
美 [tɔs]英 [tɒs]
  • v.抛;摇摆;(轻)拌;【网】把(球)打高
  • n.掷钱;掷钱决定;双方各有一半的机会;摇摇
  • 网络摇动;颠簸;扔

过去式:tost 过去式:tossed 第三人称单数:tosses 现在分词:tossing

toss salad



The Highland Games 苏格兰高原运动 ... emblematic 象征(性), 有代表性的 tossing 抖动, 摇动 burly 魁梧的, 结实的 ...


飞机上的英语 - 豆丁网 ... R:restaurant 餐厅 | rocking;bumping;tossing 颠簸 rail ticket 出售火车票 | ...

壁花一些词汇 ... shag 追回,性交 tossing (漫不经心地) breakup 解散 ...

全民英检... ... tales( 故事,传说;谎话) 的复数 tossing( 抛,扔,) 的现在分词 adapted( 使适应;使适合) 的过去式及过去分词 ...


The Highland Games 苏格兰高原运动 ... emblematic 象征(性), 有代表性的 tossing 抖动, 摇动 burly 魁梧的, 结实的 ...


被塑胶充斥的海洋-查理斯.摩尔 Captain... ... surrounding 环境(a.)周围的 tossing 折腾 accumulation 积聚,累积,积聚物 ...


谁会英文造句? - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 5.peeping = 窥视 =动词 6.tossing = 投掷 =动词 7.moment = 片刻 =名词 ...

