
美 [tɜrm]英 [tɜː(r)m]
  • n.条款;说法;价钱;措辞
  • v.把…称为

复数:terms 现在分词:terming 过去式:termed

medium term,general term,generic term,technical term,same term
use term,term come



1.(协议、合同等的)条件,条款the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an agreement, an arrangement or a contract

2.(交易的)条件;价钱;费用conditions that you agree to when you buy, sell, or pay for sth; a price or cost

3.表达方式;措辞;说法a way of expressing yourself or of saying sth

They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American. 他们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了作为美国公民所应尽的职责。
You knew that this was the beginning of a change, but it was unrecognizable in every way. There was very little in terms of commercial life. 你或许了解那时的中国刚刚开始发生变化,但仅仅是在有限的方面,商业生活没有任何改观。
Certainly the telecommunications deregulation bill went too far in terms of trying to limit indecency on the Internet. 确定地电传视讯解除管制帐单在尝试限制英特网上的无礼术语太过火了。
In terms of regional competition the attraction and competitiveness of a city are inseparable from its cultural background. 区域竞争中,城市吸引力和竞争力的提高离不开其文化底蕴的提升。
In terms of cleaner infrastructure, "there's still going to be a gap, " he said. 以节能环保基础的角度看来,他说,“仍有一道鸿沟”。
To record a transaction in a journal in terms of debit and credit is referred to as making a journal entry or journalizing. 用借项和贷项在日记帐中记录一笔业务叫做日记帐分录或记日记帐。
But other banks have been persistent in trying to understand the Internet in terms of its role in the future of banking. 但其他银行一直试图了解互联网对银行业未来所起的作用。
However, although the practice is not explicitly flagged-up, it appears to be covered in the company's terms of use. 虽然这个行为没有被明确标注出来,但它似乎被涵盖在用户说明当中。
How much leverage does the president have in terms of resolving conflicts between the houses of Congress? 在解决国会冲突方面,总统会起到怎样的平衡作用?
Connected up, it's a great trade-off in terms of the size of the device and simplicity, and that's often what you want. 向上连接,它在装置和单纯的术语同样大小中是一个很棒的交换,而且那时常是你想要的事情。
And being in the west--the most sensitive area in terms of the enemy--has given me a taste of war conditions. 而且在西部地区——对敌人来说最敏感的地区——让我真正体验到了战争环境。
Diet as a whole is something we need to look at more closely in terms of infertility, she said. “总体来说,从不孕的角度看,我们应该对自己的饮食更加在意,”她说。
"He understood what was at stake for the state, in terms of the jobs that would have been lost. " “他明白有可能损失的就业岗位与内华达州的利害关系。”
As I began to examine and redefine the terms on which I lived my life, my years of silence bit me on the backside. 当我开始审视、重新定义我生活的方式时,长期以来的沉默在后边咬着我不放。
Let your users work with the DOM, and nothing else, at least in terms of your requirements for your class functioning. 让您的用户仅仅处理DOM,至少在类函数需求方面不需要任何其他内容。
"An open hearing on intelligence matters is something of a contradiction in terms, " he said. 他说,“公开就情报问题进行听证,这根本就自相矛盾。”
China is no doubt one the most remarkable places in the world today, particularly in terms of its architectural marvels. 中国无疑是现今世界上最值得注意的国家之一,尤其以建筑成就而言。
Your use of these other services, software or goods may be subject to separate terms between you and the company or person concerned. 您对这些其他服务、软件或商品的使用受限于您和相关公司或个人的单独条款。
So in terms of geography, we may have something of an apples-to-apples comparison. 所以在地质学方面,我们有着一个合理的标准进行比较。
Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. --G. K. CHESTERTON. 勇气就其意义上讲几乎就是个矛盾,它意味着以一种时刻准备去死的形式表现一种强烈的求生欲望。
He's been here a year and hopefully he will have come to terms with the different style of football by the time the season starts. 他已经来了一年了,希望新赛季开始时他可以适应这不同的风格。我总是说你必须给拉丁球员一点时间适应。
The key is to begin to understand a city in terms of density, intensity and use, and its social and economic framework. 问题的关键是要开始从密度、强度、用途以及社会和经济框架角度去理解一个城市。
The two parties failed to come to terms by the end of the talks. The only agreement was to exchange information. 会谈双方结束时未达成协议。惟一一致意见是是相互交换信息。
Accordingly, the Company both in terms of hardware or software, have the ability and confidence to accomplish all client projects. 因此,本公司不论从硬件方面或软件方面,都有能力、有信心完成好各客户的工程项目。
In terms of the Hopfield net, when a pair of nodes has the same value, in other words, -1 or +1, the weight between them is stronger. 就Hopfield网络来说,当一对节点有相同的值时,换句话说是-1或+1,它们之间的权重就更大。
If you can entertain installment payment on deferred terms, we would be in a position to place orders with you for these goods. 如果你们能接受延期条件的分期付款,我们将向你方订购这些货物。
At least in terms of the shape of their brains, Neandertal newborns pretty much coasted into adulthood. 至少就他们大脑的形状而言,尼安德特新生婴儿的大脑与他们成人时的几乎差不多。
If you could give the ball bearing such a high speed, then the two terms are equal. 如果你能让滚珠,有这么高的速度,这两项就会相等。
And a severe plunge in asset prices, even if it makes no sense in terms of fundamentals, tends to deplete that capital. 资产价格的跳水,即使对基本理论没有影响,但会导致资本衰竭。
So far, in terms of policy, he has been something of an enigma. 从政策方面而言,他至今都还是一位神秘莫测的人物。