the room

  • 网络房间;空房间;密室

the roomthe room

the room


他将基地分为房间the room)及花园(the garden)两部份。采用透视法,於三角形基地顶端,设置了一个60平方尺,由花岗 …


空房间The room)游戏介绍、第一关攻略(奶哥解说)


10大iPad4必玩游戏推荐 - 265G iPhone频道 ... 终极“禅”绕 2 Zen Bound? 2 Universal 密室 The Room 死亡空间 Dead Space ...


GDC奖项揭晓 《旅途》独揽6项大奖_网易游戏 ... 孤岛惊魂3 Far Cry 3 意念空间 The Room 超光速航行 FTL:Faster Than Light ...


软体之家 ... 游戏名称:雪佛兰跑车 " Corvette" 游戏名称:寂静岭4:闭室 " Silent Hill 4:The Room" ...


游戏介绍《未上锁的房间》(The Room)是一款由Fireproof Games推出的经典的3D密室逃脱类游戏,为你带来一段充满创意…


室酒店 (The Room) 落成于2011年,室酒店为当地的旅游风光增添了一道独特的风景线。


他的首部剧本《一间房子》(The room),于1957年由布里斯托而大学学生演出。1958年品特完成《生日派对》(The Birthday Pa…

Pick up the STONE to the front right of the room and get the fifth and last STRANGE WHITE STONE WITH A SYMBOL ON IT in inventory. 拿起石头屋子的右前方,并能与对资讯科技的第五次,也是最后符号聊斋白色石头库存。
Hardly had she crossed the threshold before one of the children danced across the room, 'The gentleman's been here! ' saying. 她还没有跨进门,就有一个孩子从屋里跳着跑出来说:“那个绅士到家里来过啦!”
All this can only happen, though, if you allow the room for it: your job as a man is to throw her a bone and then let her come to you. 尽管,只有你给予空间这些才能发生:作为一个男人,你要做的是给她一块糖吃,然后让她来找你。
A fellow would have to be pretty light-footed on the dance floor to have the nerve to ask her for a spin around the room. 只有那些在舞场上的脚步轻盈的小伙子才有勇气邀请她,跟她绕舞厅回旋一曲。
I saw the master looking about him as if he wishes to impress upon his mind everything in the room . 我看教师在环顾四周,仿佛要把教室里的每件东西牢牢记在心里
She's the love of your life, he said, looking up at me, and the force of his gaze, the fire in his eyes, threw me right across the room. 她是你生命中的爱,他抬起眼睛望着我说,眼中凝视你的那种魔力和火焰扑射过来。
His Gandhi like figure padded around the room, observant and ready to help. 他像甘地一样虔诚,善于观察,随时帮助学员。
Somebody came out of the room, and into the dark passage. Lightning suddenly lit up the house, and I saw who it was. 一个人从屋里走出来,到了黑暗的走廊里。忽然一道闪电照亮了这幢房子,我看清了这个人是谁。
He had not time to finish, because Natasha, who had been listening at the door, ran into the room with a pale and set face. 他来不及把话说完,因为娜塔莎在门边偷听到了,她脸色苍白,神态严肃,从门口走进房里来。
If you find yourself in a similar situation, recognize that you could be wrong, and that you are not always the smartest person in the room. 如果有一天你发现你与我的那位同事处境相似,那么也许你应该认识到你不一定总是正确的。
When Joseph quitted the room he took his seat in the place he generally chose, and I put a basin of coffee before him. 当约瑟夫离开这间屋子时,他便坐在他平时坐的地方,我便把一杯咖啡放在他面前。
You know, it vexes me that somehow I'm made out to be the bad guy in the room. 你们知道吗,使我十分不爽的就是不知何故我成为了这房间里的大坏蛋。
He took his seat at the front of the room and placed his hands together in prayer. 他在屋子的前面坐下,双手握在一起祷告。
When we were in the room, finally ready to start, she confessed that she had never seen a penis before. 我们在房间里的时候,终于决定要开始时,她向我坦白她从来都没看过JJ。
The atmosphere of the room was almost oppressive for the rich odours of perfumes in bottles whose gold stoppers had not been replaced. 香水瓶的金塞子都不曾塞好,房间的空气里充满了强烈的香气,香得几乎咄咄逼人。
I chose an empty seat in the last row and sat down. In a few minutes, the teacher walked into the room and all the conversation stopped. 我在最后一排选了一个空位坐下来,几分钟后,老师走进了教室,而所有的谈话就停下来了。
If you get out of a room after collecting items and reenter the room, the enemies will re spawn for your pleasure. 如果你收集完东西从一个房间出来之后再次进入这个房间,敌人又会重新产生在那等着你。
A small rat to climb out of the yard from the room to see hanging in the air, radiation with a dazzling sun. 一个小老鼠从一间房子里爬出来,看到高悬在空中、放射着万丈光芒的太阳。
Do a quick reset of the room you're in - Commercial breaks aren't long but it's amazing how much you can get done. 整理一下房间---广告时间不会很长,但还是能有很多事情可以做的。
How much is the room with a sauna? 带桑拿浴设备的房间多少钱?
Then he began to pace up and down the room, listened at the corridor, walked on again, then listened once more. 接着他在屋子里踱来踱往,细听过道里的消息,听听走走,走走又听听。
Molly walked across the room to the door. 'I feel ill now. I'm going upstairs to bed. ' 莫利穿过房间走到门前。“现在我感到不舒服。我要上楼睡觉了。”
Mrs. Danvers: [as the second Mrs. de Winter runs into the room] I watched you just as I watched her a year ago. 丹弗斯夫人:(在德文特夫人跑回房间后)我看着你,如同一年前我看着她一样。
Mr. James leaves the total tip for housekeeping in the room just before he checks out, rather than leaving it out as a daily amount. 给客房服务员的小费他不是每天都给,而是在办理退房手续之前,把全部小费一起留在房间里。
"Hey, what's the name of that book that I'm reading, that you bought for me? " he shouts across the room. “嘿,我现在读的那本书名字是什么啊?就是你给我买的那本?”
Tom walked out of the room as he said it, and Edmund was left to sit down and stir the fire in thoughtful vexation. 汤姆没等他说完就走出屋去,埃德蒙只好坐下来,忧心忡忡地拨动炉火。
Ida laid down the flowers and covered them with a blanket. After a while, the sound of a piano came out of her room. Ida went into the room. 意达放下花,给他们盖上了一条毯子。过了一会儿,琴声从她的房间传了出来。意达走了进去。
They moved ceaselessly, examining every corner of the room as though trying to calculate a means of escape. 他的双眼滴溜溜地不停转动,窥探着法庭的每个角落,似乎在盘算着如何伺机逃遁。
He'd come home and find Mary on the phone and, sure, she'd smile at him and blow him a little kiss-across-the-room. 他回到家时,玛丽正在打电话,当然,她对他笑笑,给他一个飞吻。
As he crossed the room to the instrument, he knew that the gun was still aimed at him. 当他从房间走过去拿小提琴时,他知道那只枪仍然指着他。