try to do

  • 网络尽力做某事;努力做某事;试着做某事

try to dotry to do

try to do


初中英语短... ... out to sb. 对某人大声的叫喊 161.try to do sth. 尽力做某事 162.get a long ladder 拿来一架长梯子 ...


初三上册英语词组_百度知道 ... 7. reach sb. by phone 打电话给某人 2. try to do sth. 努力做某事 4. come true 成为现实; 实现 ...


七下英语短语、重点句子 - 豆丁网 ... black and white 黑白相间 6. try to do 试着做某事 8. use for 某物有什么作用 9. ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... try one's fortune 试运气 try to do 努力去做 turn a blind eye to 对……视而不见、熟视无睹 ...


七年级上册英语复习提纲 ... want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 try to do sth. 试图做某事 be busy with sth. 忙于某事 ...


非谓语动词 - 搜搜百科 ... can’t help doing … 情不自禁做某事 try to do尽力去做某事 learn to do … 学着去做某事 ...


verb ... try doing( 尝试做) try to do设法做) We forbid smoking here.( 宾语) ...

We have to anticipate and be prepared for things he might try to do to flout the will of the international community. 我们必须提前做好准备来应对他可能做出的任何对国际社会的意愿所表现出的轻蔑行为。
Q. You said Andre is going to have to really raise his game to beat you. What do you expect him to try to do? 问:你说过阿加西需要提高自己的比赛能力才能够击败你。你希望他提高哪方面呢?
Also, the staff know that if you try to improve him in a different way, he will listen to you and then try to do what you say. 同样,他知道如果你想用不同的方式使他提高,他会积极听从,并按你要求的做。
We've slipped up at home and it is going to be really difficult but we've got to look to the 18 games we've got left and try to do our best. 我们在主场跌倒了,这真的让人很难过,但是我们必须得打起精神面对后面的18场比赛,努力做到最好。
The next step, he said, is to "put some of our money where our mouths are, and try to do this in real time. " 下一步,他说,是“将一部分钱用来‘说到哪儿,做到哪儿’,而且应该立即行动。”
My only advice was that he should put together a good team and try to do what he thought was right for the country. 我唯一的建议就是应该团结一个好的领导团队,努力去做那些他认为有利于国家的事情。
There's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach out for you. Girl, you're starting to criticize every little bitty thing that I try to do. 当我靠近你时你不再有欣然接受的眼神。情人,你开始批评我所做的毫不起眼的小事。
I try to do that with the cello and to do that I actually use all of what, you know, the limbs that are available to me. 我就是那样尽力来拉大提琴的,我竭尽全力,真是用上了所有可以用的肢体。
What I can do is trying to get good results, try to do my best. 我唯一能做的就是尽力夺得一个好名次,做到最好。
What did the two men try to do when Mrs. Sterling was having a picnic with her children at the edge of a forest? 当斯特林夫人和她的孩子在森林的边上野餐的时候,有两个男人想做什么?
Destroy the enemy formation. First, try to do it with high-explosive bombs, then select torpedoes and armour - piercing bombs and try again. 破坏敌人编队。第一,尝试做它用高爆炸弹,然后选择鱼雷和穿甲炸弹再尝试。
"You try to do things as consciously as you can, " she said. “你只是试着凭着良心做事”,她说。
My son is going to be 15 this Christmas and is falling further behind in school. He no longer wants to even try to do better. 他甚至不再尝试去做的更好,现在只是期中而已,却有四次考试成绩不理想。
JEFF STAHLER, EDITORIAL CARTOONIST: What I try to do in most of these cartoons are to capture the moment, capture what people are thinking. 杰夫·斯塔勒,社论漫画家:在这些漫画中,我尝试去做的是捕捉某个时刻,捕捉人们现在的想法。
It's important never to give up in football and try to do well even in the most difficult times, maybe when you are not playing as much. 我从来没有放弃把球踢出很高的水平对我来说是很重要在这个困难的时刻,当你踢得不是很好的时候。
When we try to do too much, it is as if we are trying to sharpen too many knifes in our limited time. 当我们要去做太多时,就好像我们要在有限的时间把太多的刀磨快。
In this state, he made his way back to the devastated city to try to do what he had meant to do that day: catch the train. 在这样的情形下,他依然设法回到了被摧毁的城市,然后设法完成他那天原定的计划:赶火车。
My job is to make the whole executive team good enough to be successors, so that's what I try to do. 我的任务就是将整个管理团队都培养成优秀的继任者,我确实在尝试这么做。
The stage is set, and the die is cast, and this process of change will happen whatever the Dark Ones try to do, as it is a Divine Decree. 戏台已经搭好,死亡已注定,剧变终将发生无论黑暗如何阻挡,因为这是神的法令。
Don't try to do everything at once; take it a bit at a time. 不要一次做所有的事情,要一次做一点儿。
Restrictions may be difficult for you to live with, but try to do things by the book. 虽然你难以接受约束,但是尝试按规章办事吧。
He added: "What I try to do as a player is work hard, fight for the ball. " 作为一个球员,我专注的就是努力踢球,为每一球而奋斗。
Lost out on it, do not worry. What worries people will not only try to do a good job later in order to compensate for the lost come! 失去的就让它失去,不要再忧虑。忧虑不会使人得到什么,只有尽力把后来的事情做好,才能把失去的补偿过来!
Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day. 削减你的项目,你的任务清单,你每一天计划要干的事情。
Maybe you do not believe what I said. No problem! Just try to do it, and then keeping do it, finally, you will be interesting in doing it. 或许你不相信我说的,但是,没关系,只需要先尝试去做,然后再坚持做下去,最后你会发现,你对此非常感兴趣。
What can I say, if you don't like it don't look at it or try to do it and you will see how much time it takes to create it like I did. 我能说什么呢,如果你不喜欢或不看它做了多少时间,你将看到它需创造我一样。
It is all too easy to try to do something about it. Surviving the attempt can seem like yet another failure, leading to more despair. 要克服抑郁的情绪似乎简单到不值得去做,可是尝试去做就会形成另一个挫折,从而导致更多的绝望。
We try to do shows around the world, so if we have the opportunity to see you, it would be awesome. 我们试着向全世界展示我们,所以如果我们有机会去见你们,那将是太好了。
When I go on tour, I get in, like, a really healthy place where I try to do cardio because onstage I get really out of breath. 当我巡演的时候,我找个真正健康的地方试着做心肺的练习,因为在台上真的会呼吸急促困难。
Another proverb is, do not bite off more than you can chew. This means do not try to do more than you are able to do. 另一个谚语是,不要咬掉比你可以咀嚼的多(贪多嚼不烂)。意思是不要试图去做超出你能力范围之外的事。