the cross

  • 网络十字架;十字架的磨难;拜苦路

the crossthe cross

the cross


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Epiphany Parish 主显堂区 ... Friday 圣周五 the Cross 拜苦路 Passion 救主苦难纪念 ...


例如,代表基督教的「十字架形」(the cross)或代表回教的「新月形」(the crescent),在古代巴比伦著名的宗教象徵「新 …


全天星座中英文对照表_Blue孤蓝_新浪博客 ... The Cup 巨爵 The Cross 南十字 The Swan 天鹅 ...


博文_爱言者_新浪博客 ... 为什麽要克己 Why do we abstain 生活的十字架 The Cross 悔改的心 A Penitent Heart ...

This is the love that sent Christ into the world, that led him to the cross for our redemption, and that made us a part of him. 因着这份爱,基督来到世上,并为了救赎我们而被钉死在十字架上,从而使我们成为祂的一部分。
The whole concept of the Bible is of Christ taking our place on the cross and paying the punishment, the cost of our sin. 圣经的整个观念是要告诉我们,基督替代了我们,接受了十字架的刑罚,为我们偿还了罪的赎价。
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 既有人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上。
She took the holy water on her fingertips and made the sign of the cross, fleetingly touched her wet fingertips to her parched lips. 她用指头蘸了点圣水,在胸前划了个十字,同时,用湿手指尖在干燥的嘴唇上急速地点了一下。
When He came to this world as a man, fashioned like a servant, He humbled Himself unto death, even the death of the cross. 耶稣作为人类来到世界,像仆人一样完成他的使命后就恭顺的走向死亡,即使是十字架上的死亡。
See him on the cross, "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. " 看看十字架上的他吧,“一个多受痛苦、常经忧患的人”。
With luck, the cross-party fiscal commission the White House set up in February will provide political cover for this to be done. 幸运的话,白宫今年2月组建的跨党派财政委员会,将为完成这一改革提供政治掩护。
The cross section shapes of the pits are same with that of the lock hole of the intramedullary nail, which are roundness or ellipse. 凹坑的横截面形状和髓内针锁孔的横截面形状相同,横截面形状是圆形或者是椭圆形。
The cross of Christ is the measure by which we know how much Christ loves us. 因著耶稣在十字架受苦受死,我们就知道耶稣何等爱我们;
His sufferings did not begin on the cross, but it was his suffering that led him to the cross. 他不是在十字架上才开始受苦的,而是他受的苦引导他走上十字架。
The book of Romans says God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you to pay for your salvation. 罗马人的书中说上帝让他的儿子,耶稣,死在十字架上去拯救人类的灵魂。
Later Wesley learns the cross also had engraved on it a passage from "Paradise Lost" : "We shall be free" . 后来韦斯利发现了十字架也刻了一段源于“失乐园”的话:“我们将自由”。
Unless you understand that, (we have to spend a little time to understand that, ) you won't be able to perceive what the Cross does for you. 而除非你承认这一点(我们确实需要花点儿时间对此加以理解),否则你就无法感知十字架为你成就了什么;
if I cannot commit the matter and go on in peace and in silence, remembering Gethsemane and the Cross, then I know nothing of Calvary love. 若我不能把事情交托,保持平静缄默,想到客西马尼园和十字架,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
It was the crucified Christ Who lived in him, and made him partaker of all that the cross had meant to Christ Himself. 因着钉十字的耶稣住在他心中,他就有份于耶稣基督的生命。
And tithe book of Romans tells us that God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you to pay for your salvation. 罗马书上告诉我们,神差他的儿子耶稣基督来,为拯救我们死在了十字架上,替我们偿还了罪的代价。
And saying, You who destroy the temple and build it up in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross! 你这拆毁圣殿,三日内建造起来的,救你自己吧!你若是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧!
And what Jesus is trying to say is the Cross proves if you want influence, then you go low, you don't go high; you serve! 耶稣在这里想说的是:十字架验证了——如果你想具有影响力,那么你就要谦卑自己而不能高高在上;那么你就要服务他人!
All of our sinful words, retaliations, or even thoughts he took with him to the cross. 我们所有邪恶的字眼、报复的行为,甚至是罪恶的想法,他都一并带上与他同钉十字架了。
After four years of editing, the cross-strait Chinese dictionary can be expanded to a cloud language information platform. 历经四年的编纂,两岸中华大辞典可扩充至云端语言知识平台。
Robin Dalton is best remembered in Australia as the author of Aunts up the Cross, about her childhood with her eccentric extended family. 罗宾·道尔顿,因为AuntsuptheCross这本书在澳大利亚最被人铭记的的这位作家,本期节目讲述她的童年及她的古怪的大家庭。
I was trying to make up for the time lost in the morning when the cross-country vehicles got stuck in the mud caused by the heavy rains. 我想尽量弥补早上失去的时间:由于暴雨连连,横跨该国的列车干线被卡在了泥泞中。
On the cross, Jesus had moments when, if he did not doubt that he was the son of God, he regretted it. 在十字架上,如果他不去怀疑自己是否是上帝之子,耶稣必然会有后悔。
Speaking about Musharraf's prevention of the cross-border incursion into India-controlled Kashmir, Bush said: "He must show his efforts. " 布希在谈及穆夏拉夫阻止越界侵犯印度所控制克什米尔的行动时说:「他必须有所表现。」
The workpiece is located between the pair of opposing coils, which are oriented across the cross section of the workpiece. 工件位于相对的线圈对之间,所述线圈对跨工件的截面定向。
He thought: the cross is to heavy if i carry it like that, i do not know which date i am going to finish it. 他心想:这个十字架实在是太沉重了,就这样背着它,得走到何年何月啊?!
The cycles say the cross is nearing the right time for an intermediate-term peak which should lead to weakness lasting at least a week. 趋势显示时间点已经接近中期高点,且应该会至少持续走弱一个星期。
Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was startled when he saw the cross road lying distantly ahead of him. 老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一丁字街,明明白白横着。
Ducking into a corner of their bedroom to avoid the cross fire, Trotsky and his wife managed to escape unscathed. 为了躲避交叉的火力,托洛茨基和妻子躲进卧室角落,毫发无损的躲过了一劫。
But when he came close, and without knowing why he did it, he made on his breast the sign of the Cross, and called upon the holy name. 但当他走近时,却不知所以地在自己的胸前画了个十字,并叫出上帝的名字来。