
美 [ˈtrænsfər]英 [trænsˈfɜː(r)]
  • v.转移;转让;换乘;移交
  • n.转移;转让;调任;调离
  • 网络转让的;转接;转移的

过去式:transferred 现在分词:transferring 第三人称单数:transfers

transfer money,transfer technology,transfer power,transfer capital,labour transfer


v. n.

到新地方to new place

1.[i][t](使)转移,搬迁to move from one place to another; to move sth/sb from one place to another

到新的工作╱学校╱环境to new job/school/situation

2.[i][t](使)调动;转职;转学;改变(环境)to move from one job, school, situation, etc. to another; to arrange for sb to move


3.[t][i]~ (sth) (from…) (to…)转移(感情);传染(疾病);让与,转让(权力等)if youtransfer a feeling, a disease, or power, etc., or if ittransfers from one person to another, the second person has it, often instead of the first


4.[t]~ sth (to sb)转让;让与to officially arrange for sth to belong to sb else or for sb else to control sth

体育运动in sport

5.[i][t]转会,使转会(尤指职业足球队)to move, or to move sb, to a different sports team, especially a professional football ( soccer ) team

换乘交通工具to new vehicle

6.[i][t](使在旅途中)转乘,换乘,倒车to change to a different vehicle during a journey; to arrange for sb to change to a different vehicle during a journey

信息、音乐等information/music, etc.

7.[t][i]转存,转录(资料、音乐等);改编to copy information, music, an idea, etc. from one method of recording or presenting it to another; to be recorded or presented in a different way


外贸英语常用商业略语_thinsoft博客_百度空间 ... transaction 交易 transferred 转移 transshipment 转口装运 ...


会计词汇D ... transferable share 可转让股份 Transferred 转让的,转移的 transferred title 被转移的产权 ...


同问已发邮件的状态是“已转接Transferred)”是什么意思? 2013-01-08 11:21 提问者: KEY_J_H | 悬赏分:5 我来帮他解答 …


会计词汇D ... transferable share 可转让股份 Transferred 转让的,转移的 transferred title 被转移的产权 ...


全面的结构专业英语词汇 ... trans-shipment 转运 transferred 已转运 wharf 码头 ...


