the package

  • 网络致命速递;包裹;快递

the packagethe package

the package


【美国】致命速递(The Package)2012 | 类型:动作 | 585人收藏 | 199929次点击 说明: 【美国】僵尸崛起(Rise Of The Zombie…


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2012北京国际电影节_娱乐频道_凤凰网 ... 胡佛 J. Edgar 快递 The Package 命运规划局 The Adjustment Bureau ...


1989【刺杀总书记】(The Package) 1988【Full Moon in Blue Water】 1988【反面无敌】(Split Decisions) 1988【烈血大 …


妙传包裹 (The Package)_1.102.ipa


QQ方块:Qbism_有APP_新浪博客... ... 推荐] 包裹传送The Package 推荐] 我的鱼塘: My Fishpond ...


简装D9各家出货汇总QN-WX-◎BD电影时空 -... ... 《征婚广告》 must love days 《惊天大暗杀the package 《波拉x》 pola x ...


欢迎光临博客来影片馆 ... 《 谁杀了甘乃迪 JFK》 《 剌杀总书记 The Package》 《 金臂人 The Big Town》 ...

If you cannot deduce the reason, type the exact error message and the name of the package you're trying to build into Google. 如果您无法找到错误原因,那么可以在Google中键入确切的错误消息,以及您正在尝试编译的包的名字。
This would be a boon for users, as mentioned earlier, since the distribution vendors could calculate all the package dependencies for us. 这对用户来说是一个好消息,如前面所提到的,因为发行商可以为我们计算出所有的软件包之间的依赖关系。
Until now, it had been assumed that the package would simply be voted on by the federal parliament's budget committee. 到目前为止,据假定,一揽子计划将由联邦议会的预算委员会表决。
He wants to leave the service honourably, retire on the package which he was promised and go into private life. 他想有尊严地离开岗位,能够以之前向他承诺过的条件退休,过自己的生活。
He had evidently delivered the package, for, as he came up, he made no sign of taking anything out of his pocket. 很显然他已把信送到了,因为当他向他走来时,并没有做出要从口袋里掏东西的样子。
He said the package, which Congress may vote on by the end of the week, is needed to rescue an already weak U. S. economy. 他说,国会可能在本周末表决的这一方案是挽救业已疲软的美国经济所必不可少的。
One German source said the package may have carried a label indicating it was a security test. 德国消息透露,这件包裹上可能有注明“此为安全测试”的标签。
Yes. All you have to do declare the value of the package and decide how much you want to insure it for. 是的。你要做的就是申报包裹的价值,决定你要为它买多少保险。
Do you have the package with you? I would have to weigh it to see how much it would cost. 你有带那个包裹吗?我要称重,看一下它要多少钱。
Lu said the package "is not the be all and end all" ; Americans also need middle-class tax cuts and health care. 卢沛宁认为这套方案“并非解决一切问题的灵丹妙药”;美国人还需要减轻中产阶级税赋的措施和医疗保险。
But the breadth of the package, it seems to me, is at the very least a weathervane. 不过这一新技术创新对我来说至少是一个风向标。
A few minutes later, Cora , opening the front door, almost fainted when Alex immediately handed her the package. 几分钟之后,柯拉打开了前门,阿烈克立刻递给她那个包包,她几乎昏了过去。
Part of the package: ready to use filter-application which plugs into your printer-queue. 部分包中含有应用过滤器,它用于插入用户的打印序列。
It's like I said. She left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important that she deliver it. 我已经说过了,她去上厕所,出来的时候手拿着这个盒子,她说她必须把东西送到。
Don't you know, young lady, " he said harshly, " when you give someone a present there's supposed to be something inside the package! “你不知道吗,小丫头,”他严厉地说,“当你送人礼物时,盒子里面应该是有东西的!”
The package could be passed by Congress in as little as a week or two. 这项政策最早也许可以在1、2周内被国会通过。
I request you to please contact us once you get the ship confirmation email to request for the package to be rerouted to the correct city. 我请你请联系我们一旦你收到了要求包裹已经被返还正确城市的确认邮件…逻辑不通啊。
It's a familiar snack, but how much do you really know about getting the seeds from the watermelon to the package at the store? 这是个为人熟知的零嘴,但你对从西瓜取出种子到变成店内包装瓜子的过程到底了解多少呢?
She took up the package that she had come for, not seeing or feeling the incongruity of her position, while he felt it as a direct reproof. 她拿起了本来来取的一包衣服,并没有发见也没有感觉她的地位的矛盾,他却觉得这是对他一种当面谴责了。
But German finance ministry officials said the package appeared to be "moving in the right direction" . 但德国财政部官员说,这个方案似乎是“在向正确的方向前进”。
bake-off seaweed pack Liang Liang's rice, rice directly on the package is only hanging on for a while, not too hot on the line. 烤过紫菜包梁亮的大米,大米在包装上直接只挂了一段时间,不太上线热。
I crossed the street, knelt down, put the package I had under my arm down on the asphalt, leaned in and asked the man if he was hurt. 我穿过马路,弯下膝盖,把我胳膊下的包裹放在柏油路上,仔细地观察着老从并询问他有没有受伤。
He had tied the package with a cord before he took it to the post office. 在去邮局之前,他就用细绳把包裹系好。
commercial bar code cannot be placed in the package insert for easy-to-wear surface. 商品条码不能放置在包装的易磨损面上。
To implement an expression in a transformation, the package must already include at least one Data Flow task and a source. 若要在转换中实现表达式,包必须至少已经包含一项数据流任务和一个源。
Education on debt management is often part of the package. 债务管理教育通常是他们工作的一部分。
She shook her head and I saw the emotion in her eyes as she placed the package in her basket and wheeled away. 她摇了摇头,把牛排放进篮子,推车走开,我看到了她眼中的触动。
An official said the precise size of the package would not be disclosed, unless eurozone ministers insisted on doing so. 一名官员表示,除非欧元区财长们坚持要求,否则不会披露整个援助计划的准确规模。
Logs can be created only at the package level, and a task or container must use one of the logs created for the package. 可以仅在包级创建日志,任务或容器必须使用为包创建的日志之一。
A customer service representative will tell you about the package that best meets your personal needs and how much it costs. 银行客户服务代表将把满足你个人需要的计划和费用告诉你。