
美 [tɪn]英 [tɪn]
  • n.罐头;锡器;(容量)〔英国〕一罐[听];白铁
  • adj.锡制的;马口铁制的;无价值的;假冒的
  • v.镀锡;〈美〉做成罐头食品
  • 网络马口铁罐;遥测综合处理系统(Turret Integrated Night Sight);罐头食物

复数:tins 过去式:tinned

tin roof,tin box,tin shack,biscuit tin



【食品词典】T3_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... tinplate 马口铁(皮);镀踢薄板 tins 饼干盒;罐头(听) tint stand oil 浅 …


译网情深 - 浏览主题 - 商品分类 ... 马口铁包装物 Tinplate packings 马口铁罐 Tins 马钱子 Curare ...

遥测综合处理系统(Turret Integrated Night Sight)

TINS (Turret Integrated Night Sight)"炮塔综合夜间瞄准镜" English translation Similar words Results: 1-1 of 1 炮兵掩体 · 炮...


  每道菜都严格遵守以往ISS国际空间站食物的卫生标准,并把它们包装成罐头食物tins)。宇航员Michael Lopez-Alegria,Mikh…


澡罐 in English, translation,... ... 澡身浴德 ;cleanliness is next to godliness 白铁罐 tins 冲澡 to take a shower ...

