the pacific

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the pacificthe pacific

the pacific


太平洋战争》(the Pacific),是HBO新出的一部美剧,也是继《兄弟连》之后又一部由斯皮尔伯格和汤姆·汉克斯联手打造 …


...芬·斯皮尔伯格、加里·高兹曼联合制片的十集迷你剧《血战太平洋》(The Pacific)于3月15日开播,该剧透过三名海军陆战 …


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澳大利亚国立大学世界排名... ... College of Asia & the Pacific 亚洲和太平洋学院 College of Business & Economics 商学院 ...


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太平洋战争第一季 (The Pacific) 分类:军武有兴趣 2010/06/01 06:11 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

Therefore, he said, the power that rules the Pacific will be the power that rules the world. 所以,他说,统治太平洋的力量就是统治全世界的力量。
Japan is situated along the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, at the point where the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates collide. 日本位于太平洋和亚欧构造板块的碰撞点,即所谓的环太平洋地震带(PacificRimofFire)上,遭遇强震的风险巨大。
But Europe is no longer the front line and America's focus is shifting to the Pacific. 但现在欧洲已不再是冷战前线,美国的注意力转移到了太平洋地区。
Its coastal location and Puget Sound harbors give it a leading role in trade with Alaska, Canada, and the Pacific Rim. 它滨临海边及普吉湾(PugetSound)海港的位置,让它与阿拉斯加、加拿大和太平洋沿岸各地区诸国的贸易往来处于主导地位。
He made his first jump as a Navy pilot when his plane was shot down over the Pacific during World War II. 二战期间,飞行员出身的老布什在飞机被击中后,完成第一次高空跳伞。
Today, Hawaii, whose capital is Honolulu, is often called the "Crossroads of the Pacific" and is a popular vacation spot. 现在,首府为火奴鲁鲁(Honolulu)的夏威夷常被人称做太平洋的十字路口(CrossroadsofthePacific),它也是一个极受欢迎的渡假胜地。
By the mid-19th century, it had pushed Britain out of the Pacific Northwest and consolidated its hegemony over the Western Hemisphere. 到十九世纪中叶,它已经将不列颠人驱赶出西北部太平洋,并巩固了自己在西半球的霸权。
D. from the Pacific Western University. But Fang investigated further and noted that school was an unaccredited institution that the U. 不过,方是民进一步调查发现,西太平洋大学未经认证,美国政府总审计局称其为文凭工场。
Maybe it was the day of infamy that awakened a nation to a storm in the Pacific and a madman's death march across Europe. 也许那是整个民族的耻辱日促使其投入到太平洋战争的腥风血雨之中,投入到战争狂人希特勒肆虐的欧洲战场上。
Japan's Meteorological Agency said the quake had prompted a tsunami warning for parts of the Pacific coast. 日本气象部门称,地震引起太平洋部分地区发布了海啸预警。
It was quite calm--one of those still, hot days so common in the Pacific, when all nature seems to have gone to sleep. 当时非常的宁静,这是太平洋上常见的安宁炎热的一天,自然界中的一切似乎都已入睡。
But, look across the Pacific at one of our biggest trading partners, and you can see, the rebalancing is causing quite a bit of pain. 可是,看看太平洋的那边我们的最大的贸易伙伴之一,就像你看到的那样,再次平衡带来了不小的伤痛。
Robert Willard, commander of US forces in the Pacific, recently said the ship would be watched closely by China's neighbours. 美军太平洋司令部司令罗伯特•威拉德上将(RobertWillard)最近表示,中国邻国将严密关注瓦良格号。
'We are at the crossroads between the two giants. You've got to pass Singapore to go from the Indian Ocean into the Pacific, ' he said. 他说,我们处在这两个大国之间的十字路口上,你必须通过新加坡才能从印度洋进入太平洋。
Whenever I felt sad, I used to stare at a photograph of him taken on the Pacific island of Palau, where he had once traveled to buy lumber. 当我感到悲伤时,我就会看着他在太平洋岛国Palau拍的照片,他曾经带我旅行去买木材。
The Midwest round the Great Lakes, the Middle Atlantic state, the south, and the Pacific Coast are the major industrial regions of the U. S. 五大湖区周围的中西部,大西洋中部各州,南部和太平洋沿岸为美国主要的工业区。
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no threat of a destructive widespread tsunami. 太平洋海啸预警中心称,没有发生破坏性的广泛海啸的危险。
Take a geek cruise to kill kobolds in the Caribbean, or to talk Macs over Merlot as I cruise up the Pacific coast. 乘坐极客巡洋舰去加勒比杀怪,或者在太平洋海岸巡航的时候边喝Merlot边聊macs
The breadth of the Pacific would seem to be sufficient protection from detectable health effects. 广阔的太平洋似乎为可察觉的健康问题提供了充分的保障。
A year later he was the first person to fly over the Atlantic in a hot air balloon. He ballooned across the Pacific in 1991. 一年之后,他又成为第一个乘坐热气球穿越大西洋的人。
Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, all on the Pacific coast, are more open economies trying to forge closer ties. 为了打造更加紧密的关系,太平洋沿岸的智利、哥伦比亚、墨西哥和秘鲁都增大了开放型经济的力度。
If I were to unload all the water from the Pacific Ocean, and still could not safe the love of fire that I have for you. 如果我可以倒出整个太平洋的海水,却仍然不能浇灭我对你红火的爱。
Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperiling commercial shipping. 散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。
There was a bit of turbulence while we were over the Pacific Ocean but it wasn't too bad. 就是经过太平洋的时候有气流但是不是很糟糕。
If you look at how El Nino affects all the nations around the Pacific Rim, Australia is often thought of prominently in that regard. 如果你观察一下厄尔尼诺现象对环太平洋地区所有国家造成的影响,澳大利亚经常被视为是首当其冲。
From Europe to the Pacific, we have been a nation that has shut down torture chambers and replaced tyranny with the rule of law. 从欧洲直到太平洋地区,我们是一个关闭了刑讯室和以法治取代暴政的国家。
British explorer Captain James Cook made the first mention of surfing in print in his account of his journey through the Pacific Ocean. 最先将冲浪述诸文字的是英国探险家库克船长,他在穿越太平洋的旅程记录内曾提过冲浪这项活动。
The next pipe diameter is at least the Pacific, is the Yangtze River in the Yellow River. 未来管道的直径至少是太平洋,绝对不是黄河长江。
She was last heard from on July 2, 1937, on the Pacific leg of her attempt to be the first woman to fly around the globe. 1937年7月2日人们最后听到她的声音时,她正在太平洋上飞行,试图成为第一个环球飞行的女人。
The author had confused the name of the Pacific port the ship had left with a city of the same name on the Atlantic coast. 那个作者却把这艘船离开的太平洋港口同一座有着相同名字的大西洋海岸城市混淆了。