trust me

  • 网络相信我;请相信我;信任我

trust metrust me

trust me


亚历山大·斯卡斯加德_百度百科 ... 超越北极/ Beyond the Pole 相信我/ Trust Me 地下理想国/ Metropia ...


英语口语8000句20担心惦念 - 听力课堂 ... You'd better believe it!( 请相信我!) Trust me!( 请相信我!) No way!( 不可能有!) ...


itis ture,trust me什么意思_百度知道 ... itis ture 它是真的 trust me 是相信我,信任我 it is true,trust me. 这是真的,相信我。 ...


克雷格大卫Craig David/ 我说了算Trust Me)华纳 7567899724 詹姆斯布朗特 JAMES BLUNT/ALL THE LOST SOULS 华星 …


... baby I miss you and I swear I’m gonna change. 宝贝,我想你了,我发誓一定改。 trust me. 信我一次。 Loving him 爱他, ...


户外常用英语 ... 17 trust me,i’m a nice guy.( 相信偶,偶是一个好人) 19 Just follow me.( 你就跟着偶吧) ...

None of the arguments for a kernel debugger has touched me in the least. And trust me, over the years I've. 任何关于内核调试器的意见、争论都没有触动我,哪怕是丝毫。相信我,这么多年来我收到很多这。
The second has stronger faith and deeper love, and I can trust her to trust Me however things may go and whatever people do. 那第二个跪着祷告的女人较好得多,她有较强的信心和较深的爱,我能彀信任她在无论甚么环境中因我站住。
He said he would trust me for a typewriter. 他说他将把打字机赊卖给我。
David, don't be unhappy, ' she said cheerfully. ' You know you can trust me, and I'll always be your friend ' “大卫,别难过了,”她愉悦地说道,“你知道你可以相信我,我永远是你的朋友。”
Trust me, you'll make up for the time you've been away the moment you see your child. 相信我吧,当你见到你小孩的时候,你就能弥补你不在的那段时间的遗憾。
So he decided to help you if you trust me, I can help you to make up loopholes in the server. 所以才决定帮你,你要是信的过我,我帮你补下服务器漏洞。
If I keep working hard and keep working on certain parts of my game, hopefully the manager will be able to trust me more. 如果我持续不断的努力工作,并在有限的上场时间内做好本分,希望主教练会对我投以多点信任。
Trust me, she'd fatten you four up in a week. 相信我,她一周就能把你们四个养胖。
As I said, the airlines won't throw their big investments in hardware out the window, trust me. 就像我说的,相信我,航空公司不可能抛下硬件上的大投入。
BRIAN: I know u won't trust me, but I got to tell u that I was using IBM too, Thinkpad 600E. 我知道你不会相信我,但是我还是要告诉你,我用的也是IBM的,Thinkpad系列600E
I mean you can trust me with a car, and you can't trust me with just a little bit of Hannah money! 我是说,你连车子都放心的交给我了,难道还不放心给我一些Hannah的零用钱吗?
You just have to be willing to wait a year, but trust me, a year goes by pretty fast these days (I think it's inflation or something). 1. 你只需要花一年的时间来等待结果,但是相信我,现在的一年过得是很快的(我想是通货膨胀或者其它的原因吧)。
and was maybe even a little bit dangerous and told you to trust me anyway, that you could do that? 还说不定有点危险,你能做到吗?
My mind told me, if I don't grapple with that, the children who are my audience will never trust me again. 我的想法告诉我,如果我不抓住这些灵感,我的观众――孩子们就不会再信任我了。
Not allowed to bully me, curse me, to trust me, people bully me, you want the first time out to help me. 不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我。
I might be a stranger to you, but please trust me with peace of mind. 虽然您不认识我,但请您安心依靠我,
If I could find a means for you to escape this fate. . . if the two of us could disappear. Would you trust me? 如果我能找到一个办法让你能逃过这场劫难……如果我们两个同时消失。你会相信我吗?
Why don't you repond me? Do you think you'll be ignored when you paid the money? Trust me, please. I'm not a man that lake of emotions. 为什么突然不理我了,你是怕钱给我了就不理你了吗,请你相信我,我不是那种没有情意的人。
If you keep telling your partner how much you don't trust them, push it in their face, trust me, sooner or later they will prove you right. 如果你不断告诉对方你有多么不信任他,这样不顾及他的脸面,相信我,迟早他们会证明给你看你说的是对的。
I know this might be a bit heavy for you but please trust me on this. 我知道这可能是一个有点沉重,但请你相信我关于这点。
You may have stayed away from running belts because you think they look too much like fanny packs and, trust me, I had the same thoughts. 你可能曾经对跑步腰带毫无兴趣,因为他们看起来太像腰包了,相信我,其实我也这么想过。
She could be a real dog, but good luck. Why? Don't you trust me? Just a moment. 也许她真的很丑。祝你好运。丸子:为什么?不相信我的诚意?你等一下。没过多久,
I'm not a part of any agenda, You've got to trust me. I'm her just like you. To solve this. 我不是什么局内人,你得相信我,我来这和你一样,是为了破案的。
And FOX is not saying anything publicly, but trust me, the company is not happy about this. 还没发表公开评论,但是相信我,他们对此不会很高兴的。
I use a credit card: the shop assistant does not know whether to trust me, but she trusts the credit card company, and they trust me. 我使用的是信用卡:店员不知道是否应当信任我,但是她信任信用卡公司,而信用卡公司信任我。
but I need to ask you to trust me on this one. 但现在我需要得到你的信任
Nicole: You know, life can be mortifying sometimes. And trust me, sometimes sex can be, too. 你知道,人生有时是很尴尬的,相信我,有时性也是。
Now volcano is a new addition and trust me you are going to have a time of your life visiting these. 现在火山是一种新型的观赏景点,相信我,你会有一个毕生难忘的体验。
When I got to the school's eighth period, the learning school with my heart beating, this is the party to trust me, for my hope. 当我接到参加学校的第八期党校学习通知时,我的心随之跳动,这是党组织对我的信任,对我的希望。
This is all about delayed gratification. A little suffering now will pay off in the long run. Trust me. Two more years and you'll be done. 这就是延迟享乐。现在暂时痛苦一阵,长期来看会有好处的。相信我。两年之后,你就解放了。