
美 [trʌst]英 [trʌst]
  • n.信任;信托;相信;信赖
  • v.信任;相信;信赖;希望
  • 网络托拉斯;甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(tolulized red unheated serum test);的信任

复数:trusts 现在分词:trusting 过去式:trusted

put trust,place trust,lose trust,betray trust,trust give
absolute trust,blind trust
completely trust,blindly trust


n. v.

1.[u]~ (in sb/sth)相信;信任;信赖the belief that sb/sth is good, sincere, honest, etc. and will not try to harm or trick you

2.[c][u]委托;信托;信托财产an arrangement by which an organization or a group of people has legal control of money or property that has been given to sb, usually until that person reaches a particular age; an amount of money or property that is controlled in this way

3.[c]受托基金机构;受托团体an organization or a group of people that invests money that is given or lent to it and uses the profits to help a charity

4.[c]托拉斯(为减少竞争、操纵价格等而非法联合的企业组织)(in American English) a group of companies that work together illegally to reduce competition, control prices, etc.


in sbs trust|in the trust of sb

由某人保管(或照管)being taken care of by sb

take sth on trust

听信;轻信;贸然相信to believe what sb says even though you do not have any proof or evidence to show that it is true


托拉斯(Trust)是垄断组织的一种高级形式,通常指生产同类商品或在生产上有密切联系的企业,为了获取高额利润,从生产到 …


电脑常用英语单词 ... Transport Protocol 传输协议 trust 信任 tunnel 安全加密链路 ...


信托Trust),可以从两方面考察,从委托人来说,信托是为自己或为第三者的利益,把自己的财产委托别人管理或处理的一 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... trunk n. 树干;大箱子 trust vt. 相信,信任,信赖 truth n. 真理,事实,真相,实际情况 ...


英文字根_百度百科 ... 147、fest = hostile 仇恨 148、fid = trust,faith 相信,信念 150、fin = end,boundary 结束,范围 ...

甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(tolulized red unheated serum test)

本文对甲苯胺红不加热血清试验TRUST),酶联免疫吸附试验(TP-ELISA)与梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(TPHA)三种梅毒检测 …


电子商务的信任trust)打造非常重要,这直接带来了buyer confidence(消费者信任感)。对于电子商务网站和背后的卖家而 …


委_百度百科 ... 委实〖 indeed;really〗 委托trust;entrust〗 委托书〖 trustinstrument〗 ...