Sitting down on a dilapidated wooden fence near the field, we opened a couple of tins of sardines and HAD a picnic lunch. 我们在靠近这块田的已经倒塌了的木栅栏上坐下来,打开了两听沙丁鱼罐头,吃一顿野餐中饭。
All that happened was that we sent our secretaries out to buy expensive tins of "personal" biscuits and reclaimed the cost on expenses. 结果,我们派我们的秘书出去购买昂贵的罐装“私人”饼干,并报销了这笔费用。
they are trying to arrest you for serving up the tins when the Sex Pistols were singing God Save the Queen. 当性手枪乐队歌唱《上帝拯救女王》时,他们试图以提供罐头食品的罪名逮捕你。
All he could find was a stale soda cracker in one of the tins his mother had left behind when she ran off with the dentist. 在他妈妈和牙医私奔后留下的一个锡罐里,他找到了一块不新鲜的苏打饼干。
But in a bad sign for would-be investors, CCTV finds many of the new retailers losing money, unable to unload their more expensive tins. 然而,CCTV发现很多新的零售商都在亏钱,进价昂贵的茶叶卖不出更高的价钱,这对有意进入该行业的投资者来说是个不好的迹象。
Tom(taking it out): But what have you been doing with it? The blade's all twisted! Have you been using it to open tins? 汤姆(拿出小刀):可你用这刀子干什么来着?刃都卷了!你用它开罐头了吧?
During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small Rubber dinghy with food, matches, and tins of beer . 途中,船开始下沉,他们迅速把食物、火柴、罐装啤酒往一只救生筏上装。
The duck liver pate was the real McCoy. It tasted so much better than the stuff in tins they call duck liver pate back home. 那个用鸭肝做的头吃起来真正点。它吃起来比用罐子装的那些鸭肝头好起多了。
The company said it plans to implement the environmentally friendly packaging during Christmas across its Roses and Heroes chocolate tins. 该公司表示,它计划在圣诞节期间实施的玫瑰和巧克力罐英雄的环保包装。
I shall be glad when we get a proper cooker and can stop living out of tins. 如果我们能找到一个合适的厨师结束这种靠罐头食品过活的日子就太让我高兴了。
All powders should be kept in airtight jars or tins as they quickly deteriorate if allowed to become damp. 各种发粉如果让其吸潮就会迅速变坏,所以都应保存在密封的瓶子或铁罐中。
I had a tin trunk carried up there, with blanket, electric torch, a couple of tins of baked beans, coffee, and a kettle. 在那里我有一个汽车行李箱,里边有毛毯,手电筒,罐装烤豆,咖啡和一个水壶。
rolled dough spread with sugar and nuts then sliced and baked in muffin tins with honey or sugar and butter in the bottom. 面饼上撒糖和坚果,卷起来,然后切成段,在松饼罐里烘焙,松饼罐里倒上蜂蜜或糖、黄油等。
A sudden snap health inspection of the hotel larder revealed a few tins past their sell-by date. 于是,在对该家酒店仓库的突击健康检查中,发现了一些罐头已经超过了保质期。
A housewife in a supermarket, confronted by several TINS of tomatoes of identical size and quality, will often pick the one nearest to her. 一位家庭主妇在超级市场里面对一些大小、质量都相同的罐装西红柿,常顺手拿取最靠近她的那一听。
The little baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins. 废物筐是空的,而满地都是纸片、烟头、旧轮胎,空瓶子和生锈的空罐头盒。
Behind the sleeping man was a bookshelf filled with round wheels of Pu'er tea, small porcelain cups and large tins filled with green tea. 睡着的那个人的后面有一个书架,上面摆放着普洱茶、小瓷杯和装满绿茶的大罐子。
Use them to turn meat on a ridged grill pan, to toss salads, mix pasta with sauce and rotate cake and pie tins in the oven. 使用夹钳翻转烤架上的食物,搅拌沙拉,使意大利面充分沾有肉酱,将烤箱里的蛋糕和苹果派翻面。
The film tins she and Ida used for ash trays were always brimming with butts . 她和伊达用来作烟灰盘的装影片的铁皮盒子,总是装满了烟头。
We've been living out of tins. Our fresh fruit and vegetables ran out a long time ago. 我们的新鲜蔬菜和水果很早就吃完了。
I ate left over pizza, tins of beans and went to the toilet only when I was flying from city to city on the back of a griffin on autopilot. 期间我仅仅吃了剩下的匹萨加上几听罐头,仅仅在城市之间自动飞行的时候抽空上个厕所。
It was Miss Roscommon who peeled all the potatoes and defrosted the refrigerator and opened the tins. 削土豆皮,给冰箱除霜,开罐头的,是罗丝康门小姐。
The shopkeeper donated dozens of tins of food which we parceled out among the old people of the village. 店主捐赠了几十听食品,我们把它们分给了村里的老人们。
The next step is packaging, you may have small boxes at home or you can go to your local dollar store and find inexpensive boxes and tins. 下一步是包装。你可以拿自己家的盒子,或者到当地一元店里找些不是很贵的盒子或罐子。
So I guess it is a result of globalization that you can find Coca-Cola tins on top of Everest and Buddhist monk in Monterey. 我认为全球化的后果之一就是你能在珠穆朗玛峰上发现可口可乐易拉罐,也能在Monterey(TED大会所在地)看到佛教僧侣。
Littered on the grass, we seemed dingy, urban riff-raff. We defiled the scene, like sardine-tins and paper bags on the seashore. 我们呢,却好像是一堆肮脏的城市垃圾,被胡乱丢在草地上,如同海滩上的纸袋和沙丁鱼罐头盒一样败坏风景。
Food: tea cup, temperature cooking-oil tins, insulation pot, seasoning bottle, shredded meat box sealed container, seat until. 食品业:茶酒杯、保温杯、油瓶、保温壶、调味瓶、肉松盒、座密封式容器等到。
the ground was covered with pieces of paper , cigarette - ends , old tires , empty bottles and rusty tins. 地上布满纸片,烟头,旧轮胎,空瓶子和生锈的罐头盒。
After looking in all the kitchen cupboards, he found some tins of dog food in the laundry. 他把厨房里的柜子搜了个遍,,最后在洗衣间里找到一些沟施罐头。
Do pay attention to environment protection. Therefore, do not throw about waste paper , plastic bags and tins. 关注环境保护,所以不要乱扔纸屑,塑料袋和垃圾