
美 [tru]英 [truː]
  • adj.符合事实的;确实的;如实的;真正的(而非表面上的)
  • adv.笔直地;不偏不斜地;直言相告;实话实说
  • v.配准;校准;整形
  • 网络为真;真实的;真的

比较级:truer 最高级:truest

true love,true friend,true story,true meaning,true value



1.符合事实的;确实的;如实的connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessed


2.实质的,真正的(而非表面上的)real or exact, especially when this is different from how sth seems

3.[ubn]名副其实的;真正的having the qualities or characteristics of the thing mentioned

承认事实admitting fact

4.(承认事实或说法正确,但有更重要的考虑)确实,的确used to admit that a particular fact or statement is correct, although you think that sth else is more important


5.忠诚的;忠心耿耿的;忠实的showing respect and support for a particular person or belief in a way that does not change, even in different situations


6.~ (to sth)精确的;与正本无异的;逼真的being an accurate version or copy of sth

7.[nubn]正而准straight and accurate


come true

实现;成为现实to become reality

too good to be true

好得难以令人相信used to say that you cannot believe that sth is as good as it seems

your true colours

本性;本来面目your real character, rather than the one that you usually allow other people to see

true to form

跟往常一样;一如既往;合乎本性used to say that sb is behaving in the way that you expect them to behave, especially when this is annoying

true to life

真实的;逼真的;惟妙惟肖;活灵活现seeming real rather than invented



为真(true)时,将忽略浏览器的正常值,就像处理当前元素的border和margin一样.这很好的提升了性能,但要牺牲一些精确性.缺省 …


虞啸卿_百度百科 ... Strategy( 战略) True真实的) Unlike( 不相似) ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 206 semester n. 学期 208 true a. 真的,真实的,正确的 209 disappointing a. 令人失望的 ...

c:forTokens - oodamuoo的日志 - 网易博客 ... false 否 true true 否 ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 206 semester n. 学期 208 true a. 真的,真实的,正确的 209 disappointing a. 令人失望的 ...


