
美 [ˈtraɪəl]英 ['traɪəl]
  • v.试验;试用;测试(能力、质量、性能等)
  • n.审判;试用;考验;选拔赛
  • adj.同“trinal”

第三人称单数:trials 现在分词:trialling 过去式:trialled

fair trial,open trial,public trial,trial lawyer,trial summary
attend trial,stand trial,face trial,conduct trial,hold trial


n. v.


1.[u][c](法院的)审讯,审理,审判a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury , to decide if sb accused of a crime is guilty or not


2.[c][u](对能力、质量、性能等的)试验,试用the process of testing the ability, quality or performance of sb/sth, especially before you make a final decision about them

体育运动in sport

3.[c][usupl]预赛;选拔赛a competition or series of tests to find the best players for a sports team or an important event

动物for animals

4.[c][usupl]比赛;表演an event at which animals compete or perform

艰难经历difficult experience

5.[c]令人伤脑筋的事;惹麻烦的人;考验an experience or a person that causes difficulties for sb


trial and error

反复试验;不断摸索the process of solving a problem by trying various methods until you find a method that is successful

It, too, had been tested for safety in previous trials, but none of those trials were designed to see if it was also efficacious. 在先前的试验中也测试过它的安全性,但没有一个实验被设计来观察它是否也是有效的。
Without Church support, it's easy to see why witch trials were not popular. 如果没有教堂的支持,很容易理解女巫审判为何流行不起来。
She had not experienced fully the trials that were in store for her when she had been thus generous. 当她以前如此豁达大度的时候,她没有完全体验到为她准备着的种种考验。
Now choose the front of the only targets of trials and hardships, smiled away unpleasant cloud, do not let him cover your eyes. 既然选择了前方就只管风雨兼程,微笑着送走不愉快的阴云,不要让他遮住你的眼睛。
He felt his way to effectual practice through a multitude of trials and misconceptions. 经过多次尝试和误解,原始人在实践中摸索前进。
This trial was nothing like the recent swine flu vaccine trials: one shot and bingo, protection for a year. 没有什么试验比得上最近的流感疫苗试验:一针管一年。
He said that this group of researchers will be undertaking larger clinical trials of oral viscous budesonide. 他说他的研究团队接下来会就口服布地奈德进行较大规模的临床实验。
There, randomised trials studied treatment delivered by appropriately trained and supervised lay people, and found it to be very effective. 在那里,随机试验研究了由经过适当培训并受监督的一个非专业人士实施的治疗,并发现这非常有效。
They then went back and eliminated 21 of the trials, leaving only the "low-bias" ones. This was the next level of quality standard. 然后他们返回将其中的21个试验结果排除,保留低偏差的一组,这是第二水平的质量标准。
While White acknowledged the figures represent a bold claim, he said they are based on prototype trials and aren't just a forecast. White先生说虽然这只是一个大胆的设想,但他们会制造试验样机而不会仅仅停留在设想上。
The Philippines is trying to revive rice fortification with iron and the preliminary results of the trials are promising. 现在,菲律宾正试着用铁来强化稻米,而且试验的初步结果良好。
However, while many states are able to prosecute, they are often unwilling to do so, as the trials can be complex and costly. 然而,虽然许多国家可以起诉,它们却经常不愿意这么做,因为审判既繁琐又昂贵。
In recording the conversation with him, the U. S. cable has no mention of the words democracy, human rights, or fair trials. 在与他的谈话纪录中,美国电报并没有提及民主,人权,公平审判的字样。
But now we're ready to do the big clinical trials, and our funders just don't have the money. 但现在我们准备多大规模的临床试验了,我们的资助者却不再给钱了。
Has she had her share of human tribulations and trials enough that now they would entitle her to long overdue dignified liberty? 她会不会也经受了足够的人类所遭受的磨难与考验,而最终被人赋予有尊严的自由呢?
Spitz did not fully taper for the trials, because he thought that would leave him flat for the Olympics a few weeks later. 斯皮茨没有完全为选拔赛减量,因为他认为那样会使他在数周后的奥运会上失去战斗力。
Tamoxifen is still a useful drug, although newer drugs called aromatase inhibitors seem to work better in clinical trials. 因此它莫西芬仍然是一个非常有效的药物,虽然新的芳香酶抑制剂药物在临床试验上效果似乎更好。
Ongoing clinical trials are addressing the question of the long term clinical benefit of more potent treatment regimens . 目前进行中的临床试验旨在发现更有效的治疗方案和获得长期疗效。
Thus, the trials did not result from Puritan religion; they proceeded for a while despite protests from leading pastors. 因此,这些审判并非肇因于清教徒的宗教;尽管教会领袖们的抗议,审判仍然持续了好一阵子。
Which is all the more reason to ensure that these trials turn out not to be a sham. 这也就越有理由让人们相信这类审判不会是丢人现眼的。
Kaltenbrunner was one of the main perpetrators of the holocaust and he was hanged after the Nuremberg trials on 16th October 1946. 卡尔滕布伦纳是大屠杀的主要凶手之一,他于1946年10月16日纽伦堡审判之后被处以绞刑。
It's why some of the defendants in those trials went uncomplainingly to be executed for crimes they had not committed. 这就是为什么这些审判中的被告会毫无抱怨地为他们所没有犯下的罪行接受审判。
'The only objective of these farcical and groundless trials is to defame me in the media, ' Mr. Berlusconi told reporters. 贝卢斯科尼对记者们说,检方提出的这一系列看似闹剧且毫无根据的指控就是为了在媒体上诋毁他。
Public trials for both Mr Rangel and Ms Waters are the last thing Democrats want in the run-up to the much feared mid-term elections. 随着令人担心的中期选举的临近,兰戈尔先生和沃特斯女士的公开审判绝对不是民主党人所乐意看到的。
A spokesman James Gillies said that the trials have taken place in the accident, the collision of a section in need of repair. 发言人詹姆斯·吉利斯说,试验中发生了事故,对撞机的一段需要修理。
The highest-quality studies, known as randomized controlled trials, don't report whether infant circumcision affects sensation, she said. 最有价值的研究就是随机操纵的实验,她说,没有报告显示新生儿包皮切除是否影响感觉。
And there have been numerous trials to see if it might reduce cancer risk. Some of these have found a benefit, while others have not. 已有很多次试验来证明其是否能够降低患癌风险。有些试验发现其益处,而其他的却没有发现。
But some Web developers say HTML 5 isn't yet ready to be used for anything besides trials. 不过一些网络开发商说,HTML5还在试行阶段,尚无法真正应用。
To date, MTI has not been used as an outcome measure in early phase and pivotal clinical trials. 迄今为止,MTI公司并没有被用来作为衡量成果的早期阶段和关键的临床试验。
But others say that the large sum might encourage the company to put other drugs into late-stage clinical trials. 但是其他一些人说,这一大笔奖金可能鼓励这个公司让其他药物进入后期临床试验。