端,而你的朋友用锤子轻击另一端。
The doctor feels and listens to her neck, asks her to look at his moving finger, listens to her heart and taps her extremities for reflexes. 医师触诊和用听诊器检查她的颈部,要她看着他移动的指头,听听她的心跳,并检查她的四肢神经反射。
It also preserves the decades-old convention that the U. S names the No. 2 official at the fund and Europe taps one of its own as IMF chief. 另外,IMF还维持了长达数十年的老规矩,即由美国人出任该组织“二号人物”,而IMF总裁一职则由欧洲人担任。
I place the tip of the cane on the underside of your cock and slide it up and down the shaft. It gently taps on your balls. 我将藤条的末端放在你的阴茎上,然后轻轻的滑动一下,它便上下抖动起来。
A few light taps upon the pane made him turn to the window. It had begun to snow again. 玻璃上几下轻轻的响声吸引他把脸转向窗户。又开始下雪了。
But just when James starts to question his role and decides to wash out, Burke taps him for a special assignment to root out a mole. 但是,正当詹姆斯开始对自己的职责产生怀疑、并决定退出培训时,伯克委派给他一项特殊任务--去根除一名“鼹鼠”(即长期潜伏的双重间谍)。
In swim workouts, it's one of the rules that when a teammate taps your foot you move to the right to let that swimmer go ahead of you. 游泳集训中有一项规定,那就是当队友碰你的脚时,你应该向右靠,让她过去。
Overflowing taps and over watering of our lawns and gardens, as you know it, leads to wastage of water. 溢出水龙头及以上以上花园我们的草坪洒以上洒水,正如你所知,导致浪费水。
As long as you don't overuse it, it taps directly into the keen sense of awareness for objects appearing and disappearing. 只要别过度使用,它可以直接让用户感受到对象的出现和消失。
CHROME plating has long been used to show off everything from Harley-Davidson motorcycles to kitchen taps. 镀铬技术长期广泛的应用于美观从哈雷戴维森摩托车到水龙头之类的物品。
Part of the tradition of an American military funeral is the playing of a bugle call known as taps. 美国军事葬礼传统的其中一部分是军号演奏。
It taps directly into the country's mythic image of itself: unshowily brave and just a little stiff, brewing tea as the bombs fall. 如今它直接成了这个国家的神秘形象:务实勇敢而且带些刻板,在狂轰滥炸时仍在优雅地沏茶。
The molds are turned over and a rod lightly taps them on the bottom to allow the chocolates to fall out without being broken. 模具被拿掉,用杆子从底部轻轻敲打它们使得巧克力从模具中调出不被损坏。
Michael anxiously taps his fingers on the door of his cell while Sucre rests on the top bunk. Michael焦急地用手指轻敲自己牢房的门,Sucre在床铺上休息。
A woman thought she was in heaven when beer instead of water flowed from the taps in her apartment in west Norway. 当发现自家水龙头里流出的是啤酒而非自来水时,这位家住挪威西部的主妇以为自己到了天堂。
To find out, investigators employed wire taps and a controversial raid on premises used by an intelligence official in Rome. 为查清这一点,调查员运用了罗马一家情报机构使用的电话窃听以及对前提备受争议的攻击。
A photograph is taken, the time and place are noted automatically, and with a few taps the image can be uploaded. 照片拍摄后,时间、地点会自动标注,轻击几下后,图片就能上传了。
With a few taps at the command line, you can launch a Web site, recruit legions to your cause, or vanquish a marauding thunder lizard. 只需在命令行上敲几下,就可以启动网站、招募军团或击败可怕的火龙。
One of her current assignments also taps her passion for international co-operation and development. 她目前的一项任务还激发了她对国际合作和开发的热情。
Yet central banks, caught between slowing growth and surging prices, have been hesitant to turn off the taps. 然而,在经济增长放缓与物价飙升的夹击下,各国央行却迟迟不肯出手。
he or she will retain information by saying it out loud, acting out the facts, or counting them off with finger taps. 他(她)会通过大声地念,用动作演示事实,或用手指轻叩报数来记住要记的东西。
Roeding said the app taps into the passionate mindset of those who want to do good but can't always afford to make donations. Rodeing说该应用程序满足了那些有热情去做些好事但又支付不起常态捐赠的人的需求。
As a capable and competent woman, She taps into Her omnipotent power to change into a handsome man or beautiful queen to help those in need. 她具有千变万化的能力,当人们遇到麻烦时,她会变化成男士或是美丽女王等各种样子,前去帮助他们。
He raises his fist in the air just as a car taps him from behind and knocks him down. 他刚把拳头抬到空中,一辆小汽车嘟嘟叫着从他身后开上来,撞倒了他。
There was no wall of water, no howling winds; just the sound of taps drying up and toilets ceasing to flush. 没有滔天巨浪,也没有狂风大作;只有水龙头干涸和厕所无水冲刷所发出的声音。
A few taps on his laptop reveal the unsettling "before" images of these seemingly normal breasts. 他敲打几下电脑,出现看似正常乳房的“以前”骇人图像。
Mr Inhofe's prediction of thousands of lost jobs taps into a well of scepticism about emissions trading schemes. 英赫夫有关成千上万人将失业的预测,呼应了针对排放权交易计划的大量怀疑论调。
The leading cause fracture taps installed there are also many, but more subtle problem is not easy to find. 水龙头安装造成的龙头断裂也不在少数,但由于问题比较隐蔽不易被发现。