承认真值(True)与假值(False)的中间过渡性,认 为事物在形态和类属方面亦此亦彼,模棱两可, 相邻中介之间是相互交叉和渗 …

Looking back through these numbers, it's easy to see how true that statement really is today. 回顾上面的数据,我们今天终于理解了这句话是多么的正确。
True, job interviews are rife with opportunities for you to embarrass yourself, but hiring managers are more forgiving than you might think. 不错,面试中充满了令人窘迫的陷阱,不过招聘经理可比你想象的要宽容。
As he shook his heavy hand at me, with his mouth snarling like a tiger's I felt that it is true. 看他,张着猛虎似的血盆大口,冲着我晃了晃那只厉害的大手,我觉得这话倒是不假。
Over the next few years, the Lord continued to bless me. Everything I prophesied came true! 接下来的几年,上帝一直眷顾我,我所预言的一切都成真了。
Since the moment I realized what I wanted to do with myself, I've worked tirelessly to make that dream come true. 自从我找到自己真正想做的事情之后,我一直孜孜不倦地努力着,以求自己的梦想有朝一日能成为现实。
Its not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys, sinners can surprise you, and the same is true for saints. 分清好人和坏人并不是一件容易的事。罪人总让我们大吃一惊,不过圣人也是一样。
They would have been willing to write it if it had been true. 如果大屠杀是真的他们一定会写在里面的。
Bridget knew this was true, but she also knew cancer ran in her family - not only her mother had it, but two aunts as well. 布丽姬特知道她说的是真的,但是她也知道在她的家族里-不只是她母亲得了癌症,两个姨妈也得过癌症。
You've never known that this body used to be the body of your father. Can you defeat your true father? 您从未知道这个身体过去经常是您的父亲的身体。您可以击败您真实的父亲吗?打败李白虎后。
All these things are a true test of how much you are capable of loving. 这所有的一切都真的是一场考验,考验的就是你爱的能力到底有多大。
Notice what he's doing, he's quoting Enochic literature, which isn't in our Bible, as if it is also true prophecy and scripture from Enoch. 注意到他在做什么,他在引用以诺的文献,这在圣经里是没有的,好像它也是真正的预言和以诺里的经文。
"Not all of them are true, " he said, adding that the ministry had been in close contact with the US over the matter. 他表示「有些不见得是事实」,并且说国防部已经与美国针对这此事件保持密切的联系。
I work to help people's dreams come true. That's in part what he, what Bruce asked of me as a member of the Council. 我的工作就是帮助人们梦想成真,从某种程度上说这正是布鲁斯邀请我加入‘父亲委员会’所要做的。
What is earnest is not always true; on the contrary, error is often more earnest than truth. 重要的并不总是确实的。相反,谬误往往比真理来的更为重要。
The contractor said, "It's true, Hume didn't agree. but the house needed the painting and I gave it a very good one. " 承包商说:“休谟是没有同意,但房子需要翻新,而我把它很好的刷了一遍。”
Here is our test. -are we true with ourselves in matters concerning our thoughts and actions? Do we excuse sin as if it really is not sin? 考验我们的是——在我们所行所做的每一件事上,我们是否诚实的面对我们自己?我们是否为我们的罪找借口,把它说成不是罪?
A stubborn and practically contrary woman---- this was the reason why she was unaware of her own true love. 一个固执的、简直是执拗的女人——也因此而没有意识到自己的真爱。
But it's just as true that saving water may be one of the most effective ways to save energy - and vice versa. 不过准确来讲储存水可能只是其中一种节省能源的最有效方法—反之亦然。
How much does time cost? And how much is health? True love? Wisdom? I bet no one knows. 金钱值多少钱?健康、真爱、智慧,它们又值多少?我敢打赌人能说得,它们是无价的。
Nobody is bored when he is trying to make something that is beautiful or to discover something that is true. 尝试去做一些美好的事或者去发现真理时,没有人会感到烦闷。
A general is not easily overcome who can form a true judgement of his own and the enemy's forces -- Vegetius. 那些无论在平时还是在敌人面前都能做到自我控制和约束的人,是很难被征服的。
The journalist David Rorvik wrote a true story of a millionaire's quest to produce a son identical to himself. 新闻记者大卫罗尔瑞克报道了一个真实的事件:一位百万富翁寻求生育一个和自己一模一样的儿子。
Is the money really so important? Does not this world let me believe, have true love too? Can a woman accept the love of 2 men? 钱真的那么重要吗?这个世界太不敢让我相信了,有真爱吗?一个女人能接受2个男人的爱吗?
How Much of Your Memory Is True? 你的记忆大部分是真实的吗?
The important thing is to do it at least once a year in order to stay true to the asset-allocation strategy you've adopted. 重要的是你每年至少要进行一次调整,以确保你的资产配置策略得到了不折不扣的贯彻。
Several countries are finding that they are too small to run an independent currency (although this does not seem to be true of Britain). 有几个国家觉得他们的市场太小不足以运行一个独立货币,虽然拿英国来说似乎并非如此。
I told her she should have slept in my room with me , so she could believe what I said true . 我告诉她她应该和我一起在我的房间睡,这样她就会相信我说的都是真的了。
But the opposite is not always true, because RUP has several artifacts that currently do not exist in MSF. 但是,反过来就不总是对的了,因为RUP拥有许多MSF中目前不存在的工件。
He let me use a carpenter's square to true the corners, and taught me to set the level on the baseboards, centering the bubble in its vial. 他让我用角尺来校正各个角落,教我怎样把小玻璃瓶中的气泡保持在中心,以用来调整踏脚板的平面。
Whether this belief be true or not, man would be well advised if he behaved as though it were. 无论这个信仰是否真实,人类如果能依此行事,将会获得更为有益的忠告。