
美 [taɪ]英 [taɪ]
  • n.领带;联系;关系;束缚
  • v.绑;束缚;捆绑;约束
  • 网络结;纽带;连接

过去式:tied 现在分词:tying 第三人称单数:ties

tie knot,tie ribbon,rope tie
silk tie


v. n.

用线╱绳扎牢fasten with string/rope

1.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)(用线、绳等)系,拴,绑,捆,束to attach or hold two or more things together using string, rope, etc.; to fasten sb/sth with string, rope, etc.

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.将…系在…上;束紧;系牢;捆绑to fasten sth to or around sth else

3.[t]~ sth(在线、绳上)打结,系扣to make a knot in a piece of string, rope, etc.

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)打结系牢;系上to be closed or fastened with a knot, etc.


5.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth (to sth/sb)连接;联合;使紧密结合to connect or link sb/sth closely with sb/sth else


6.[t][usupass]束缚;约束;限制to restrict sb and make them unable to do everything they want to

比赛;竞赛in game/competition

7.[i][t]打成平局;得分相同to have the same number of points


tie sb/yourself (up) in knots

(使)大惑不解,糊涂to become or make sb very confused

tie one on

喝醉;喝得烂醉to get very drunk

tie the knot

结婚;结成夫妻to get married


KOOL 品质时尚 男装1963 ... - 短袖T恤/马球衫 SS POLO - 领带 TIES - 围巾 SCARVES ...


族群关系(ties)即血缘关系。(2)具有共同信仰的血统关系要比同样血统的真实关系还重要,这无关乎是否相信实际存在的血亲关 …

thx~几个词组请解释下~_百度知道 ... vi. 评论| ties searing 灼热的,烫人的 ...


航天有关的英语单词短语_百度知道 ... astronauts - 宇航员 ties - 关系, 联系 academics - 学习,学术 ...


