
美 [tɔɪl]英 [tɔɪl]
  • n.罗纲;阴谋;苦工;难事
  • v.劳动 (at; for) 辛苦行进
  • 网络劳累地

第三人称单数:toils 现在分词:toiling 过去式:toiled




46 Hobbies 业余爱好 - 新概念第四册3 -... ... classes 类(复数) toiled 劳累地(过去分词) bored 无聊的(过去分词) ...

At any rate, Ikey toiled and snipped and basted and pressed and patched and sponged all day in the steamy fetor of a tailor-shop. 无论如何,在裁缝店水汽蒸腾的恶臭里,艾奇整天又裁又缝又熨又补再用海绵擦洗,一刻都不得闲。
As he lay thinking, he saw a spider over his head, trying to spin a web. He watched her as she toiled slowly and with great care. 他正躺在地上想着,忽见头上有一只蜘蛛在织网。他看着蜘蛛慢慢地、非常小心地织着网。
The last ten centuries have toiled at it without being able to bring it to a termination. 过去十个世纪都在为它劳动而未能结束,如同未能完成巴黎的建筑一样。
Even the ducks and hens toiled to and fro all day in the sun, carrying tiny wisps of hay in their beaks. 就连鸭子和鸡也整天在太阳下面忙碌的来回跑着,每次都用他们的嘴衔一点点牧草。
They toiled away for a year, bootstrapped the product to life, found a first customer, and made that customer deliriously happy. 他们艰难的度过了一年,找到了第一个客户,并且让客户极其开心。
"I've neither taken any nor found any, " she said, as I toiled to them, expanding her hands in corroboration of the statement. “我没拿什么,也没找到什么,”她说着摊开她的双手证明自己的话,那时我已经向他们走去。
Troy toiled up the road with a languor and depression greater than any he had experienced for many a day and year before. 特罗伊带着一种许久不曾有过的倦怠和沮丧在路上艰难地走着。
In the meantime, he toiled all day over his plot of indigo, and at night he returned home to water his garden, and to read his books. 目前,他天天去培植他那方靛青地,晚上回家浇他的园子,读他的书。
All day he toiled on untiringly , and by the evening he had succeeded in extracting ten handfuls of plaster and fragments of stone. 他不知疲倦地整天工作着,到了傍晚时分,他已经挖出了十把水泥、石灰和碎石片。
Workers have toiled under hot and harsh conditions to stabilize the plant since the cooling systems were destroyed by the natural disasters. 工人们在炎热、恶劣的条件下长时间辛苦工作,以稳定被自然灾害破坏了冷却系统的核电站。
The president paid tribute to all who have toiled to rebuild the city, and pledged sustained federal support until the work is done. 总统向所有努力重建这个城市的人表达敬意,并承诺联邦将持续提供支持,直到重建工作结束。
In America, three-quarters of students on a four-year university course will have toiled as an intern at least once before graduation. 在美国,75%的四年制大学生会在毕业前至少实习一次,当当苦工。
Throughout this past summer, in the long-suffering hills of western Rwanda, legions of farmers toiled at their sloped plots. 这个夏天期间,在长期受灾的卢旺达西边,大量的农民在他们的斜坡地上辛勤劳作。
Beyond the tarmac, women toiled in fields while their husbands sheltered from the heat in huts and half-built houses. 路边的农田里有妇女在劳作,而她们的丈夫们却在棚屋里躲避酷热。
For five-and-a-half years the Swede has toiled manfully in what many have described as the 'impossible job'. 五年半来这位瑞典人一直兢兢业业地做着这项就很多人看来无法想象的工作。
The great wall has condensed thousands upon thousands of working people toiled, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation. 万里长城凝结了千千万万的劳动人民的血汗,是中华民族智慧的结晶。
Over forty thousand Brazilian and Paraguayan workers toiled around the clock to create this immense dam. 逾四万名的巴西和巴拉圭工人日夜赶工完成了这个巨大的水坝。
They toiled all day digging the trench. 他们整天艰苦地挖壕沟。
For six months I toiled in the mines and in the counting-rooms, for I wished to know every minute detail of the business. 对于半年里,我辛勤的矿山和在点票室,因为我想知道每一个微小的细节的业务。
I toiled for them all the year round, but I could scarcely keep body and soul together. 我给他们一年到头干活,却难以维持生活。
The determined doctors and nurses at some of the world's best hospitals, who have toiled day and night to save so many lives. 来自世界上最好的医院的全心全意的医生和护士们呕心沥血地辛苦了一天一夜挽救了许多生命。
And in the Inca heartland, a small army of men and women toiled to construct a royal estate for Huayna Capac and his family. 印加腹地上,一小直男女混编的军队艰苦地建造华依那的王室庄园。
The names of those who toiled hard to bring us spiritual wealth and happiness will always glitter on the monument of man's history. 兢兢业业为人们带来精神财富与愉悦的人,他们的名字将永远在人类历史的丰碑上熠熠生辉。
Your husband has toiled hard to keep you in designer frocks and needs your support; you are a sociopath for not providing it. 你丈夫努力工作,让你能穿上名牌服装,他需要你的支持;如果你不这样做,你就是变态。
She toiled over the buckets which stood on the hot fire and in which a thick tough mass was bubbling. 她守着烈火上的铁桶操劳不息,桶里有稠厚的粘糊在突突冒泡。
Roma are playing really well, they have quality and strength even if for an hour they toiled against Chievo. 罗马踢得真的很不错,他们有实力和能力,虽然他们在对切沃的比赛中遇到些困难。
They toiled their way to the farther end of the tunnel, then made their spliced kite-strings fast and moved on. 汤姆打头里走,他们好不容易走到通道的另一头,然后系紧捻好的风筝线,又继续往前走。
For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and ploughed the hard earth. 为了我们,他们在血泪工厂中辛勤劳作,在西部安家,忍受着鞭笞,在荒芜的土地上日夜耕作。
Hot and perspiring , he toiled up the dusty ascent . 他艰难地在尘土飞扬的坡道上爬着,热得汗水淋淋。
They dug trenches, toiled in docks and railway yards or worked in arms factories for the allies. 他们为盟军挖掘战壕,在码头和铁路站干苦力,或是在兵工厂里效命。