
美 [ˈθɪnli]英 ['θɪnli]
  • adv.薄;细;瘦;稀疏
  • 网络稀疏地;薄薄地;细地

thinly spread


1.细;瘦;薄in a way that produces a thin piece or layer of sth

2.稀疏;稀少with only a few things or people spread over a place so that there is a lot of space between them

3.冷淡;冷漠in a way that is not sincere or enthusiastic

4.容易识破的;显而易见的in a way that does not hide the truth very well


微量的英汉词典搜索结果,点击看详细翻译解释 ... twopenny1. 值两便士的 thinly2. 稀地,稀疏地 smallness2. 量少,量小 ...

英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译... ... thinking 思想 thinly thinner 较细的 ...


1-7... ... thingummy n. 某人,某件东西 thinly adv. 薄薄地;稀疏地;细细地;勉强地 thinness n. 薄;细;疏;稀薄 ...


fine motor skill的中文翻译,fine motor... ... (well) 不错地 (thinly) 细地 (ability) 技巧 ...


轻微地的英语翻译,轻微地用英文怎么说 -... ... thinly 1. 淡淡地,微微地,轻轻地 imperceptibly 察觉不出地,细微地,轻微地 ...

Nevertheless, the charge of spreading his talents too thinly does seem to be repeated with increasing frequency. 不过,人们指责拉姆齐精力过度分散的次数似乎越来越多。
Mancini also issued a thinly-veiled threat to his employers that the arrival of any new faces would prompt his immediate departure. 曼奇尼还向他的雇主表示了委婉的一点威胁,那就是任何新面孔教练的到来将导致他的直接离开。
The Daily is thinly staffed and will cost less than half a million dollars a week to put out. 《日报》的员工配置简单,那么,每周的出版成本能减少50万美元。
Carrie listened, and caught the infection of something -- she did not know what. Her nostrils sniffed thinly. 嘉莉听着,突然有了一种感触--她也不知道是什么。她的鼻孔轻轻地嗤着。
It was considered a sign of favor when he called someone up to the front, although conversation with him flowed rather thinly. 谁被他叫到最前面去,这也是一种恩宠,尽管同他聊不上几句。
Has the question to be possible to leave behind your question and the valued suggestion thinly in the message. 有问题可以在留言薄留下你的问题和宝贵意见。
Place bay leaves in a small bowl of water. Roll two bay leaves at a time and then thinly shred and place in dry dish. 把bayleaves放入一小碗水中每两个一组翻滚并切成粗片放入盘中8片叶子每次两个处理。
Snap the tough stalks from the asparagus. Thinly slice the spears with a large sharp knife and place in icy water. 去掉芦笋粗老的根茎部分,将剩下的部分切成薄片、放在冰水中。
His first semiconductor amplifier had a "small cylinder coated thinly with silicon, mounted close to a small, metal plate. " 他造出的第一个半导体放大器“有一个表面涂了薄薄一层硅的小圆筒,安装在一个小金属盘上。”
In a thinly veiled criticism of the United States, he suggested the terror fight is being used as a cover for human rights abuses. 在对美国隐约的批评中,他认为反恐战争正被用于作为滥用人权地替代品。
Wash the chicken breast and dry up with a kitchen towel. Thinly slice and add in cornstarch . Mix them thoroughly with your hand. 鸡胸肉洗净,用厨房纸巾擦干水分,切成薄片,再调入玉米淀粉,用手抓匀。
Rolls-Royce took to the stage at the Geneva Motor Show in March with a thinly-veiled concept version of its new "entry level" sedan. 罗尔斯罗伊斯公司走上舞台上的日内瓦车展3月在与薄含蓄的概念版的新的“入门级”轿车。
In 2008 AK itself narrowly escaped being shut down on the thinly supported charge that it was seeking to introduce sharia rule. 在2008年,正义与发展党自身也勉强逃过倒闭,因为它被控告正在寻求引进伊斯兰教教法。
Perhaps fortunately, the vast majority of this carbon is spread very thinly, forming only a very minor ingredient in rocks. 还好幸运的是,大量的碳分布的很稀疏,形成了只占岩石中较少含量的次要成分。
At the bottom level, Lenovo leaves management of the expansion to external distributors, so that re-sources are not stretched too thinly. 在网络的最底层,联想让外部分销商负责管理业务扩张,从而避免资源过于分散。
He used his party's weekly address as a thinly veiled attack on Mr. Obama's recently announced plans to run for a 2nd term as president. 他利用每周的政党演说,几乎不加掩饰地攻击奥巴马近日宣布的将争取连任的计划。
The former financing arm of General Motors is now partly owned by private-equity firms and is terribly thinly capitalised. 前通用汽车财务部门现在部分被私营公司拥有,资本极其稀少。
The burden of recapitalisation would fall disproportionately on a few, very large and relatively thinly-capitalised banks. 资本重组的重担则会更多的压在少数规模庞大但资金相对缺乏的银行身上。
thinlyMuch of the speech was a thinly disguised attack on the management of the company. 讲话内容大多是对公司管理层几乎不加掩饰的抨击。
Was it necessary and productive to mutate 21st century American-style capitalism into a thinly disguised knock-off of the New Deal? 把二十一世纪的美式资本主义转变成包装潦草并且禁不住推敲的新政策是否必要而奏效?
Naval cover is stretched thinly over a vast tract of ocean, so delivering suspects to Kenya, say, would take a valuable warship off patrol. 海军护航力量稀疏地分布在辽阔的海域中;因此将嫌犯押解至肯尼亚意味着一艘宝贵的战舰将被移作他用。
I get meat from the Japanese butcher on Great Jones Street, where they're set up to thinly slice beef for sukiyaki or shabu shabu. 我从大琼斯街日本肉贩那里买肉,在那儿它们被切成薄薄的牛肉片用作寿喜烧或是涮涮锅。
I thought: Even if I am very suffering from injustice, is pressing your meaning, gradually, the thick product sends thinly, slowly realizes. 我想:就算我很委屈,按着你的意思,一步一步,厚积薄发,慢慢实现。
if verified, would be entirely at odds with modern stereotypes of hidden, thinly scattered tribes scratching out an uncertain existence. 这份报告如果被证实的话,将会彻底推翻隐蔽、微小、分散的部落是一种不确定的存在的陈词滥调。
Although the MINI Crossman was shown as a thinly-veiled concept at the 2008 Paris Motor Show, work is still ongoing on the mini 'ute. 虽然Mini的克罗斯曼表明作为一个薄含蓄的概念在2008年巴黎车展上,工作仍在进行中的Mini的子宫。
The next-generation Outlander is on the way, and we suspect that the Outlander GT Prototype is a thinly-disguised version of it. 新一代欧蓝德是的道路上,我们怀疑该欧蓝德燃气轮机原型是一个薄变相版本。
Long grass, thinly How many pieces with pomegranate trees, trees do not appear to be smaller, do not pull squeak hung several small fruits. 草地上稀稀落落地长着几颗石榴树,看起来应该树龄不小了,挂着几个小不拉吱的果实。
COMPUTER chips and solar panels are made of the same basic stuff: thinly sliced silicon. 电脑芯片和太阳能电池板都是由相同原料构成的,即:精细小巧的硅片。
The golden eagle exquisitely guards against losing its ultra thinly to let you be relaxed freely , handy . 金鹰防丢器其小巧超薄让您轻松自如,得心应手。
It reportedly contained thinly veiled references to Malone and members of her family. 据报道,这本书毫不隐晦地多次提及马龙及其家族成员。