the fury

  • 网络狂怒;愤恨;怒火

the furythe fury

the fury


吸血鬼日记 小说&美剧_百度知道 ... The Struggle 斗争 The Fury 狂怒 The Awakening 觉醒 ...


愤恨The Fury) 愤恨属于中立邪恶阵营,她将怒意发展成疯狂,多数信徒极端而且情绪化。


...安防御者(Corellian Defender)和怒火(The Fury),不同的舰船在内部结构和数据方面都有所不同,并且可以通过科技元件进行 …


]欧好可骇片年夜齐(不竭更新中)_井紫萱_新浪博客 ... The Manitou[ 曼尼](1978) The Fury[ 愤慨](1978) Piranha[ 水虎鱼](1978) ...


电影人必看电影之【美国】 ... 《Carrie》 嘉莉(金驼)★★★★☆ 《The Fury魔血(东胜)★★★ 《Dressed to Kill》 剃刀边 …

And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power. 它往我所看见,站在河边有双角的公绵羊那里去,大发忿怒,向它直闯。
Yet for all the fury over stolen billions, it will not be easy to take the alleged loot home. 然而,对被盗十亿的愤怒,它不会很容易采取所谓的战利品回家。
And I heard a loud voice out of the temple, saying to the seven angels, Go and pour out the seven bowls of the fury of God into the earth. 我听见有大声音从殿中出来,向那七位天使说,你们去,把盛神烈怒的七碗倒在地上。
In talking about "The Sound and the Fury, " Faulkner said he saw in his mind a dirty little girl playing in front of her house. 在谈到《喧嚣与骚动》时,福克纳说,他内心仿佛看见一个脏兮兮的小女孩坐在她家房前玩耍。
The fury got the better of her, and she took it all out on her children. 她被怒火冲昏了头脑,把气都撒在孩子身上。
Even his thoughts of revenge retreated behind the fury of his desire for her. 他要报复的念头甚至要战胜他对她的强烈的欲望。
The fury at "business as usual" in the Temples of Mammon is understandable, but it is a rotten basis for trying to regulate finance. 对财神庙“照常营业”的愤怒是可以理解的,但是如果要以此规范金融业,却是不够的。
He no longer seems capable of intimidating the political establishment by threatening to unleash the fury of his media empire. 看来,他不再有能力通过威胁将释放他媒体帝国的愤怒来吓唬住英国政界了。
But the fury over air pollution is much more widespread and is just beginning to gain momentum. 但对于空气污染的愤怒则传播得广泛得多,而且其势头才刚刚开始增大。
All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell, as the sea falls under -a lapse of wind. 她那狂暴的灵魂发出的一切愤怒都在平息了,如同大海在风暴之后的平静一样。
But once the most acute market pressure was relieved, Mr Berlusconi began to backtrack on his austerity measures, to the fury of Germany. 然而当最严重的市场压力刚一缓解,贝卢斯科尼就开始放弃财政紧缩措施。此举令德国大为着恼。
When he is about to fill his belly, God shall cast the fury of his wrath upon him, and shall rain it upon him while he is eating. 他正要充满肚腹的时候,神必将猛烈的忿怒,降在他身上。正在他吃饭的时候,要将这忿怒像雨降在他身上。
Druid: You dare to think you could defeat me? Then feel the raw anger of nature. . . feel the fury of. 德鲁伊:你们居然妄想打败我?那么来感受大自然的未驯的野性吧……感受它狂怒下的。
The end of the protests, however, did not mean the end of the fury against Japan. 然而,抗议活动的结束并不意味着对日仇恨的终结。
Be like the promontory against which the waves continually break, but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it. 像海角一样,海浪不断扑打,但它傲然挺立,驯服周围狂暴的海水。
And Babylon the Great was remembered before God to give her the cup of the wine of the fury of His wrath. 神也想起大巴比伦来,要把那盛自己烈怒之酒的杯递给她。
Though my classmates and I were far from the fury of war, our lives were full of newspaper accounts of battles. 尽管我和同学们都远离战火的纷扰,但是报纸上有关战事的消息仍整天不绝于耳。
Sometimes, the fury of nature is unpredictable and cruel. Confronted with nature, mankind is but a fragile and powerless piece of shell. 大自然喜怒无常,命运之不可测,人类其实也像一枚小小的贝壳,同样脆弱渺小。
The fury of our resistance astonished the enemy. 我军抵抗的猛烈程度使敌人震惊。
Cooke's four companies of guards there held out for seven hours against the fury of an army. 库克的四连近卫军,在一军人马猛攻之下,坚持了七个钟头。
To the fury of his zealous supporters, Ali agreed that conflicting claims should be submitted to arbitration. 面对他的热心的支持者的愤怒,阿里赞成将冲突的主张交付仲裁。
Just as the druid can wield peace and somnolence, however, the druid can tap into the fury of nature itself. 德鲁伊懂得操纵宁静和睡眠,他同时也能够操纵自然界的愤怒。可怕的雷电响应德鲁伊的召唤。
When an alliance harasses a female with a baby, she fights with all the fury a mother can muster, protecting her child. 在一个联盟控制住一只带幼仔的雌性时,它会用一名母亲能发出的所有愤怒抗争以保护自己的孩子。
The fury on her face terrified me. I dared not say no to her again. 她脸上气急败坏的表情实在把我吓坏了。我再也不敢说个不字。
Is positive because like this and strongly love your smiling face, I just set alight the fury of old grudge to your 2 people. 正因为这样强烈地爱着你的笑脸,我才对你们二人燃起仇恨的怒火。
There upon a heath, exposed to the fury of the storm in a dark night, did king Lear wander out . 李尔王的确在黑夜里迎着狂风暴雨的袭击,在一片荒原上彷徨过。
Such was the fury of the squall that his voice sounded like a whisper. 风暴的呼啸声使我几乎听不见他的声音。
The exterior framework of The Sound and the Fury is polyphonic, so is the internal sensibility of it. 《喧哗与骚动》不但外部结构是复调的,而且内在情感也是复调的。
The Angolan government keeps a tight lid on details of the relationship to the fury of its critics who suspect funds go astray. 令那些怀疑资金被挪用的批评人士感到愤怒的是,安哥拉政府对安中关系的细节严加保密。
How else could I have known my grandmother had not died by accident, but with the fury of suicide? 不然我怎么知道外婆不是死于意外,而是满腔愤恨自杀而死的呢?