b. 可以被让与(ceded)或可以被移转(transferred)之领土,领受国政府是依政策需要,评估宪法施行之程度,行使包括治理权(righ…


定只有不具此基因的胚胎会被转植transferred)。(预防潜在的疾病)HLA(人類白血球抗原,human leukocyte antigen)基 …

Sergi If they transferred some of the funds allocated for cancer research, they might be able to feed more people. 如果他们能将用于癌症研究的经费拨出一部分,他们就能够帮助更多的人了。
The question to what extent the results of experimental studies can be transferred to humans is always of particular interest. 这些试验研究的结论在多大程度上适用于人类始终是一非常有趣的问题。
Correspondents say legislators voted overwhelmingly to make sure detainees held at Guantanamo would not be transferred to the United States. 记者称,立法者以压倒性的趋势投票以确保关塔纳摩的在押犯人不能转移到美国。
FA subsequently transferred at the scene saw the closed-circuit television video, the ultimate penalty to Chelsea mismanagement and a fine. 英足总随后调看了现场的闭路电视录像,最终判罚切尔西管理不善并且予以罚款。
He was not startled by the nurses. He did not interfere when Mom was fed, nor when she was transferred from bed to commode and back. 护士们也吓不了它。给妈妈喂饭时,它不干扰;妈妈从床上下来去盥洗室又回来,它也没动静。
This heat is transferred to a heat exchanger to heat water in a storage tank or to be stored for later use. 这种热能转换到热能交换器中,使储藏的水加热或储存以供日后使用。
The transferred information is exclusively used for a closer malware analysis and for improving the rules set. 发送潜在危险的文件是为了用以更进一步的分析或完善我们的规则库。
The doctor is said to have secretly transferred her to Wuhan No 161 Hospital, but it was too late to save her life. 据称,医生在出现事故后将她秘密转入武汉161医院,但为时已晚,回天无力。
In theory this limits risks because bill financing tends to be short-term and can be easily transferred to another bank. 理论上这能限制风险,因为票据融资一般是短期的,可以轻松转至另一家银行。
It has also transferred loan portfolios to other parts of the bank in order to help shrink the balance sheet of its US consumer finance arm. 该公司还将贷款资产转移到其他部门,以帮助缩减其美国消费金融业务的资产负债表规模。
The plane missed two flights it had been scheduled to complete and the passengers were transferred to other flights. 澳航取消了两个航班,这些航班的旅客要转乘其他航班。
He said the family was instructed by the Beijing hospital where their son was transferred to seek reimbursement back home in Henan. 张兴宽说,孩子后来转入一家北京医院,医院让这家人回河南去报销医疗费。
Hewlett-Packard hired him in its Asia office and eventually transferred him to Silicon Valley. 惠普公司聘用他在公司的亚洲办事处工作,后来把他转到硅谷。
Second, my aspirations were still cloudy, so if I transferred out of the engineering faculty. 其次,我的理想仍然很模糊,所以即使我转出了工程学院,我仍然没有方向。
You can determine the total number of messages that have been transferred by a connector since the MTA was started. 可以确定自从MTA启动以来已由连接器传输的邮件总数。
A few days later Baida was transferred back to the jail in Baquba after doctors determined that she had no psychological disorder. 几天以后,拜妲被送回巴库巴的监狱,医生认定她没有精神错乱。
The modified command and record are now ready to be transferred to Integration Edition. 修改过的命令和记录现在可以被转移到集成版了。
They were transferred, he said, because specialized treatment offered them the best chance of survival. 他们就被转移,他说,因为特殊的处理提供了他们最好的存活的机会。
Thing is, Mr Scofield is not our problem anymore. Seems there was an error in his paperwork. He's going to be transferred after all. 先生已经不会再成为我们的问题了。他的文件了出了点错误,仍将被转狱。
Now that the bank is operating efficiently, he might be transferred back to New York in a few months. 这是因为既然银行已经步入正轨,几个月后他有可能被调回纽约总部。
Measuring how much energy is transferred between the two dyes indicates the activity of the receptors. 测量出两个燃料分子之间能量转移的多少预示着受体活性的高低。
Contractions are usually only in the front part of the pain start with back pain began to ache, and then transferred to the front. 宫缩开始,通常只有在与背部疼痛疼痛开始前部的疼痛,然后被转移到前面。
If a call is still in progress as one office is closing, the call is transferred to a representative at the next office to open. 如果办事处下班时电话仍在进行中,则电话将被转接到下一个开始办公的办事处的代表。
he had been shut up in the custom house , and he was to be transferred to london the next day. 他被关在利物浦海关大楼的一间屋子里。他得在那儿过一夜,等明天押往伦敦。
Reported that the injured have been transferred to local hospitals for treatment. Cause of the fire is still under investigation. 报道称,目前伤者已被转移至当地医院中进行治疗。火灾的原因仍在进一步调查之中。
As mentioned, the rights subsisting in a piece of software cannot be waived by its author, but must be transferred or licensed. 正如前面所提到的,作者不能放弃软件中的权利,只能对权利进行转移或许可。
First, let's focus on how much weight is transferred. 首先让我们关注在重量转移的多少。
Some 1, 450 of Stora's staff have been transferred to the new company, which is expected to have up to $270m a year in revenues. 司多拉1450名员工到新公司任职,并有望达成270,000,000美元的年收益。
About a week ago Dr. Cummings transferred his abode to the place of his operations. 大约一星期之前,甘明医生转移到这个地方开始他的业务。
He said authorities "in due course" will determine when Karadzic is to be transferred to the tribunal at The Hague. 他说当卡拉季齐被押送到位于海牙的国际法庭后,审判庭将“适时”确立。