
美 [ˈtræv(ə)l]英 ['trævld]
  • v.旅游;旅行;传播;运行
  • n.旅游;旅行;游历
  • 网络旅客多的;旅行经验;有旅行经验的

复数:travels 过去式:travelled 过去式:traveled 现在分词:travelling 现在分词:traveling



v. n.

1.[i][t]长途行走;旅行;游历to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)(以某速度、朝某方向或在某距离内)行进,转送,传播to go or move at a particular speed, in a particular direction, or a particular distance

3.[i]经长途运输仍不变质;经得住长途运输to be still in good condition after a long journey

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)盛行各地;广为流传to be equally successful in another place and not just where it began

5.[i]走得快;快速行进to go fast


travel light

轻装上路to take very little with you when you go on a trip


九年级英语问题_百度知道 ... treat 对待 traveled 旅客多的 treatment 接待者 ...


跪求新目标英语八年级下册Unit9 sectionB... ... 4. decided 决定 5. traveled 旅行 1. improve 提高 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译 _ 上海疯狂英语... ... travel-worn 旅行劳累的 traveled 旅行经验 traveler's check 旅行支票 ...


翻译词汇04... ... tortuous adj. 弯曲的,曲折的,转弯抹角的 traveled adj. 有旅行经验的,旅客多的 member states n. 成员国 ...


富有 - English translation - ... 富有意义的 pregnant 富有旅行经验的 traveled 富有魅力的 glamorous ...


英语双语... ... liking n.爱好;嗜好;喜欢 六级词汇 traveled a.见面广的;旅客多的 四级词汇 speaking n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇 ...


美国和英国在英语写法上不同... ... Leveller leveler( 校平器) Travelled traveled( 旅行用的) ...

