
英 [ti:z]
  • abbr.(=tensile strength)【物】抗张强度
  • 网络热带风暴(tropical storm);胸苷酸合成酶(thymidylate synthase);总固体(total solids)



热带风暴(tropical storm)

热带风暴(TS) : 底层中心附近最大平均风速17.2-24.4 米/秒,也即风力8-9 级 热带低压(TD) : 底层中心附近最大平均风速10.8-17.…

胸苷酸合成酶(thymidylate synthase)

肺鳞癌胸苷酸合成酶TS)表达水平高,目前研究出一种胰岛素相关蛋白治疗鳞癌效果好胰岛素样生长因子受体(IGF1R)的表达 …

总固体(total solids)

固体含量总固体TS)作为指标。 悬浮固体(SS)或叫悬浮物,由有机物所组成, 故又可以分为挥发性悬浮物固体(VSS)…

时隙(Time Slot)

每一时隙(TS)的时间长短,取决于所采用的TDM技术,根据cCITT Rl。,建议,若采用比特型TDM,对于速率不同的信号,时隙的大小各 …

技术规范(technical specification)

2 .技术规范 (ts) 技术规范 (ts) 是由 cen 的 tc 或 bttf 起草并批准的技术规范性文件 (normative documents) . 当一个技术文件将...

抗拉强度(tensile strength)

3)劈裂抗拉强度ts ):由于混凝土轴心抗拉强度试验的装置设备制作困难以及握固设备易 引入二次应力等原因,我国现行标准 …

Ts'ui Pen was a fine novelist but he was also a man of letters who, doubtless, considered himself more than a mere novelist. 彭寂是个天才的小说家,但也是一个文学家,他绝不会认为自己只是个写小说的。
The company said the problem was unrelated to the Contour TS meter and pertained only to certain test strips used with the meter. 公司称该问题与Contour检测仪没有关系,只与该仪器所使用的特定试纸有关。
Cutting out harsh high frequency harmonics seems to be one of the underlying principles of the TS series. 切出苛刻高频谐波似乎是基本原则之一的TS系列。
TS: The first one I did was in the late 70's, and I just had a simple cone with a spigot at the bottom of it. TS:我做的第一个是在70年代后期,我只有一个简单的圆锥,圆锥底部有一个栓。
TS: I'm just going to throw this into an orbit and see if I can paint everybody's shoes in the front. TS:我准备让这个沿着轨迹运动并看看我能不能画出在场前排各位的鞋子。
All of these dos and don'ts come down to keeping your XML clean, simple, and easy to understand. 所有这些应该做和不应该做的规则都是为了保持XML的整洁、简单和使之容易理解。
It was an evening with music by Chopin, played by a Chinese pianist whose name is Fou Ts'ong, a name I had never heard before. 那是一个夜晚,(从收音机里)传来了肖邦的音乐,演奏者是一位来自中国的钢琴家,名叫傅聪——我从来就没有听说过这么一位演奏家。
Choose 1 provides the goods the company, although the price is a very important factor, can'ts think to be a main factor. 选择一个供货商,价格虽然是一个很重要的因素,但不能认为是主要因素。
The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of 'dos' and 'don'ts'. 新年是下决心的时候,至少在大多数人的心里会编排出一份“应做什么”和“不应做什么”的令人生畏的单子。
TS is a policy advisor for New York Senator Hillary Clinton, currently the front-runner in the race for the Democratic Party's nomination. TS是纽约州议员希拉里。克林顿的政策顾问,希拉克目前在民主党党内题名中处于领先地位。
Resul ts After 10 years of application, it had been widely accepted for its efficiency, convenience, celerity , comfort and so on. 结果经过10年应用,此法确实有高效、简便、快速、舒适、护肤等优点,预防手术感染效果显著。
The trajectory sensitivity (TS) method used for coordinated PSS parameter design is further developed by this dissertation. 进一步发展了用于多机系统PSS参数协调设计的轨迹灵敏度方法。
A new set of do's and don'ts - rules of polite behavior - is springing up to augment the etiquette that rules our on line behavior. 一套新的做什么和不做什么即礼貌举止的准则,正在出现,以加强指导在线行为的礼仪。
As she stepped down, she turned, looked back at the top of the plank and shouted, "I'ts okay, Mother, you can come down now. " 她下来后,转过身,望着跳板的顶端喊道:“没关系,妈妈,您现在可以下来了。”
Somebody can'ts help wanting to ask, can be these lawsuit caused to Yahoo how old the harm of degree? 有人不禁要问,这些诉讼会对雅虎造成多大程度的损害?
Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on i ts own behalf. 开证行意指应申请人要求或代表其自身开立信用证的银行。开证行
TS: Yeah, well let's put a couple of canvases. I'll ask a couple of my sons to set up the canvases here. TS:好的,让我们准备一些画布我会问一下我的徒弟们去准备几块画布放在这里。
If you're curious about experimenting with 'the backdoor' then these dos and don'ts should help you and your partner on your way. 如果你对这种“后门揖客”的经历很是好奇的话,一下有一些注意事项也许为你和你的伴侣在探索的路上有所帮助。
TS Gateway uses the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) together with the HTTPS protocol to help create a more secure, encrypted connection. TSGateway使用远程桌面协议(RDP)一起使用HTTPS协议来帮助创建更安全、加密连接。
If you do decide to give it a go then keep these dos and don'ts in mind. 如果你决定一试请记住这些规则和禁忌。
He must be crazy to go spelunking without knowing the basic dos and don'ts of it. 他连基本的注意事项都不清楚就去洞穴探险简直是疯了。
Eventually, Model Ts were rolling off the assembly lines at the rate of one every 10 seconds of each working day. 逐渐地在每个工作日里,T型号以每10秒一台的速度从组装线上产出。
" Just then Chou Yu turned over in bed and said in his sleep, " Chiang Kan, I will show you Ts'ao Ts'ao's head in a couple of days. 正在这时,周瑜在床上翻了个身,嘴里说着梦话:“子翼,隔几天我教你看看曹操的首级。”
The only difference between a caprice and a life-long passion is that the caprice las ts a little longer. 逢场作戏和终身不渝之间的区别只在于逢场作戏稍微长一些。
So the $23. 30 spent for a Los Angeles-based seamstress to sew a pair of Super Ts will cost the consumer more than $100 at full price. 因此如果洛杉矶的一位女裁缝师缝制一条SuperT牛仔裤的报酬是23.30美元,消费者购买这条裤子的全价就会超过100美元。
Like TS Eliot's poetical cat, he said, Britain's prime minister has a knack of vanishing when there is "dirty work to be done" . 他说,英国首相面对一堆“必须完成的脏活”时,就像美国诗人艾略特诗中的猫一样,有一种迅速消失的诀窍。
One says that Thomas Jefferson invented it, perhaps as a sort of monogram for TS. 一种说法是:它是由托马斯?杰弗逊发明的,为TS交织字母的标记。
Because of China's tax structure, these gov'ts would not be able to provide even the modest level of services that they do today. 因为中国的税收结构,这些地方政府没有能力为这些民工提供哪怕是中等水平的社会服务。
Then, the tolerance deviation in TS parameters of drivers could be determined by the specification of the loudspeaker systems. 这样,可根据系统的技术指标来确定TS参数的偏差。
A thought of time-division multiplexing for multiplexer is introduced, and an improvement scheme of TS multiplexer is put forward. 将时分复用的思路引入复用器中,提出TS流复用器的改进方案。