the island

  • 网络逃出克隆岛;绝地再生;神秘岛

the islandthe island

the island


就像"逃出克隆岛"(The island)这部电影里面那个博士一样: 温文尔雅博学多才的博士为你做心理辅导的目的,就是要把你送上屠 …


绝地再生(The IsLand) | 主页 | 便民的服务-停车费逾期通知功能 系统公告 CC授权 其它资讯 本部落所刊登之内容,皆由作者个 …


正大剧场_百度百科 ... The Frog Prince( 青蛙王子) The Island( 神秘岛) The Izu Dancer( 伊豆的舞女) ...


2010年10月上映的电影_百度知道 ... 双重追击 Notturno bus 绝命岛 The Island 魔侠传之唐吉可德 Don Quixote ...


2012北京国际电影节_娱乐频道_凤凰网 ... 失恋 Lovelorn 岛屿 The Island 我是中国人 I am Chinese ...


...arlett Johansson)在拍摄最新影片《逃离克隆岛》(The Island),有一个极为迫切的心愿,那就是希望看到对手戏男星伊万 …


...短篇小说构成,1993年重版时另加入了四篇分别是《小岛》(The Island)、《复活》(Resurrection)、《战斧工厂》(The Tomah…

the pilot again changed the course of the boat , which rapidly approached the island , and was soon within fifty paces of it. 掌舵人又改变了小帆船的方向,船就急速地向岛子靠拢过去,不久就离岛只有五十步之遥了。
so we started and soon got to it, because the island was only three miles long and a quarter of a mile wide. 我们就出发了,一会儿就到了那里,因为这个岛不过三英里长、四分之一英里宽嘛。
The coastguard received a signal saying the ship had engine trouble and that it had run aground just off the island of Sibuyan. 菲海上警卫队曾收到这艘船的信号,说她的引擎出现问题,正漂流在布延岛海岸。
Before the coming of Chiang's government, there had not been a case of smallpox in the island for over fifteen years. 在蒋政权到来以前,岛上有十五年以上没有发生过一例天花。
There was no sign of any projectiles landing on the island or in its surrounding waters. 目前没有迹象显示有炮弹落在延坪岛或其附近水域里。
The others search the island for her; it is mostly rocks and scrubby trees, and there seem few places to hide, but she cannot be found. 其他人搜遍了整个岛屿;岛上只有岩石和矮木,几乎无处藏身,但她仍不知所踪。
On the way to the island, he would pull in the oars and just let the boat drift where it wished, for hours at a time. 在去荒岛的途中,他会撤了浆任由小舟随波逐流。
"Rhubarb" inspection, they found a fisherman to take advantage of added water on the island when I picked up a military jacket. “大黄”巡视时,发现一渔民趁上岛加淡水之时,拿起了我的一件军上衣。
The main argument was that the population of the island recently had increased and it was to longer easy to hold general meetings. 主要的论据是最近的岛屿的人口有所增加,更长易守大会。
At a different level, some Irish banks operated indifferently across the island, as if the border with the North did not exist. 在另一个层面,一些爱尔兰银行的业务范围遍及整个爱尔兰岛,仿佛爱尔兰共和国与北爱尔兰的边界并不存在。
Military trucks carrying what appeared to be multiple rocket launchers were seen heading to a marine base on the island Monday. 账面看来是多管火箭发射被视为前往该岛的一个海军基地星期一军用卡车。
It was built into the island as though it were a part of it. 它仿佛扎根在岛上,成了岛子的一部分。
Just as he had often warned them on the island that he would do, when they thought he was joking. 就象他在岛上经常警告他们的一样,他会做到,而他们则把它当作玩笑。
Because there was no wind, the small boats pulled the ship three or four miles round the island, to a safe place to drop the anchor . 因为没有风,我们用小船拖着大船在岛的周围绕了三四英里,到一个安全的地方下锚。
On the internet, Dahl recalls, he came across a tweet that said the assailant on the island was dressed as a policeman. 达尔回忆道,他从网上找到了一个录音,上面说岛上的攻击者打扮成政客的模样。
He said the army is in control of the island's capital, Mutsamudi, its port as well as the towns of Ouani and Domoni. 政府发言人说,军队目前控制了昂儒昂岛的首府穆察穆杜、该岛的港口、瓦尼镇和多摩尼镇。
Why take it out on our best chance at getting off the island? 但为什么要毁掉我们离开这个岛的最好机会呢?
During the search, police found a number of foreign nationals in the flat, both legal and illegal residents on the island. 在搜查期间,警方发现在该单位,塞浦路斯岛上居民的合法和非法的外国国民。
A few days later, the island really began to sink. Love had no choice but to find a way to leave. She starts to look for help. 过了几天,小岛真的开始下沉了,爱不得不想办法离开这儿,于是,开始找人帮忙。
The island's governor, Pedro Gallardo, said it was extraordinary that almost everyone survived, and joined a chorus calling it a miracle. 该岛长官佩德罗•加拉多表示,几乎所有人都活下来了,非常不可思议。他同人们一样连声惊叹,称这是一次奇迹。
The boat moved away from the island and I waited until it was out at sea. Then I opened the door of my room. 船离开了这座岛;我一直等着,直到它出海了。然后我打开了我房间的门。
The United States has no formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan, but provides the island with weapons for defensive purposes. 美国同台湾没有正式外交关系,但向台湾提供用于防御的武器。
The island family where she was to live for the next six months, made her feels right at home. 她要在岛上住六个月的那个家庭,让她觉得就像在自己家一样。
I'll be driving over to the other end of the island to see my shepherd. You could come, if you feel up to it. 我要开车到岛的另一头去看看我的羊倌,如果你吃得消的话,可以和我同去。
He said he spent hours huddled in the dark fearing for the safety of his father, a South Korean marine sergeant stationed on the island. 他说,他在黑暗中缩成一团待了几个小时,担心他父亲的安全,他父亲是驻扎在岛上的韩国海军陆战队中士。
night, we walk along the beach around the island on the edge, "rhubarb" on the front foot after foot to Sahuan. 晚下,人们在孤岛上沿四周海边散步,“大黄”就脚前足后地撒欢。
Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was most sinking, Love decided to ask for help. 爱想坚持到最后时刻。当海岛即将沉没时,爱心决定求助。
When people talked about her she become a sunny figure out of a comic, blundering about in a strange English world when she left the island. 当人们谈论她时,她成了一个快乐的戏剧性人物,离开这个岛屿后笨拙地生活在陌生的英格兰世界里。
Then, at the other end of the island, just as we were lowering our rafts back into the water, Cho said calmly: 'Look, Ed, behind you. ' 接着在岛屿的另一端,也就是我们停靠橡皮筏的地方,曹平静地说:“爱德,看,你后面。”
Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. 然而,第二天清晨,他被一阵船声叫醒,一艘船在向小岛靠近,他知道他获救了。