短文由第二句引入主题,而后阐述群体支持及群体纽带ties)对人身心健康的影响,于第二段重点阐述群体支持缓解人心理压 …


...现特定的熟的war文件.这个过程包括生成串行化器,连接(TIEs),运行时描述符以及其它为了成功的发布WS需要的制品. 这个工 …

And I promise that in the New Year, we will continue to work with you to further promote the growth of China-EU ties. 使团将一如既往地同大家一道,在新的一年里为推动中欧关系迈上新台阶而共同努力。
Closer ties to China could set up Japan as more of a buffer between the U. S. and China, and less of a protectorate of the United States. 与中国加强关系将使日本成为中美之间的缓冲地,而不是美国的保护国。
By the way, trying to unwind those ties just causes Europe to unravel more quickly, so we are like a dog trying to chase our own tail. 这种切割工作还可能让欧洲更快地瓦解炒成碎片。美国现在的处境,就像拼命想咬自己尾巴的狗。
Military ties have been a key feature of Sino-Pakistani relations; Beijing is now Islamabad's largest defense supplier. 军事联系是中巴关系中的一个重要特征,北京是伊斯兰堡最大的防务装备供应商。
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the aim was to promote "mutually beneficial" ties with China. 日本首相菅直人说目的是促进与中国的互利关系。
He said they undermined ties between the two countries and failed to appreciate "Pakistan's sacrifices to fight terrorists" . 他表示,这些话损害了两国关系,没有看到“巴基斯坦为打击恐怖分子所做出的牺牲”。
One of these people said the group behind the break-in is one that U. S. officials suspect of having ties to the Chinese government. 其中一人说,美国官员怀疑这些黑客背后的集团与中国政府有联系。
He said, since the two countries established diplomatic ties 18 years ago, bilateral relations had maintained a momentum of vigorous growth. 建交18年来,中哈关系保持蓬勃发展势头。
Unfortunately, this turns out to be a bad idea: It ties the reference to a specific file, on a specific file system, in a specific location. 遗憾的是,事实证明这是一个坏主意:它将引用连接到特定位置中特定文件系统上的特定文件。
Six men, neatly dressed in white shirts and ties filed into(file in) the boardroom of a small Jakarta company and sat down at a long table. 六个人,穿着洁净的白色衬衫和领带,鱼贯进入一个Jakarta的小型公司的会议室,坐在会议桌前
He said Chile was ready to strengthen political ties and high-level exchanges with China. 智方愿意同中方加强政治关系和高层交往。
Ties Boerma is head of the WHO's Department of Health Statistics and Informatics. He says most child deaths happen in just a few areas. TiesBoerma是世界卫生组织卫生统计和信息部主任,他说大部分儿童死亡发生在少数地区。
To be scrupulously nonpartisan, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. , her Democratic counterpart, seems to have a deep wardrobe of ties. 作为严格意义上的无党派人士,参议员JosephR.BidenJr,佩林的民主党对手,似乎特别钟爱领带。
After Kant, philosophy largely severed its ties with theology, and, with that, the question of evil receded. 康德之后,哲学在很大程度上脱离了与神学的联系,由此,罪恶的问题退出了神学领域。
If you've already broken the ties with someone like this, you know exactly how difficult. 如果您已经和这样的人断开了,您会理解其中的艰难。
However, since the reestablishment of diplomatic relation, Sino-Japan ties have always been unstable, and such kind of situation continues. 自中日复交以来,中日关系一直处于不稳定状态,并且这种不稳定仍在继续。
Chongwen wants his mum to leave Zhaolai or he would break all ties with her. 崇文要何雪离开朝来不然将与何雪断绝关系。
Overpopulation came out on top, with several professors pointing out its ties to other problems that rank high on the list. 人口过多最终列于首位,而且有几位教授指出它和其他位于前列的环境问题相关。
Mr. Medvedev said the U. S. has nothing to lose by imposing additional sanctions, as it has no ties with Iran, unlike Russia and China. 梅德韦杰夫说,对伊朗实施更多制裁,美国不会因此有任何损失,因为与俄罗斯及中国不同的是,美国和伊朗没有任何联系。
As the classic trilogy progressed, the TIEs regained a bit of their blue hue, although use of that color was fairly muted. 随着经典三部曲的发展,TIE恢复了一点蓝色调,但这种颜色几乎察觉不到。
China's NPC stands ready to strengthen exchanges with the National Assembly of Armenia and promote continuous development of bilateral ties. 中国全国人大愿加强同亚国民议会的交流,共同推动两国关系不断向前发展。
China attaches great importance to developing ties with Romania and deems it a reliable good friend and partner. 中国重视发展与罗马尼亚的关系,视罗马尼亚为可信赖的好朋友、好伙伴。
Loyalty to the nation and country must take precedence over blood ties and loyalty to an individual or to a community. 它要求对民族国家的忠诚战胜人伦的、地方的和血缘的忠诚。
Members of the Japanese delegation said Japan was glad to see the strategic and mutually beneficial direction of bilateral ties. 日方表示,很高兴看到日中关系向着战略互惠方向迈进。
He said the bilateral relations have developed well since the diplomatic ties were established more than 30 years ago. 他说,建交30多年来,萨中关系发展很好。
An Israeli official said the rampage marked a further deterioration of diplomatic ties between Israel and Egypt since the fall of Mubarak. 一位以色列官员称这一事件让自从穆巴拉克下台以来一直恶化的以埃关系雪上加霜。
A communist government that had no ties to the West has evolved into a more open government eager to join the international community. 跟西方没有任何联系的共产主义政府已经演变成一个更加开放、力图融入国际社会的政府。
Palantir said it had been approached by Hunton & Williams, a century-old firm with ties to the Republican Party and the defense industry. Palantir说,拥有百年历史、与共和党及军工业关系不浅的何威律师事务所曾与其接洽。
China is ready to work with Equatorial Guinea to push for in-depth, all-round development of bilateral ties in the next four decades. 我们愿意同赤几方共同努力,推动两国关系在下一个40年得到深入全面发展。
The move was opposed by the party of President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has been trying to ease tense ties with Beijing. 总统尼古拉·萨科奇反对这一决议,他正努力缓和跟北京方面的紧张局面。