the view

  • 网络观点;视图;风景

the viewthe view

the view


我经常在电台和电视上发表谈话,包括观点(The View)、欧普拉脱口 秀(Oprah Talk Show)、美国有线电视台(CNN)、今天(The …


视图 (THE VIEW)引用:“Views” are basically the end result which we send to a web browser - the HTML generated by our script…


第六期Day5课堂实况第五波By Bryant... ... Real or Fake 真的还是假的 The view 风景 Music Movie Book 音乐 电影 书 ...


石雕典藏 ... ◎雄伟的孵化( GREAT HATCHES ) ◎景色( THE VIEW ) ◎蜂巢( BEEHIVE ) ...


美国电视_美国电视节目_美国电视连续剧... ... 《Fox & Friends》(《 狐狸和他的朋友们》)、 《The View》(《 视野》)和 ...


音乐艺人名称查询-Five Music - 五大唱片 ... The Vessels 飞艇乐团 The View 视野乐团 The Vines 番仔乐团 ...


罗茜·欧丹尼的节目《视点》(The View)正是以那种大家早就意料到的方式结束的:她和另一个比较保守的主持人Elisabeth Ha…


风景乐队(The View)和联合国(the United Nations)两站之间美美睡了一觉之后,鸟叔身着他红遍大街小巷的燕尾服,来同我们 …

Enough to nearly cover her in-laws barn, submerge her son's swing set and block the view from her first floor windows. 足够盖住她亲家的谷仓,盖住她儿子的摇椅,挡住他第一楼窗口看出去的景观。
If you want to see which tasks are assigned to which profiles, use the view available from the Work Package tab. 如果您想看到哪个任务分配给哪个概要文件,那么使用WorkPackage选项卡中的视图。
The view can have direct contact with the model, but it also works with a copy of the model as a means of passing data to the controller. 视图可以直接与模型交互,但是它也使用模型的一个副本,以便将数据传递给控制器。
In just a few lines of text on each spread, the boy describes the view from his new perspective: "I am as big as our great big house. " 书中每页只有几行文字,这些文字表达出小男孩自己独特的想法:“我现在和我们家的大房子一样大。”
The UPDATE executed by the trigger is processed against the view as if the view did not have an INSTEAD OF trigger. 对视图处理由该触发器执行的UPDATE语句时,就像该视图没有INSTEADOF触发器一样。
Meter A man and a woman are at a picnic in the park. This picnic is the center of every picture outward to the view among the galaxies. 一男一女在公园里享用野餐。这野餐是以下每幅图的中心。
On the View menu, point to Table, and then click Entry or any other table to which the custom skills field has been added. 指向“视图”菜单中的“表”,再单击“数据编辑”或其他任何已向其添加自定义技能域的表。
Kissinger said he did not favour the view that his country should give lectures to sovereign countries about their own domestic evolution. 基辛格表示,他不赞同美国应该为主权国家国内发展问题提供指导的观点。
You could move your head a bit and look around an item in the foreground in order to see the view it had previously been obstructing. 你可以稍微挪动一下你的头,环顾前景中一个物体的四周,以便看见原先被挡住的景物。
It was the widespread belief in this theory that led to the view that the credit bubble before the financial crisis did not exist. 正是因为各方普遍相信这一理论,才导致金融危机之前出现“信贷泡沫并不存在”这一观点。
A more common use for this kind of code block is to assign values to variables, as you can see at the top of the view page. 这种代码块更常见的使用是给变量赋值,正如你在视图页面顶部所看到的那种。
Chemtrail fog no longer clouds the view, as just as the Sun can shine through clouds or fog, so can this orb. 人为喷撒的化学制剂烟雾不能再模糊视线了,因为就像太阳一样能够照射透过云层和雾气,这个球状物也也能做到。
Rules are made to be broken by the anointed; that seems to be the view of our anointed European leaders. 规则是用来被那些“秉受天命者”打破的;这似乎是那些“秉受天命”的欧洲领导人的观点。
The view shown in Figure 3 allows you to see the complexity and number of references side by side. 通过图3所示的视图,可以逐个查看复杂度和引用次数。
The view seems to be that staying calm in a crisis is all very well, except in a crisis. 他们的观点似乎是,在危机中保持冷静尽管很好,但这毕竟是危机。
But a form of system supervision then the system information makes with the form of a form to keep the view manifestation. 而系统波形监控则是系统信息以波形的形式作以直观显示。
Defines how much space the view should take up. 定义视图应该占用多大的空间。
At this point, you can click Create Document or click one of the view entries to see more details. 此时,可以单击CreateDocument或单击其中一个条目查看更多详细信息。
The view (and its accompanying index, if it is an indexed view) can be copied to the Subscriber, but the base table must also be replicated. 可以将视图(若是索引视图,要连同其所附索引)复制到订阅服务器,同时还必须复制基表。
No doubt, appreciate the view of Sydney is one of the best cruising in the clear water of Sydney Harbor to see the two sides. 无疑,欣赏悉尼的最佳视点之一是游弋于悉尼港的碧水中向两岸眺望。
All offices are oriented towards the view and the daylight, as they have either a window in the facade or onto one of the garden spaces. 所有办事处是面向观点和日光,因为他们中的任何一个窗口的门面或进入一个花园空间。
Noah had said something about missing the view when he started to paddle, but she'd shaken her head, saying she was fine the way she was. 诺亚开始摇浆时说这样可能有一些景色看不到,她却摇摇头,说她这样很好。
I have a great deal of sympathy for the view that it is possible to have religion without primitive superstition. 我非常愿意相信这个观点,即不带有原始迷信的宗教是有可能的。
Babbit utterly repudiate the view that he had been trying to discover how approachable was Miss McGoun. 巴比特坚决否认自己有试探是否能够接近麦高恩小姐的想法。
In particular, I remain of the view that China, despite its own challenges, looks to be one of the better places to invest. 特别要指出的是,我仍认为,尽管中国自身存在种种问题,但它依然是比较理想的投资目的地之一。
Rubberand drum and a printing plate cylinder, pressure drum Nano-imprint lithography, how much of the trilogy of the view that reasonable? 橡皮滚筒与印版滚筒、不抬印滚筒之间的不张力,本相多不小为公道呢?
According to the view point of a man of practice, tranquility seems the only requirement. 以修行者的角度看,心灵的宁静似乎是修行唯一的要求。
But the usual causes of natural variability do not seem to explain the current trend, so scientists incline to the view that it is man-made. 但通常的自然变异原因似乎解释不了目前的趋势,所以,科学家倾向于认为这是人为的。
That stands to see a few birds in the branches, the view of the front at a loss quietly, waiting for it but who? 几次看见那只鸟伫立在枝头,茫然的眺望着前方一声不响,它可是在等谁?
A few moments later, the view switched and you see the referees talking a bit, before they led the players out of the catacombs. 过了一会儿,镜头一转,我们看到裁判在将双方球员领出球员通道之前在相互交谈。