
美 [ˈtræv(ə)l]英 ['trævlɪŋ]
  • v.旅游;旅行;传播;运行
  • n.旅游;旅行;游历
  • 网络走步;无限漫游;移动

复数:travels 过去式:travelled 过去式:traveled 现在分词:travelling 现在分词:traveling



v. n.

1.[i][t]长途行走;旅行;游历to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)(以某速度、朝某方向或在某距离内)行进,转送,传播to go or move at a particular speed, in a particular direction, or a particular distance

3.[i]经长途运输仍不变质;经得住长途运输to be still in good condition after a long journey

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)盛行各地;广为流传to be equally successful in another place and not just where it began

5.[i]走得快;快速行进to go fast


travel light

轻装上路to take very little with you when you go on a trip


王陆807词汇升级版_百度文库 ... weekend 周末 traveling 旅游 Cambridge 剑桥 ...


仁爱英语八年级上册单词表标准版 - 豆丁网 ... Russian. 俄罗斯 traveling n. 旅行 exciting adj. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的 ...


[体育英语]NBA篮球英语词汇英汉对照 ... throw in: 发球入场 traveling: (带球)走步 twenty-second timeout: 只有20秒钟之 …


...看歌词 光 日语2002-03 1.光 观看歌词 无限漫游(traveling) 日语2001-12 1.无限漫游 观看歌词 最后距离[final distance] 日语200...


赛义德曾经把批评理论的性质归纳为“移动”(traveling),即批评理论如果要保持批判性,就有必要不时地“漂移”,以便打破自 …


我的相册网... ... 男生\女生\生日礼物 GIFT OF LOVE 旅游纪念 TRAVELING 宝宝纪念 BABY ...


Dead And Gone | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... pimping: 小气的,卑微的 traveling: 旅行的,游历的 run into: 偶然遇见,陷入 ...


口译词汇—体育 - Belle的日志 -... ... 持球(不能再运球)队员 dead player 带球走 traveling;walking 二次运球 double dribble ...

Visits vendors for process and final delivery inspection. Up to 3 days in the "field" traveling a week. 适应出差的要求,每周不超过3天到工厂检查生产情况。
How much money did he say he spent in traveling abroad? 他说他在国外旅行花了多少钱?
There is a high demand of time for this job. So I'm always traveling, so there is less time for myself or to see my family and friends. 所以,我都是在旅行当中,就比较少有自己的时间或有时间看到亲朋好友。
Light traveling through the matter clump is warped and distorted, a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. 当光线穿过这些物质团块的时候就会发生弯曲或扭转,这种现象被称为“引力透镜效应”。
President Samaranch spent most of his time by traveling to various countries, trying to get them involved in the Olympic movement. 萨马兰奇主席用其一生的大部分时间奔走于不同的国家,努力尝试使这些国家参与奥林匹克运动。
With a Milan menswear collection inspired by desert colors and by the traveling man, Mr. Zegna laid out his credo for sustainable growth. 通过从戈壁黄沙和旅行家中获得灵感的米兰时装周男装展示,杰尼亚先生也表达了他对公司持续发展的信条。
Wynne: Declined the first enchantress position. Stayed at the palace for a year, then went traveling till she passed on. 温妮:婉拒了首席女巫的头衔,在法师塔呆了一年,然后出门旅行直至去世。
By unfolding it up to make it a reading lamp, Good for bedroom and traveling lighting. 拆开是一个书灯,适合家庭卧室、旅行等照明用。
You know, at the beginning of our sales campaign, traveling and advertising expenses must be very high. 在促销活动初期,广告费及车旅费是很高的。
When she isn't traveling all over the world, she is at home in her amazing garden with her cat, Lily. 不周游世界的居家时光里,蕾珍娜专注于自己的花园和一只叫莉莉的猫咪。
Soon, he began traveling alone to competitions around the United States, paying his way with his prize winnings. 很快,他开始独自在全美到处参加比赛,利用奖金支付旅费。
Traveling together will heighten romance this month, so if it is possible to slip away on a quick vacation in the first week, do. 一起旅行意志增高浪漫史这月,如此如果它是可能的到滑离开在第一个星期的一次快的假期,做。
If you're traveling with another person, divide the contents of your luggage so that they each contain a bit of the other's clothes. 如果你是与人同行,把你们的行李分摊,如此,每个人都会带着一些别人的衣物。
Passport traveling in transit through a country must be able to prove that they will continue their journey within the prescribed period. 途径这里国家的旅客必须要证明他们会在规定时间内继续他们的旅程
It depends on where you're going, how much money you have, and whether you're traveling alone, or with friends or family. 当然这要看你是去哪里,你愿意花上多少钱以及你是否喜欢独行,亦或这与朋友和家人一起旅行。
It was built up as a coal station for British merchant ships traveling to India, and its large natural harbor should make it a regional hub. 它是英国商船运往印度的煤碳中转站,它超大的天然海港理所当然的使之成为该地区的枢纽中心。
Chang did not return several phone calls, and one worker at the building said he was traveling and not available. 张先生没有回电话,一个在屋里工作的人说,张先生出去旅行了,联系不上。
And I'm going to ask Governor Romney - in fact, I already did - if he would spend time traveling around the country with me. 而我将问罗姆尼州长–实际上,我已经邀请–他是否有时间与我一起在全国巡回。
But she was understandably dubious about this trip. We had a history of stormy times, particularly when traveling. 但是她对这次旅行有点异议。我们有吵架的历史,特别是旅行的时候。
A normal paperback edition of a book is roughly half the size of the iPad and slips snugly into a pocket while traveling. 一本普通的平装书大概只有iPad一半大,在走动时可以自然地放在口袋里。
I feel as if I were traveling in the sky. 就感觉像是在天上游览一样。
'Make no mistake: Today we are part of a broad coalition, ' Mr. Obama told reporters traveling with him in Brazil. 奥巴马对随他访问巴西的记者说,不要搞错了:今天我们是一个广泛联盟的一员。
It worked like an elevator, traveling up and down on a cable through a shaft drilled six hundred twenty-two meters into the rocks. 它就像一部电梯,在深入地下622米深的竖井中通过缆绳牵引上下运动。
Her mother, who was traveling with her from Paris to visit relatives in the Comoros, is among those feared dead. 和她一起从巴黎到科摩罗拜访亲戚的母亲恐怕亦已罹难。
One of the greatest Hollywood film stars was traveling, unusually, not to be seen but so she could see others. 这位好莱坞最优秀的影星之一以一种不同以往的方式旅行,此次不是为了让别人看到,而是她去看别人。
Lost her to a fate most Afghans considered far worse than death: She ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers. 她跟着一群流浪艺人跑了,这在多数阿富汗人看来是比她死了更糟糕的事情。
I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things. 我一直喜欢旅游,总喜欢吃,但它永远不会发生,我认为我能赚钱的事情都做。
However, for many visitors accompanying frustration that its dream of traveling in the real world is often turned into a nightmare. 但让许多随团游客沮丧的是,其出游的美梦在现实中往往演变成一场噩梦。
Camping in a field on the edge of a town we were traveling near, I found myself alone one night. The other students were in town. 有一天晚上,我们在城郊的野地上露营,当晚仅我一人独自留在营地,其他同学都进城去了。
I quit my job at the papers, I closed my school, and I wrapped up my pencils and my brushes and inks, And I decided to go traveling. 我辞去了报社的工作,关掉了学校,把画笔和墨水收好,我决定去旅行。