this christmas

  • 网络今年圣诞节;这个圣诞节;我的圣诞老公

this christmasthis christmas

this christmas


今年圣诞节》(This Christmas)思路/1080p[BDRip] 下载 《女拳霸》(Chocolate)[BDRip] 下载 #--最新日志,群博日志--> #--推 …


★Movie Trailer... ... The fate of Narnia depends on you. 纳尼亚的命运掌握在你手中。 This Christmas. 这个圣诞节。 ...


原声带《我的圣诞老公》(This Christmas)电影原声带(2007年):《I'll Be Home For Christmas》 歌曲《The Inside》 《W…


Happy New Year - 8 - I am Eva - Yahoo... ... Cold !!! 好冷啊~ This Christmas 今年的圣诞节 First Snow 初雪 ...


... 《Lemoribond》(《 垂死者》)曲中,写成了 《This Christmas》(《 圣诞特辑》),其中的 《Loner Fuse》(《 熔合孤 …


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Holidays in the UK, but his wife is from New Zealand so they are using up a hefty dose of "love miles" this Christmas to see family. 一般在英国度假,但他妻子是新西兰人,因此他们将在今年圣诞节使用大量“爱情里程”去看家人。
It is still in one piece. As they relax this Christmas, the architects and guardians of the euro can at least make that claim. 在这个圣诞期间,欧元的构建者和守护者起码可以说,欧元区仍然是一个整体。
And that, of course, means that the best you can hope for this Christmas is that he has bought you a perfume that you absolutely hate. 通过这个理论,今年圣诞节你最大的希望应该是他会送给你一瓶非常让你讨厌的香水。
In this Christmas season we do well to emphasize how much it cost God to save us. 在这个圣诞节日,我们应当努力强调神为了拯救我们而付出了何等大的代价。
I love ya, enjoy ya and appreciate ya as always and I'm looking forward to sharing many exciting moments this Christmas with you. 我一如既往的爱你们,喜欢你们和欣赏你们,我期待着在这个圣诞节和你们分享许多激动人心的时刻。
If I could bring one gift to all the grown ups this Christmas, it would be more smiles and laughter. 如果我能在这个圣诞我能给成年人带去什么礼物,那就是更多的微笑和笑声。
Do me a favor if ya can, help those who need it this christmas, even if it's just a smile. . . . IT really does make a difference. 请帮我个忙,在这个圣诞节帮助那些需要帮助的人,即使给他们一个笑容。真的会让你感觉不一样。
My son is going to be 15 this Christmas and is falling further behind in school. He no longer wants to even try to do better. 他甚至不再尝试去做的更好,现在只是期中而已,却有四次考试成绩不理想。
On this Christmas Eve, Laura and I send our best wishes to families across America as you gather in your homes to celebrate the holiday. 在这个圣诞节前夕,劳拉和我致以最良好的祝愿家人在全美大家聚集在贵院庆祝假日。
Laura and I are pleased to be with you at this Christmas Pageant of Peace, and we thank you all for coming as well. 能在这和平的圣诞庆典中与大家相聚我和劳拉都很高兴,为此我也要感谢诸位的光临。
The best time of the year when everyone comes home with all this Christmas tear. 一年中最好的时间是当每个人来到家里萦绕着圣诞节的气氛的时候。
On this Christmas holiday, I just have one word for you: As soon as I get off work I'm going over to your place with an empty stomach! 值此圣诞佳节,我只有一句话要告诉你:今天下班后我会空腹去找你!
Tokyo - Japanese men who want to rest their weary heads this Christmas season are finding comfort in the lap of a woman - made of foam. 在圣诞节日里,由泡沫塑料做成的女性膝盖枕头等待着日本男人疲惫的头颅,他们现在可以舒舒服服地躺在上面了。
Thankfully, there is always the goodness in all of us; all we have to do is make use of it this Christmas and through out the years to come. 谢天谢地,总是有良善在所有在我们面前,我们需要做的就是利用这个圣诞节和在所有的、都败落了。
if we had these scanners at all screening posts, we may have been able to stop this [Christmas Day bombing attempt]. 但是如果在所有安检排查地点都有这些扫描仪的话,圣诞节的未遂炸弹袭击事件就会被及早制止了。
This Christmas is shaping up better than I thought! 这个圣诞节进展得比我想象的好!
I'd like to say a word of hearty thanks to my host and hostess, Mr. And Mrs. Smith, for inviting me to this Christmas party. 男主人和女主人史密斯先生和夫人邀请我参加那诞聚会,我想说句话以表示我衷心的感谢。
But I, for one, will be keeping a close eye on which books hit the best-seller list in the US this Christmas. 但就我自身而言,我将密切关注哪些书会荣登美国今年圣诞节的畅销榜。
" Maybe this Christmas was his last hurrah , and he'll start cutting back in1988" he said. 他说:“这个圣诞节可能是他最后一次欢乐。1988年他就要削减开支了。”
Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family. May God shower his choicest blessings on you and your family this Christmas. 送给您和您的家人最温馨的圣诞祝愿。愿上帝在这个圣诞赐与您和您的家人最美的祝福!
Hope you holidays are filled with all you favorite things this Christmas . . . and all the happiness you could wish for. 希望你快乐地度过圣诞节,一切都能如你所愿。
I'd like to say a word of hearty thanks to my host and hostess for inviting me to this Christmas party. 我想对男主人和女主人说几句衷心感激的话,感谢他们邀我参加这个圣诞农宴会。
Don't waste this Christmas. It's time for you to turn to God. 请你不要荒废了这个圣诞节,是到了你转向神的时间了。
But for many of you, this Christmas will mean separation from loved ones and perhaps reflection on the memories of those no longer with us. 但是对很多人来讲,这个圣诞节可能意味着骨肉分离,可能也会让你们想起那些已经离开的亲人。
May this Christmas be so special that you never ever feel lonely again and be surrounded by loved ones throughout! 愿这此非凡的圣诞节使你不再孤单,您周围始终有爱的人陪伴!
This Christmas card is especially meant for you, and it's bringing many special thoughts and warmest wishes. 这张圣诞卡是专为你寄出的,它将给你带去深情的思念和温馨的祝愿。
"This is not a battle that's just about this Christmas, " says Rob Wiesenthal, the finance chief of Sony's American division. 索尼美国分部的财务主管RobWiesenthal说:“这并不是一场到圣诞节就结束的战争”。
Bad news for the high street has become good news for the bank balances of UK shoppers this Christmas! 为银行为大街的添麻烦的人已经成为好消息英国顾客的这个圣诞节平衡!
A third of men, it is reckoned, won't lift a finger in the kitchen this Christmas. 据估计,今年圣诞节英国会有三分之一的男性完全不插手厨房的活儿。
This Christmas, with the enchanting smell of the holidays encompassing her halls, we will again be saying our good-byes to the White House. 这个圣诞,当浓浓的节日氛围笼罩了白宫的时候,我们又要和她说再见了。