tell him

  • 网络告诉他;向他倾诉;对他说

tell himtell him

tell him


乔瓦尼乐队沉思系列之一《宁静的... ... 08 Moment of good-bye 告别时刻 09 Tell him 告诉他 10 Wish you were here 但愿你在 …


... 10 As If We Never Said Goodbye( 仿佛我们没有说再见) 11 Tell Him( 向他倾诉) 12 Stranger In A Strange Land( 异乡异客) ...


shayne ward的tell him... ... Exactly what you and I've been doing 细数我们经历的所有 Tell him 对他说 The End 分手 ...


我的收藏品: Celine Dion THE POWER OF... ... 9. I DROVE ALL NIGHT 为爱驰 11. TELL HIM 对他倾诉 12. THE PRAYER 祈 …


电话英文-... ... 我稍候, 因还没发生所以用未来式 I will = I'll 请他 (告诉他) tell him 回电给你 call you back ...

None of us have the temerity to visit the President and tell him what to do, not even me in the role of captain. 没有人直接去找主席告诉他该做什么,即使我是队长我也不会这么做。
He called Tihon, and went through the rooms with him, to tell him where to make up his bed for that night. 他叫来了吉洪,同他一起走了几个房间,以便告诉他今晚把床放到哪里。
Tell him from me that he must be at the meeting on time. 请转告他,叫他务必按时到会。
and tell him how much we love him. Okay? 然后再告诉他我们有多爱他好吗?
I shall tell him straight out that if he is not able to do it well, he may as well pack up. 我将坦率地告诉他,要是他不能做好那件事,还是不做的好。
Suddenly, Mary knew that this was the right moment to tell him. 这时玛丽觉得是告诉他的时候了,
Tell him how much you love him. 告诉他你是多么的爱他。
I'm afraid I don't have the guts to go up to the boss and tell him what I ought to. 我想我没有胆量去找老板并告诉他我该说的话。
I wasn't going to tell him, but he forced it out of me. 我不想告诉他,但他逼我说了出来。
He has had women come up to him to tell him a thing or two about a thing or two. 他遇到过一些女人来告诉他一些相关的事情。
If there's nothing really the matter, the doctor will tell him he's an old ass, and cheer him up; and that will be something gained. 要是真没大病,医生会骂他是个大笨蛋,会给他打气,那倒也是一得吧。
And then if the fisherman was in a bad temper he would box Shasta's ears and tell him to attend to his work. 如果渔夫心情不好,他就要打沙斯塔的耳光,叫他专心干好他的话儿。
Father is always my close friend, I'm willing to tell him what I think about. 父亲总是我的亲密朋友,我愿意向他顷诉我的所思。
During the ad breaks, a man often asks a woman to explain the plot and tell him where the relationship between the characters is going. 在插播广告的时间,男人常让女人为他解释电影的故事情节以及片中人物的关系进展情况。
The young girl got off the train. The artist asked for her name, but she would not tell him. 这位年轻女孩下车了,画家问她姓名,但她不想告诉他。
Today, I called my boyfriend to tell him how excited I was to drive 12 hours to see him and his new house. His girlfriend answered. FML. 今天我给男朋友打电话说我开车12个小时来看望他和他的新家有多么兴奋。接电话的是他女朋友。FML。
"Tell him to quell the storm, " said the voice of the doctor in my ear. “叫他平息暴风,”医生的声音在我耳边响起。
She had a catheter in, and the nurse said someone would call him and tell him how to take it out over the phone. 她插着导管,护士说会有人通过电话告诉他怎样拿掉。
If he does, you can give me a call and I'll come over and tell him to put a lid on it myself. 你别担心我啦。那个人要是再来找麻烦,我就直接找我的老板去和他谈喽!
And I also wanted to tell him how much his worked was loved and how many people saw it as an inspiration for their own works and lives. 而且我还想亲口告诉他,他的作品是多么的受欢迎,许多人甚至把它当做自己工作和生活的一种激励。
I'll tell him about the matter the moment he comes back. 他一回来我就告诉他这件事。
Actually I wanted to tell him that today was April Fool's Day, but I could not say it out. 我想说今天是愚人节,却一个字也没说出来。
When she went into Heath's office to tell him her decision, he did not even bother to look up. "You'll lose, " he said. "Good day to you. " 当她走进希思办公室告诉他她的决定时,希思甚至连头都没抬。“你肯定会输,”希思说。“祝你好运。”
I was still so angry that I went up to tell him what I thought of him. 我仍然如此生气以至于我走上前把我对他的看法告诉他。
Also, when your doctor gives you a prescription for a new medication, be sure to tell him or her about any other medications you are taking. 此外,医生给你开出一种新药时,一定要告诉他你正在使用的任何其它药物。
One got drunk and went on and on repeating his script until I had to take him to one side and tell him to stop. 但其中一个朋友喝醉了,不停地重复着他的“台词”,直到我把他带到一旁,让他住口。
A man held a dismembered leg up to the sky with a questioning gaze as if he wanted me to tell him what to do. 一个男人拿着自己被炸断的腿,质问般的注视好像要我告诉他要做什么。
I was too scared to tell him the truth, which was that the head nurse, not the intern, assigned patient rooms. 我不敢告诉他实情,实际上是护士长安排病人房间的,而不是我这实习生。
If he likes music, just buy him a $100 guitar and tell him to pick-it-up when he wants and have fun. 如果孩子喜欢音乐,就买个100块钱的吉他,告诉他有兴趣的时候拿去玩。
We have got ready to tell him the truth . 我们已经作好了告诉他事实的准备。