Refuse to over think things or to second guess yourself, choosing to trust that if it feels right it is right. 不要犹豫不决或质疑自己,要相信,你觉得对的就是对的。
It's very important that as a client you are dealing with a bank you can trust and with which you are comfortable. 非常重要的一点是,作为一个客户,你要和一个你可以信任的银行打交道,它要让你感觉舒服。
Nothing does more to create a sense of trust, security and, ultimately, an environment where they feel comfortable enough to try new things. 没有比建立信任感、安全感,乃至一个令二人在试着接受新事物时都感到足够舒适的氛围更重要的东西了。
Ensuring that the matter is dealt with satisfactorily will show your responsibility and gain valuable trust. 确保这件事最后满意得解决了,这会显示出你的责任感,你也会获得宝贵的信任。
Now, we did wonder how much to trust the answers of people responding to survey questions about adultery. 现在我们很想知道我们对于人们对出轨这个问题的调查的答案可信度是多少。
Apparently Mr. Hoyer did not trust voters to understand what a dangerous and dishonest game the Republicans are playing. 显然,霍耶未能使民主党选民们相信共和党正在玩的把戏是危险而又欺诈性的。
Brand people can trust, it was decided to put a certain period of time to this channel, this column rather than the others. 品牌能给人信赖感,促使人们决定把某段时间交给这个频道、这个栏目而非其他。
Murdoch said the bugging scandal of the things he should not be responsible for his trust in those who should be held accountable. 默多克称,窃听丑闻之事不应由他来负责,他信任的那些人应该承担责任。
With such suspicions to the fore of his thinking, it is hard to see how a deal based necessarily on mutual trust could ever be struck. 他先前的一些想法中就透出这样的疑虑。在这种情况下,我们很难看到一个基于相互信任的和平条约能够达成。
VCs won't trust you, and will try to reduce you to a mascot as a condition of funding. 风投不会相信你的能力,他们只把你当成一个骗取投资的小丑。
If you keep telling your partner how much you don't trust them, push it in their face, trust me, sooner or later they will prove you right. 如果你不断告诉对方你有多么不信任他,这样不顾及他的脸面,相信我,迟早他们会证明给你看你说的是对的。
The card and a handshake typify trust and abolish views that the bank is out to seize money. 卡片和握手的形象代表了信任,消除了银行总是想抓钱的看法。
Don't we trust that we are alive and able to look at life in a different way then the one of a computer? 难道我们不相信我们充满活力并有能力用一种不同方式去看世界,然后再考虑电脑的方式?
He explained that investors would not trust the bank if it were controlled by politicians. 他解释说,如果由政客管理银行,将失去投资者的信任。
When you know both that it is good and that you have too much, then you can trust your judgment on how much is just enough. 只有当你既知道这是个好事并了解你已经做过头了,你才会对什么是适量做出正确的判断。
This rule shall not affect any liability of the judicial trustee for breach of trust or to be removed or suspended. 本条并不影响司法受托人因违反信托而须负的法律责任,亦不影响其可被免职或停职。
Man proposes, Heaven disposes. Work out a plan, trust to Buddha, and something may come of it for all you know. 谋事在人,成事在天,咱们谋到了,靠菩萨的保佑,有些机会,也未可知。
I'm giving this worry to you and I'm going to trust you to take care of this. 我现在把这个忧虑放你这儿,并且,我相信你会‘照看’好它的。
He said the two countries were partners that could trust each other forever. 他表示,巴中两国是永远可以相互信赖的伙伴。
But he said the summer has shattered the trust that Japanese once held in the nuclear establishment. 但他说,这个夏天已经让日本人曾对核电站抱有的信任破灭了。
I've always been able to trust my senses, the evidence of my own eyes, until last night. 我一直能相信自己的感觉相信眼见为实的证据直到昨晚
That was the day I knew I had to leave Chelsea. Managers have to stick to their word. You have to be able to trust them. 那一天我就知道我必须离开切尔西,主教练们必须遵守自己的诺言,你才能够信任他们。
Convenient and fast to meet the needs of every customer, has made partners of the trust, establish a good market image. 方便、快速的满足每一位客户的需求,取得了合作伙伴的信赖,树立了良好的市场形象。
The account Then gradually, a kind of trust and understanding on, my promotion, he said I was the most of his assistant. 再渐渐的,一种信任和默契就此产生,我升职的时候,他说我是他用过的最好用的助理。
Mr. Ban said he saw the statement as a breakthrough in building trust between the reclusive generals and the international community. 潘基文说,他把缅甸军政府的承诺看成是在缅甸与世隔绝的将军们与国际社会之间建立互信的一个突破。
But in the aftermath of the movement, there still seems to be some lack of trust between your party and the SPA. 但是人民运动之后,在你们和七党联盟之间似乎仍然缺少些信任。
He had a problem and he identify that there was no owner and nobody he trust. 发现了一个问题,并且发现,没有负责人,也没有他信任的人。
As I said, the airlines won't throw their big investments in hardware out the window, trust me. 就像我说的,相信我,航空公司不可能抛下硬件上的大投入。
Administrators can limit how much isolated storage an application or a user has available, based on an appropriate trust level. 管理员可以根据适当的信任级别限制应用程序或用户可以使用多少独立存储。
Were you surprised to see Alexandria say that she didn't trust any of you after she and Brittani made up in the limo? 记者:对于山楂在车里说,她对于你们任何一个人都不信任,你有感到惊讶吗?