But the wicked are like the tossing sea, For it cannot be quiet, And its waters toss up refuse and mud. 惟独恶人、好像翻腾的海、不得平静、其中的水、常涌出污秽和淤泥来。
Army units trying to block off the sprawling protest site came under attack by a mob tossing rocks, firecrackers and petrol bombs. 一群试图阻挡抗议阵营扩大的政府军遭到了一名投掷岩石、鞭炮与汽油弹的暴徒的袭击。
Tossing a drive away is not the safest option, since recovery of the data may be within the means of identity thieves or such like. 随意扔掉这个硬盘并不是最安全的选择,因为硬盘里的数据可以被身份盗贼或类似的人通过某种方式恢复过来。
Along with the wind, the purple waves writhe, tossing up the coolness of autumn into my heart. I love this season, yet in a way so lonely. 随着风,紫色的浪花翻腾,把一山的秋凉都翻到我的心上来了。我爱这样的季候,只是我感到我爱得这样孤独。
Tossing the spinach with a simple dressing of miso, mirin, lime and soy and adding the hot noodles and vegetables was all that was left. 把菠菜和以豆面酱,米林酒,酸橙和酱油组成的简易调味料搅拌在一起,加入热面条和蔬菜,余下的工作就完成了。
'Idiot! ' said the Queen, tossing her head impatiently; and, turning to Alice, she went on, 'What's your name, child? ' 王后不耐烦地摇摇头说,然后向爱丽丝问道:“你叫什么名字?小孩?”
The boat ran into a windstorm, and began tossing violently. 船遇到了风暴,出现了剧烈的颠簸。
Then I spend all night tossing and turning trying to figure out what I should've said. 然后整晚我会辗转反侧地想当时我该说什么。
Anna looked at her mother, who was tossing restlessly with the pain of her injured wing. It was clear that her mother could not go. 安娜看了一眼妈妈,翅膀的伤痛让她不停的发抖,显然妈妈是不能再去了。
"This is not playing, bouncing the baby on your knee or even tossing him up in the air. This is violent, severe shaking, " she said. “这不是游戏,当你让孩子在你的腿上跳来跳去,甚至把它扔向空中,这是暴力,剧烈的摇晃”,她说。
After the death of her mother, Rosie had a fitful night, tossing and turning and getting up frequently. 在她母亲死掉的那一晚,罗茜过得很不安稳,她辗转反侧,频频起身。
But tossing is also a useful technique for cooking vegetables, as a toss is often less bruising than a turn. 烹制蔬菜的时候颠勺也是一个很有用的技巧,不像用铲子翻菜,颠勺不容易把菜弄破。
Tossing the caber is the throwing of an impressive, long thick pole in an attempt to get it to land as straight as possible. 投棒是投一根又重又长又粗的杆,使它尽可能直立的着地。
He HAD this way of smiling at me, this way of tossing a backhanded compliment, letting me know he was proud of me and my achievements. 他有一种习惯的姿势,向我微笑,说一些拐弯抹角的赞扬话,让我知道,他为我和我的成绩感到骄傲。
As she spoke she untied her little velvet bonnet and tossing it away with her long cloak stood looking at him with meditative eyes. 她一面说着,一面解开小丝绒帽的系带,把帽子连同长斗篷扔到一边。她站在那里,用沉思的目光望着他。
All night I have been tossing and turning, racking my brains to think of what could have possessed that poor young man to kill himself. 一整夜我辗转不眠,绞尽脑汁想着那年轻人是着了什么魔竟自杀身亡。
"Selhorys. " Haldon produced a small knife from his sleeve. "Here, " he said, tossing it underhand at Tyrion. “赛尔霍利斯。”哈尔顿从袖子里抽出一把小刀。“给,”他说,低手把刀扔给提利昂。
The performances of the incense burning dragons include tossing, water spraying, sinking to the bottom, leaping, devouring, sleeping, etc. 香火龙的表演程序上有:翻滚、喷水、沉海底、跳跃、吞食、睡眠等动作。
After emptying one safe and tossing the other out the window, the robbers jumped off the train and made an easy getaway. 在清空一个保险箱,并把另一个保险箱丢出窗外后,这些劫匪跳下火车并且顺利逃脱。
I returned a few hours later, after two dozen laps around the block, 300 jump shots and a half-hour of tossing the football to myself. 我绕着街区跑了24圈,跳起投篮300下,抛接橄榄球30分钟,就这样一直玩了几个小时才回家。
And she knew that expressing love was as simple as tossing pie scraps to a waiting child. 她还懂得,表达爱意就如同撕下一小块煎饼,扔给等在一旁的小孩那么简单。
The dhow had gone down with them; they were tossing among the rocks and seaweed , so much human drift on the great ocean of Death ! 独桅船也和他们一起沉没了,他们此时正在石缝中和海草上飘泊。啊,多少人在死神般的大海上随波逐流!
I was dead tired, as you may fancy; and when I got to sleep which was not till after a great deal of tossing, I slept like log of wood. 我死累死累的,你可以想像得到,在经历了这样一番折腾后,我一倒下便睡得像根木头了。
We should find the poor little maid tossing upon her mattress, to the great disturbance of its other two occupants. 我们会发现,可怜的小妮子正在褥子上翻来覆去,弄得另外两个人也不得安宁呢。
If you think American cooking means opening a package and tossing the contents into the microwave, think again. 假如您以为美式烹饪打开料理盒而将里头的东西抛进微波炉加热,那你得想法了。
Tossing out an instruction as he left, he hurried from the office, already late for his meeting. 他临走时随口下了个指令,便匆匆忙忙离开办公室去开会,可已经晚了。
He Force-pushed Obi-Wan with terrible strength, tossing the Jedi Master like a ragdoll against the wall of the quarters. 他用原力猛推了一下欧比-万,把这位绝地大师像布娃娃一样推到房间的墙上。
If you think American cooking means opening a package and tossing contents into the microwave, think again. 假如您以为美式就是打开一个料理盒而将里头的东西抛进微波炉加热,那你得改变想法了。
It was emphasized to investigate the biomechanical nature of tossing, hitting and the movement rhythm in the serve. 从生物力学角度对抛球、击球动作技术以及动作节奏问题的本质做了探讨。
And, because food is so abundant and cheap, Americans are not as concerned about tossing it out. 由于食品如此丰富,如此便宜,美国人也就不太在乎,随便丢弃。