So he took his lame companion upon his back, and they traveled on with safety and pleasure. 于是,瞎子把他的瘸子同伴背在背上,他们既安全又愉快地继续上路了。
Over the course of a year, I traveled repeatedly to Zhejiang, every time renting a car in Wenzhou and driving into the province. 在一年中我来回在浙江省,每次在温州租一辆汽车开进省里。
With Bali being a well-traveled tourism destination with lots of diving, the new find "tells us there's still a bit of mystery there. " 随着巴厘成为旅游胜地,这里会有很多潜水活动,新的发现“告诉我们这里仍然有一些神秘有地方。”
Robert Fulton said the first part of the trip was not exciting. He had traveled in much of Europe before. 罗伯特.富尔顿说,他的最初旅行没有什么意思,因为此前他曾经到过欧洲的许多地方,唯一新鲜的是他的这辆新摩托车。
Shaak Ti was one of the 200 Jedi that traveled to Geonosis on a mission to rescue captives from the growing Separatist forces. 她也是前往吉奥诺西斯的200名绝地之一,受命去解救那些被新崛起的分离主义军队所俘的同伴。
Ducks traveled over the river idyllically. Most trees started to be ready to welcome the coming of fall. 河面上鸭子们悠然闲游在水面上,各种树正迎接着秋季的到来。
South Korea's intelligence chief, Kim Sung-ho, also said the son was believed to have traveled to France recently. 韩国情报局长金成镐也称,他们认为金正男最近去过法国。
Dumped by his fiancee the day before his wedding, he subsequently traveled around the world to see what he could learn about relationships. 在结婚前夜被未婚妻抛弃后,他周游世界学习男女关系。
I once traveled with her in Guangdong, and she never let go her sketching book, and nothing beautiful would fall out of her. 我曾经和她一起在广东旅行,她的速写本从来都不离手,也不会将任何美的东西落下。
So, as a displaced person, he and his family traveled to a little town called Orange City, Iowa, a Dutch colony. He took their charity. 他死里逃生,走到一个小镇,爱荷华的橙城,是一个荷兰殖民地,也就是我们家族居住的地方。
Whenever I felt sad, I used to stare at a photograph of him taken on the Pacific island of Palau, where he had once traveled to buy lumber. 当我感到悲伤时,我就会看着他在太平洋岛国Palau拍的照片,他曾经带我旅行去买木材。
It was the spare yard I had got hold of, and I was amazed to see how far I had traveled from brig. 我抓住的那根杆子是一根备而不用的桅杆,我发现我已经和那条船相隔了那么远,不禁很惊骇。
The title is often mistakenly given as "The Road Less Traveled" , from the penultimate line: "I took the one less traveled by" . 书名是经常错误地给出了“道路”,从人迹罕至的倒数第二一句:“我选择了人迹较少的”。
I had been living in London and on my way home traveled through Russia, Mongolia and China on the Trans-Mongolian Railway. 我一直住在伦敦,在回家的途中,沿跨蒙古铁路到俄罗斯,蒙古和中国旅行。
The average length of each straight section (the distance traveled between collisions with defects) is called the mean free path. 每段直线路径的平均长度(缺陷碰撞间移动的距离)称为平均自由径。
He made inventions to help people around the world for sicknesses and traveled around the world to help out. 马德里的发明为世界上深受疾病困扰的人提供了巨大帮助,他也周游世界,为人排忧解难。
His jumping up and down, his whoops, his huge grin, and his sweat glistening in the colored lights that traveled as if they were alive. 他的向上和向下跳,他的糟糕,他的巨大的笑容,他的汗水闪闪发光的颜色灯光的旅行如他们还活着。
She traveled and performed with her mother as a teenager and in 1973 appeared in the hit Broadway revival "Irene. " 年少的她跟随母亲四处旅行演出。1973年,她出演了百老汇的当红老剧《艾琳》。
Dr. Smith, a native of Maine who has traveled outside New England only rarely, conceded he did not know much about China. 史密斯博士,这个在缅因州土生土长的人,环游过新英格兰之外的世界。但是他也难得地极不情愿地肯承认,自己对中国所知甚少。
Brindley had begun on his own account, out of interest, to survey the waterways that he traveled as he went about his engineering projects. 布林德雷在为他的工程项目到处奔走的时候,还用自己的帐户中的利息对沿途经过的河道进行了勘察。
Yangzi traveled to the State of Song. He met a guy who as well as his wife and concubine stayed in a hotel. 阳子到宋国旅行,在途中遇到一位仁兄。这位仁兄,带着一妻一妾,住在旅舍里。
He and his wife traveled across the country with a daughter who lives in San Diego and had been in New York for a week. 他和妻子与住在圣迭戈的女儿到美国各地旅游了一圈,在纽约已经待了一个星期。
If they didn't want him to return, they were to do nothing, and he would remain on the train as it traveled onward. 他们要是不希望他回来,就什么也不需要做了,而他将继续留在火车上往前走。
The first brother traveled on for a week more, and reaching a distant village, sought out a fellow wizard with whom he had a quarrel. 老大走了一个多星期,来到一个遥远的小山村,跟一位巫师争吵起来。
He talked to the top decision-makers, but sought out everyday people to ask about their lives, as he traveled the world. 他在全球访问时,不但与最高决策者对话,而且每天力图与民众交谈,询问他们的生活情况。
Teacher Li and I have traveled to several countries and the problem of how to see someone off seems to be international. 我和李老师去过好几个国家,如何送别好像是个国际性的难题。
Yangon residents who traveled to the Irrawaddy delta trying to bring their own supplies said there was a clear lack of adequate aid. 从缅甸首都仰光到伊洛瓦底三角洲去的居民尽量自己携带生活用品﹐他们表示﹐援助物资明显不足。
The outbreak hit close to home when a member of the White House team that traveled to Mexico last month developed flu-like symptoms. 当白宫一名成员上个月去墨西哥游玩回来,出现了流感症状之后,猪流感的爆发触到了总统的痛处。
Iron foundries, smelting plants, and cement factories loomed in and out of the haze as I traveled along the roads leading into Linfen. 在我前往临汾的路上,铸铁厂、冶炼厂、水泥厂在阴霾中隐隐出现。
Even though Paul traveled on many music and business trips, his wife, Linda, was always by his side until her sad death in 1998. 甚至当保罗不得不进行许多音乐旅行和商务旅行时,琳达都伴随左右,直到她在1998年因病去世。