the right one

  • 网络那个;右边;唯一的

the right onethe right one

the right one


虽然几乎每个语言都能写出几乎每一个应用,对口的那个the right one)不仅仅是让你的努力成为可能和可以忍受,而是让你 …



Friends 老友记 第一季 第十三集... ... end to end: 首尾相连 the right one: 唯一的 come along: 到来,出现 ...


附05年百公里江鸟,安马组一张合影PP(the right one):

A number of Tory Mps began to say out loud that Sir Alec's image was not the right one to counter Wilson. 有些保守党议员公开说,亚历克爵士的形象不能同威尔逊相匹敌。
But at the moment, it's thrived with a lead, but we are working on this lead, and except it's not the right one we look for. 但是现在,一切只是初露端倪。我们仍然在努力,并且希望这不是我们要找的。
George Osborne, the chancellor, said the current turmoil showed that Britain's approach was the right one. 大臣乔治·奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)说现在的混乱显示英国的方法是正确的。
Please PM me your application and examples of you work and let me know why you think you are the right one for the job. 请PM我你的应用和实例的工作,你让我知道为什么你认为你是这个职位的最佳之一。
May not always be the right one to use for determining whether the requested permission is to be granted or not. 不一定就是应当用来确定是否授予所请求的权限的那一个。
Only able to turn complicate to easiness, turn it to a huge closet, pick the right one from among. 只能化繁为简,把它当作是一只巨大的衣橱,从中挑选一件最中意的。
He would look at the growth of the money supply, though he and his followers always had trouble identifying which measure was the right one. 他会了解货币供给的增长,尽管他和他的信徒总是为采取哪种方式衡量而伤神。
Choosing the right one requires guessing how much value the other side places on talking, and what it might pay for the privilege. 选择正确的策略要求决策者猜准对方给予对话多高评价,他可能为这项权利出多大价钱。
To learn about the differences between the standards and select the right one for your network, click here for an easy-to-understand chart. 了解之间的差异的标准,并选择正确的您的网络,请点击这里为易于理解的图表。
So far, I haven't been able to run fast, do sprints or run from the left court corner to the right one. 到目前为止,我不能快速地跑,冲刺或奔跑从左边的角落到优点的那个。
But no bus would ever be the right one, because being a passenger on someone's bus had never been my dream. 但是从不会有一辆汽车是对的,因为做别人汽车上的一个乘客决不是我的梦想。
Once she had recognized a certain way as the right one, she pursued it without compromise and with extreme tenacity. 只要她认为某种方法是正确的,她就会毫不妥协、不屈不挠地追求。
In the next few pages you may choose from thousands of homes, just the right one for your next vacation! 在我们的下一页中您可以选择上千个假期住房,马上就开始您的愉快旅程吧!
And the right one was available on the shelf of the local hardware store: a caster you'd be more likely to find on the bottom of a sofa. 最好的假肢就放在五金店的货架上:轮脚,你也很容易从沙发的底座上找到它。
Each of the tools offers varying degrees of IDE support, which can be important in helping you select the right one for your project. 每种工具都提供了不同程度的IDE支持,在帮助项目选择合适工具的时候,这点可能很重要。
Aurelio feels results have proved the decision of the club's owners to return the King to his throne was the right one. 饼干觉得现在的成绩证明了俱乐部老板找回国王的决定有多么正确。
The final step is to check in with the solution's progress and determine if it is still the right one. 最后一步就是检查方案执行的过程,确定它是否仍然正确。
There're many buttons on the surface of the ball. and only you find out and press on the right one can you turn it off. 在这个长满按钮的球上你需要找到正确的那个才可以关掉它。
Selecting the right one for your needs can be somewhat difficult, especially if you haven't used any of them before. 选择刚好满足需求的框架可能有点难,尤其是当您以前未曾使用过任何一个框架时更是如此。
You've tried online dating, lunch dating, speed dating. . . and still can't seem to meet the right one. 你尝试过网上约会、午餐约会、快速约会……但似乎还是碰不到合适的那个人。
Although the API Layer transaction strategy is the most common strategy, it may not be the right one for your application. 尽管APILayer事务策略是最常见的一种策略,但它也许正是您的应用程序所需要的策略。
If it's not the right time, you'll never come across the right one. 如果不是对的时间你不会遇到对的人。
OK, now you'll see three persons in a group. I'll describe one of them, listen carefully, then try to choose the right one. 现在看这些人物,我将会描述他们,仔细听,从三副画中选择我所描述的人。
The left images is taken without a polarizer, the right one uses a polarizer to its maximum effect, and the middle one has a medium effect. 左边的图像是采取无偏振片,正确的使用偏光其最大的效果,中间一有介质效应。
Before Mr. Obama's trip, administration officials had debated whether the East Asia Summit's agenda was the right one to pursue. 在奥巴马此行之前,美国政府官员曾就东亚峰会的议程是否合理展开辩论。
You may not know it right now, but in ending your relationship with the wrong person, you're paving the way to meet the right one. 此刻你也许不会明白,但是在你和不适合你的人分手时,你就为遇见合适你的人铺平了道路。
Or maybe there are many answers, and which turns out to be the right one depends in a large measure on luck. 也或许有很多答案,而哪个是正确答案,很大程度上要看运气。
Luckily, there are relatively few Ultimate Plans to choose from, so it's just a matter of selecting the right one. 值得庆幸的是,可供选择的方案十分有限,所以,我们只要选出恰当的就可以了。
The only way to meet the right one is to be what you really are. 用最真实的自己,才能遇见最应该的那个人。
Maybe God want you to meet with many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happens, you'll be thankful. 也许上帝让你在遇见合适的那个人之前遇见许多错误的人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应该心存感激。